Georg Adolf Suckow
Georg Adolf Suckow sometimes Adolph (28 January 1751 , Jena
Jena is a university city in central Germany on the river Saale. It has a population of approx. 103,000 and is the second largest city in the federal state of Thuringia, after Erfurt.-History:Jena was first mentioned in an 1182 document...

- 13 March 1813 , Heidelberg
-Early history:Between 600,000 and 200,000 years ago, "Heidelberg Man" died at nearby Mauer. His jaw bone was discovered in 1907; with scientific dating, his remains were determined to be the earliest evidence of human life in Europe. In the 5th century BC, a Celtic fortress of refuge and place of...

) was a German
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

A physicist is a scientist who studies or practices physics. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena in many branches of physics spanning all length scales: from sub-atomic particles of which all ordinary matter is made to the behavior of the material Universe as a whole...

, chemist
A chemist is a scientist trained in the study of chemistry. Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density and acidity. Chemists carefully describe the properties they study in terms of quantities, with detail on the level of molecules and their component atoms...

 , mineralogist, mining engineer and naturalist
Naturalist may refer to:* Practitioner of natural history* Conservationist* Advocate of naturalism * Naturalist , autobiography-See also:* The American Naturalist, periodical* Naturalism...

Georg Adolf was a professor of physics, chemistry, and natural history at the University of Heidelberg. He wrote many books and articles on chemistry, botany, zoology and mineralogy. From 1808 he was a Member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
The Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities is an independent public institution, located in Munich. It appoints scholars whose research has contributed considerably to the increase of knowledge within their subject...

.His son Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow
Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow
Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow was a German physician and naturalist.Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow studied at the University of Heidelberg graduating in 1813 with a thesis entitled „Myologia insectorum …“...

was also a naturalist.


  • Von dem Nutzen der Chymie zum Behuf des bürgerlichen Lebens, und der Oekonomie. Nebst Ankündigung der Lesestunden des Sommers halben Jahres 1775 bei der kurfürstlichen oekonomischen Schule zu Lautern, von G.A. Suckow, der A.D. Professor der theoretischen Wissenschaften, und beständigen Sekretair der Kurfürstlichen oekonomischen Gesellschaft. Mannheim/Lautern (1775)
  • Oekonomische Botanik. (1777)
  • Versuche über die Wirkungen verschiedener Luftarten auf die Vegetation. (1782)
  • Diagnose der Pflanzengattungen. (1792)
  • Anfangsgrunde der theoretischen und angewandten Naturgeschichte der Thiere Leipzig: Weissmann.

A six volume work. part I. Mammals. 1797. II. Birds 1800 & 1801. III. Amphibia. 1798. IV. Fish 1799 V Reptiles 1798?,VI Invertebrates. Variously bound, variously dated. The volumes appear to be out of date order.
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