Explorer 8
Explorer 8 is a U.S. research satellite launched on November 3, 1960. It confirmed the existence of a helium
Helium is the chemical element with atomic number 2 and an atomic weight of 4.002602, which is represented by the symbol He. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table...

 layer in the upper atmosphere.
Explorer 8 is still in Low Earth orbit
Low Earth orbit
A low Earth orbit is generally defined as an orbit within the locus extending from the Earth’s surface up to an altitude of 2,000 km...

. While no longer functional, in 2006 it unexpectedly received the world's attention as an example of the space junk
Space debris
Space debris, also known as orbital debris, space junk, and space waste, is the collection of objects in orbit around Earth that were created by humans but no longer serve any useful purpose. These objects consist of everything from spent rocket stages and defunct satellites to erosion, explosion...

that has been deployed with the lack of responsibility.
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