directed by Joel Schumacher
. The film stars Michael Douglas
in the lead role of William Foster (credited as "D-Fens"), a divorce
e and unemployed former defense
engineer. The film centers on Foster as he goes on a violent rampage across the city of Los Angeles
, trying to reach the house of his estranged ex-wife in time for his daughter's birthday party. Along the way, a series of encounters, both trivial and provocative, cause him to react with violence and make sardonic observations
on life
, poverty
, the economy
, and commercialism
[First line] I'm going home.
I am not a vigilante. I am just an ordinary man trying to get home to my daughter's birthday. Now if everyone will just stay out of my way, then nobody will get hurt.
[picking up the pathetic hamburger he just ordered, comparing it to the picture behind the counter] Can anybody tell me what's wrong with this picture?
What about the briefcase? You forgot the briefcase! [After foiling a mugging attempt on said breifcase]
You have a choice. I can kill you, or you can kill me, and my daughter can collect the insurance.
Why have you put barbed wire on a fence? Is this how you rich people amuse yourselves? You put barbed wire on the fence so innocent people like me can hurt themselves lurking in?
[Bill Foster approaches the gang after they crashed] You missed. [Foster picks up the UZI and shoots the car] I missed too. [Foster threatens the gang member as he begs for his life. Foster shoots him in the ankle] You see, that's the concept. Take some shooting lessons, asshole.
[to customer at Whammyburger] You enjoying your meal? [customer chokes food onto tray] Hey, I think we have a critic! I don't think she likes the special sauce.
[Foster has just attacked the gang members on the hill] Clear a path, you mother fucker! Clear a path! I'm going home!
God bless the working stiff!