Fred Baier
Fred Baier is an avant garde British
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 furniture designer maker working since the 1970s when he graduated from the Royal College of Art
Royal College of Art
The Royal College of Art is an art school located in London, United Kingdom. It is the world’s only wholly postgraduate university of art and design, offering the degrees of Master of Arts , Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy...

 and taught at what is now Faculty of Arts (University of Brighton)

A pioneer designer of the 1970s, 80s, 90s and today, he has experimented with radical structures and forms. Some of his original work drew its influence from Industrial imagery concepts such as hydraulic pistons, bridges and electrical booster systems, exploring the use of brightly coloured stained woods. His Star Wars table in the mid Seventies shows his influence in re-defining the boundaries of furniture making. Since the Seventies he has used Convergent technologies; computers, mathematics, theories of proportion
Proportion (architecture)
Proportion is the relation between elements and a whole.-Architectural proportions:In architecture the whole is not just a building but the set and setting of the site. The things that make a building and its site "well shaped" include the orientation of the site and the buildings on it to the...

in his furniture designs.

Further reading

  • Broun, Jeremy. (Apr-May 1990). "The golden age of contemporary craftsmanship. Part 1". Woodworking International, no. 16, pp. 26–31.
  • Frost, Abigail. (1990) "Fred Baier. Tales from New York." Interiors Quarterly. no. 10, pp. 12–15.
  • Harding, Lovette. (Dec. 1990-Jan. 1991). "Illusions of grandeur." Metropolitan Home [UK], no. 3, pp. 70–73. -- brief profile of Baier.

  • Houston, John. Fred Baier : Furniture in studio. London : Bellow, 1990. ISBN 0947792465.
  • Baier, Fred. "Vision and Reality : Contemporary Practice for Furniture Makers". Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead. 2001 ISBN 0905974751
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