Finite element model data post-processing
Finite element models
Finite element method
The finite element method is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations as well as integral equations...

 (FEM) are nowadays used to calculate complex structures and mechanical systems. Since the grown calculation capacity of computers makes it possible to make more and more detailed finite element models
Finite element method
The finite element method is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions of partial differential equations as well as integral equations...

, the file output of these programs can be enormous. It can be so large that you need to post process this data. Postprocessing may be defined as the “art of results representation”.

Post processing of finite element data generally requests additional software to organize the output such that it is easily understandable whether the construction is acceptable or not. It can include checks on the codes and standards to which the construction must comply as well as the check on buckling of the structure. Writing this software is part of the knowledge-based engineering
Knowledge-based engineering
Knowledge-based engineering is a discipline with roots in computer-aided design and knowledge-based systems but has several definitions and roles depending upon the context. An early role was support tool for a design engineer generally within the context of product design...


More information concerning post processing of finite element data can be found on the website of AeroMech.
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