Gabriel Briard
Gabriel Briard was a landscape
Landscape art
Landscape art is a term that covers the depiction of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests, and especially art where the main subject is a wide view, with its elements arranged into a coherent composition. In other works landscape backgrounds for figures can still...

 and portrait painter
Portrait painting
Portrait painting is a genre in painting, where the intent is to depict the visual appearance of the subject. Beside human beings, animals, pets and even inanimate objects can be chosen as the subject for a portrait...

 of some grace and facility of hand, the master of Demarne
Jean-Louis de Marne
- Biography :Born at Brussels in 1752, pupil of Gabriel Briard, Jean-Louis de Marne died at Batignolles near Paris on March 24, 1829.He went to Paris at the age of 12 after the death of his father, who had been in Brussels as an officer in the service of the Emperor of Austria. Essayed first,...

, and the father of Mme. Le Brun
Louis Vigée
Louis Vigée was a French portraitist, fan painter, artist in pastels and a member of the Académie de Saint-Luc. He is also notable as the father of the writer Étienne Vigée and the painter Élisabeth-Louise Vigée-Le Brun.-External links:...

. He visited Italy in 1749, became an Academician
Académie de peinture et de sculpture
The Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture , Paris, was founded in 1648, modelled on Italian examples, such as the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. Paris already had the Académie de Saint-Luc, which was a city artist guild like any other Guild of Saint Luke...

in 1768, and died in 1777.
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