Fork River, Manitoba
Fork River is about 13 km south of Winnipegosis
Winnipegosis, Manitoba
Winnipegosis is a village of approximately 630 people, located at . Farmlands surround the town. There is a beach in town on Lake Winnipegosis. The Mossey River flows into the lake. Except for its lakeshore, it is bordered by the Rural Municipality of Mossey River. Once there was a thriving...

, Manitoba
Manitoba is a Canadian prairie province with an area of . The province has over 110,000 lakes and has a largely continental climate because of its flat topography. Agriculture, mostly concentrated in the fertile southern and western parts of the province, is vital to the province's economy; other...

 25 mins. north of Dauphin
Dauphin, Manitoba
Dauphin is a small city in Manitoba, Canada, with a population of 7,906 as of 2006. The nearby lake was given the name "Dauphin" by the explorer Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye in 1741 in honour of the heir to the French throne...

. It is located in the Rural Municipality of Mossey River
Mossey River, Manitoba
Mossey River is a rural municipality in the province of Manitoba in Western Canada. It is located at the south end of Lake Winnipegosis. The separately administered village of Winnipegosis lies within its borders.-External links:*...

. It is mainly surrounded by farmland.


Fork River at one time had over 200 inhabitants, but has since dwindled. It also had a number of stores, but the last one closed in 1996. It still has a operational grainery, and used to have regular stops from passing trains, but the tracks are no longer used.

The main route of transportation is Highway 20.

Fork River also has a skating rink that has over 100 people that visit over a winter season. The hall is also used for many weddings and socials, and has a weekly Thursday night Bingo.
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