Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow
Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow(1770, Heidelberg
-Early history:Between 600,000 and 200,000 years ago, "Heidelberg Man" died at nearby Mauer. His jaw bone was discovered in 1907; with scientific dating, his remains were determined to be the earliest evidence of human life in Europe. In the 5th century BC, a Celtic fortress of refuge and place of...

- 21 June 1838, Mannheim
Mannheim is a city in southwestern Germany. With about 315,000 inhabitants, Mannheim is the second-largest city in the Bundesland of Baden-Württemberg, following the capital city of Stuttgart....

) was a German
Germany , officially the Federal Republic of Germany , is a federal parliamentary republic in Europe. The country consists of 16 states while the capital and largest city is Berlin. Germany covers an area of 357,021 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate...

A physician is a health care provider who practices the profession of medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments...

 and naturalist
Naturalist may refer to:* Practitioner of natural history* Conservationist* Advocate of naturalism * Naturalist , autobiography-See also:* The American Naturalist, periodical* Naturalism...


Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Suckow studied at the University of Heidelberg graduating in 1813 with a thesis entitled „Myologia insectorum …“ . His father was Georg Adolf Suckow
Georg Adolf Suckow
Georg Adolf Suckow sometimes Adolph was a German physicist, chemist , mineralogist, mining engineer and naturalist....


Suckow was Professor of Nature research (Naturwissenschaften) and curator of the Natural History Museum in Mannheim.
He wrote
  • (1813): Myologiae Insectorum specimen de Astaco fluviatili cum aliis anatomicis disquisitionibus. Inauguraldissertation.
  • (1818): Anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen der Insecten und Krustenthiere. 70 S. mit 11 Kupfern. Engelmann, Heidelberg.
  • (1819): Naturgeschichte der Insekten. 262 S. mit drei Kupfern. Engelmann, Heidelberg.
  • (1822): Flora Mannhemiensis et vicinarum regionum cis- et transrhenanarum. Manhemium
  • (1824): Concrementa calculosa im Darmcanale der Wirbelthiere. Bad. Annalen der Heilk. II.
  • (1824): Naturgeschichte des Maykäfers (Melolontha vulgaris
    The cockchafer is a European beetle of the genus Melolontha, in the family Scarabaeidae....

    Fabr.). 36 S. mit 3 lithograph. Tafeln. Verhandlungen des Grossherzoglich Badischen Landwirthschaftlichen Vereins Carlsruhe.
  • (1827): Ueber den Winterschlaf der Insecten. Heusinger’s Zeitschrift f. organ. Physik I.
  • (1828): Ueber die Respiration der Insecten, insbesondere über die Darmrespiration der Aeschna grandis. Heusinger’s Zeitschrift f. organ. Physik II
  • Ueber die Verdauungsorgane der Insecten. Heusinger’s Zeitschrift f. organ. Physik III
  • (1837): Osteologische Beschreibung des Wals ; Mit fünf lithograph. Tafeln in Querfolio. Mannheim
  • (1830): Vademecum für Naturaliensammler oder vollständiger Unterricht Säugethiere, Vögel, Amphibien, Fische, Käfer, Schmetterlinge, Würmer, Pflanzen, Mineralien, Petrefacte etc. zu sammeln, zu conserviren und zu versenden. 189 S. Neff, Stuttgart.
  • (ca. 1830): Osteologische Beschreibung des Delphin-Schädels, verglichen mit dem Schädel des Walls. 12 S. Löffler, Mannheim
  • (1832): Das Naturalien-Cabinet : oder gründliche Anweisung, wie der Naturfreund bei naturhistorischen Excursionen und bei dem Sammeln, Ausstopfen, Skeletiren ... der Naturkörper jeder Art, namentlich der Säugethiere, Vögel, Fische, Reptilien, Käfer, Schmetterlinge, Pflanzen, Mineralien, Petrefacte u.s.w. verfährt, wie er sie versenden und in Sammlungen dauernd schön conserviren kann ; Nebst lithogr. Abb. der, beim Naturaliensammeln erforderlichen Werkzeuge 189 S. Neff, Stuttgart.
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