Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts
The Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts (FAVT) is a psychiatric assessment
Psychiatric assessment
A psychiatric assessment, or psychological screening, is a process of way of gathering information about a person within a psychiatric service, with the purpose of making a diagnosis. The assessment is usually the first stage of a treatment process, but psychiatric assessments may also be used for...

 tool published by PAR in 2008 by Robert W. Firestone
Robert W. Firestone
Robert W. Firestone is a clinical psychologist, author of a number of books about psychological defenses, and a visual artist.-Education:Firestone received his Ph.D...

 and Lisa Firestone
Lisa Firestone
Lisa Firestone is a clinical psychologist and author of a number of books about psychological defenses.-Education:...

 designed to predict violent thoughts that may ultimately lead to violent behavior . The FAVT can be given in interview format by a psychological professional or in written format and is administered in 15 minutes . FAVT items are organized into five levels and two theoretical subscales. These levels and subscales allow a better understanding of the individual in order to offer more targeted treatment.


  • 1 Paranoid/Suspicious
  • 2 Persecuted Misfit
  • 3 Self-Depricating/Pseudo-Independent
  • 4 Self-Aggrandizing
  • 5 Overly Aggressive

Development and Research

The FAVT is a brief self-report assessment tool
Self-report inventory
A self-report inventory is a type of psychological test in which a person fills out a survey or questionnaire with or without the help of an investigator...

 established on the principle that one's thought processes influence one's potential for violent behavior . Psychologists Dr. Robert W. Firestone
Robert W. Firestone
Robert W. Firestone is a clinical psychologist, author of a number of books about psychological defenses, and a visual artist.-Education:Firestone received his Ph.D...

 and Dr. Lisa Firestone
Lisa Firestone
Lisa Firestone is a clinical psychologist and author of a number of books about psychological defenses.-Education:...

 developed the concept of an inner "voice" within a person's mind which commentatates and criticizes the individual and others, and this voice plays a role in violent thoughts . The "voice" and subsequent violent thoughts prime violent behavior and can be used to assess risk factor for violent and aggressive behavior..

The research process in designing the FAVT included data gathered on 639 prisoners, parolees, and domestic violence perpetrators . The Glendon Association's
The Glendon Association
The Glendon Association is a non-profit organization that conducts research, publishes its research, and provides education about suicide and violence prevention.-Mission statement:...

 research has found that the FAVT can be used to distinguish between violent and nonviolent individuals . A pilot study was performed and results indicated that the FAVT was able to distinguish between adolescents with a history of violence and those without such a history.


The Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts - Adolescent (FAVT-A) uses the same principles and research as the FAVT, but is designed for adolescents ages 11–18 years . The 35 FAVT-A items are organized into the same five levels and two theoretical subscales as the FAVT.

See also

  • Diagnostic classification and rating scales used in psychiatry
    Diagnostic classification and rating scales used in psychiatry
    The following diagnostic systems and rating scales are used in psychiatry and clinical psychology.-Diagnostic Criteria:*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders *ICD-10 Chapter V: Mental and behavioural disorders...

  • Self-report inventory
    Self-report inventory
    A self-report inventory is a type of psychological test in which a person fills out a survey or questionnaire with or without the help of an investigator...

  • Robert W. Firestone
    Robert W. Firestone
    Robert W. Firestone is a clinical psychologist, author of a number of books about psychological defenses, and a visual artist.-Education:Firestone received his Ph.D...

  • Lisa Firestone
    Lisa Firestone
    Lisa Firestone is a clinical psychologist and author of a number of books about psychological defenses.-Education:...

  • The Glendon Association
    The Glendon Association
    The Glendon Association is a non-profit organization that conducts research, publishes its research, and provides education about suicide and violence prevention.-Mission statement:...

  • PsychAlive
    PsychAlive is a nonprofit multimedia website offering psychological information to the general public through articles, blogs, video and workshops...

External links

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