Example Pictor Encoder
Pictor PCPaint PIC image format
PICtorPICtor PIC image format
PICtor is an image file format developed by John Bridges, the principal author of PCPaint, the first Paintbrush program for the PC. It was also the native file format for Pictor Paint and GRASP and became the first widely accepted DOS imaging standard.-Typical file format:The PICtor format is a...
is an image file format developed by John Bridges
John Bridges
John Bridges may refer to:*John Bridges * John E. Bridges, Chelan County Superior Court Judge in Washington state* John Bridges , British archer who competed at the 1908 Summer Olympics...
, the principal author of PCPaint
PCPaint was the first IBM PC-based mouse driven GUI paint program . It was developed by John Bridges and Doug Wolfgram.The hardware manufacturer Mouse Systems bundled PCPaint with millions of computer mice that they sold, making PCPaint also the best-selling MS-DOS-based paint program of the late...
, the first Paintbrush program for the PC. It was also the native file format for Pictor Paint
Pictor Paint
Pictor Paint was an improved version of PCPaint, the first IBM PC-based mouse driven GUI paint program. It was written by John Bridges, the primary author of PCPaint, and bundled with GRASP GRaphical System for Presentation also written by John Bridges...
and GRASP (multimedia authoring software) (also by Bridges) and became the first widely accepted DOS
MS-DOS is an operating system for x86-based personal computers. It was the most commonly used member of the DOS family of operating systems, and was the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers during the 1980s to the mid 1990s, until it was gradually superseded by operating...
imaging standard.
The PICtor format is quite well documented, but lacks a programming example like the one below.
Typical Pictor Encoder
// This source code is herewith released by me into the Public Domain.
// Bill Buckels, May 21, 2007
// You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute this
// source code and the binaries that it produces in any way you find useful
// this is a highly simplified run length encoder for encoding a raw image block
// of up to 8 bit pixel depth into an encoded block for a Pictor File.
// if the buffer contains all 256 ascii values the LEAST used byte is used for a marker.
// Note also, if you are encoding a planar image such as an ega 4 plane
// image, each bit plane must be split into 4 separate contiguous blocks
// of monochrome data (sometimes referred to a "SEGMENTS") of the height and width
// of the image that you are encoding before encoding takes place (below).
// This is done outside of here.
// The code below works for monochrome, 2 bit CGA, 4 bit EGA, and 8 bit MCGA
// I am assuming a 32 bit Windows platform with a BOOL and a TRUE and a FALSE
// no hardship to compile this in 'nix tho'
- define PICTOR_Int unsigned short // for 32 bit Windows
- define SUCCESS 0
- define FAILURE -1
int WritePictorBlock(unsigned char *buf, unsigned buflen, FILE *fp)
unsigned idx, jdx, writecnt = 0, offset = 1, runcnt = 1, markerbuf[256];
unsigned char markertest, RunMarker, lastbyte, nextbyte, leastused;
PICTOR_Int RunLength, BlockSize, RunCount;
BOOL bfound = FALSE, endofrun = FALSE;
FILE *fpTmp;
int c;
// I am limiting myself to maximum 64000 byte blocks here
// since this seems probably enough memory for pictor to allocate
// for an unpacking buffer.
// my particular algorithm also will not encode less than 2 bytes
// which in the grand scheme of things is not a hardship.
if (buflen < 2 || buflen > 64000)return FAILURE;
// record all ascii values used in this block
// and use one that isn't used for a marker.
for (idx = 0; idx < 256; idx++) {
markerbuf[idx] = 0; // initial count
for (idx = 0; idx < buflen; idx++) {
markertest = buf[idx];
markerbuf[markertest] += 1;
// count backwards, I prefer the highest value possible for a marker.
markertest = 255;
for {
if (markerbuf[markertest]0) {
0) break;
bfound = TRUE;
RunMarker = markertest;
if (markertest
markertest -= 1;
// if we found no available markers in this block
// all 256 byte values are in use
// ROT - to avoid complicated algorithms that consider patterning etc.
// take John Bridges' early advice...
// no unique bytes in scanline, so use the LEAST used byte as a marker
// again counting backwards
if (bfoundFALSE) {
0) break;
leastused = 255;
jdx = markerbuf[255];
markertest = 254;
for {
idx = (unsigned) markerbuf[markertest];
if (idx < jdx) {
// only switch for less
jdx = idx;
leastused = markertest;
if (markertest
markertest -= 1;
RunMarker = leastused;
// now we know what the marker will be so we encode the runs
// for this block into a temporary file which tells us the
// sum of the compressed block which we require for our header.
// I could also have done a dry-run, allocated memory and encoded into
// a buffer but I am being lazy and these days computers are fast and disk space abundant
fpTmp = fopen("ClipShop.$$$", "wb");
if (NULL fpTmp)return FAILURE;
endofrun = FALSE; // we are using a look-ahead method, so set a pre-emptive flag
// so we know in advance when we have reached the end
// so we can encode the last data run before end the encoding term
writecnt = 0; // we need to track the sum of the packed data
lastbyte = buf[0]; // seed value for comparison
offset = 1; // set to second byte - for comparison (one byte delay)
runcnt = 1; // ditto...
do {
nextbyte = buf[offset];
// Kiss and Dirty
// comes to here after doing the last byte in the buffer
// dump the last bytes we read using the same code again
// end of run
if (nextbyte != lastbyte || endofrun TRUE) {
// the data has changed so lets decide what to do
if (runcnt < 3 && lastbyte != RunMarker) {
// write raw bytes if below an efficent blocksize
// but never run raw bytes for a run marker.
// the ratio of lost efficiency is variable
// depending on the pattern alternation and repetition of
// the image and it could be great or negligible.
// this encoder is not sophisticated enough to decide
// to do a precalc on whether or not to encode.
// it is very efficient for 8 bit non-planar images but will
// probably not do so well for EGA style 4 plane images.
// 'Nuff Said.
for (idx = 0; idx < runcnt; idx++)fputc(lastbyte,fpTmp);
writecnt += runcnt;
else if (runcnt < 256) {
// write the 3 byte block
fputc((unsigned char)runcnt,fpTmp);
writecnt += 3;
else {
// write the 6 byte block
fputc(RunMarker,fpTmp); // 1
fputc(0,fpTmp); // 2
RunCount = (PICTOR_Int)runcnt; // 3,4
fputc(lastbyte,fpTmp); // 5
writecnt += 5;
lastbyte = nextbyte;
runcnt = 0;
if (endofrun TRUE)break; // we dumped so break
if (offset < buflen)continue; // if we are not done get another
endofrun = TRUE; // set done and dump the last bytes before breaking
goto RunEnd;
// the following test is never actually used
} while (offset < buflen); // left in place for some semblance of clarity
fpTmp = fopen("ClipShop.$$$", "rb");
if (NULL fpTmp)return FAILURE;
// write the block header
BlockSize = 5;
BlockSize += writecnt; // blocksize includes header
RunLength = 0;
RunLength += buflen;
// write the block
for (idx = 0; idx < writecnt; idx++) {
c = fgetc(fpTmp);
if (EOFc) break;
c) return FAILURE;
fputc((unsigned char)c,fp);
if (EOF
return SUCCESS;