Evgenij Ivanovich Kychanov
Evgenij Ivanovich Kychanov ' onMouseout='HidePop("22268")' href="/topics/Sarapul">Sarapul
, Udmurtia
) is a Soviet and Russian orientalist
, an expert on the Tangut people and their mediaeval Xi Xia Empire. He currently serves as the director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Science in Saint Petersburg
- the institution that until 2007 was known as the Saint Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Evgenij Kychanov graduated from the Oriental Department of Saint Petersburg University (known at the time as Leningrad University) in 1955, majoring in the history of China. He did his graduate work at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Orientalistics, and in 1960 he defended his PhD thesis on the Xi Xia State. He has been working at that institute ever since, spending many years as the head of the Tangut research group, and, later, as the head of larger units. Since 1996 he has been heading the entire St Petersburg Branch, nowadays the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts.
Kychanov is the author of around 150 articles and books on the history and culture of peoples of China and Inner Asia, including a number of pioneering research papers on the Xi Xia state and translations from the Tangut language, summarizing works on the history of Tibet and nomadic civilizations of Inner Asia, as well as popular books about Tibet, Genghis Khan and other steppe leaders.
In May 2011 Kychanov was awarded the S. F. Oldenburg
Award in recognition of his achievements in the field of Central Asian studies, in particular his role in the decipherment of the Tangut script
Sarapul is a city and a river port in the Udmurt Republic, Russia, located on the right bank of the Kama River, southeast of Izhevsk. Population: -History:...
, Udmurtia
The Udmurt Republic , or Udmurtia is a federal subject of Russia . Its capital is the city of Izhevsk. Population: -History:...
) is a Soviet and Russian orientalist
Oriental studies
Oriental studies is the academic field of study that embraces Near Eastern and Far Eastern societies and cultures, languages, peoples, history and archaeology; in recent years the subject has often been turned into the newer terms of Asian studies and Middle Eastern studies...
, an expert on the Tangut people and their mediaeval Xi Xia Empire. He currently serves as the director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Science in Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea...
- the institution that until 2007 was known as the Saint Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences , formerly Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, is Russia's leading research institution for the study of the countries and cultures of Asia and North Africa...
Evgenij Kychanov graduated from the Oriental Department of Saint Petersburg University (known at the time as Leningrad University) in 1955, majoring in the history of China. He did his graduate work at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Orientalistics, and in 1960 he defended his PhD thesis on the Xi Xia State. He has been working at that institute ever since, spending many years as the head of the Tangut research group, and, later, as the head of larger units. Since 1996 he has been heading the entire St Petersburg Branch, nowadays the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts.
Kychanov is the author of around 150 articles and books on the history and culture of peoples of China and Inner Asia, including a number of pioneering research papers on the Xi Xia state and translations from the Tangut language, summarizing works on the history of Tibet and nomadic civilizations of Inner Asia, as well as popular books about Tibet, Genghis Khan and other steppe leaders.
In May 2011 Kychanov was awarded the S. F. Oldenburg
Sergey Oldenburg
Sergey Fyodorovich Oldenburg was a Russian orientalist who specialized in Buddhist studies. He is remembered as the founder of Russian Indology and the teacher of Fyodor Shcherbatskoy....
Award in recognition of his achievements in the field of Central Asian studies, in particular his role in the decipherment of the Tangut script
Tangut script
The Tangut script was a logographic writing system, used for writing the extinct Tangut language of the Western Xia Dynasty. According to the latest count, 5863 Tangut characters are known, excluding variants...
- Translations
- 1968. “Gimn svjaschennim predkam tangutov. (Hymn to the sacred Tangut ancestors).” Pis’mennye pamjatniki Vostoka, pp. 217–231.
- 1971. “Tangutskij document 1105g. ” Pis’mennye pamjatniki Vostoka, pp. 193–203.
- 1971. “A Tangut Document of 1224 from Khara-Khoto. ” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 24.2: 189-201.
- 1987-1988. Izmenennyi i zanovo utverzhdennyi kodeks deviza charstvovanija nebesnoe protsvetanie. 4 vols. Moskva.
- (1974) Вновь собранные драгоценные парные изречения. / Пер. с тангут. и комм. Е. И. Кычанова. (Серия «Памятники письменности Востока»). М., Наука, 1974. (Vnov’sobrannye dragotsennye parnye izrechenija. Moskva 1974 / Recollected precious pair sayings. Translation from the Tangut. Moscow 1974)
- (1987–1989) Измененный и заново утвержденный кодекс девиза царствования Небесное процветание (1149—1169). Изд. текста, пер., иссл. и прим. Е. И. Кычанова. Кн. 1—4. М.
- Запись у алтаря о примирении Конфуция. (Серия «Памятники письменности Востока»). М., Восточная литература, 2000 г. 152 стр. ISBN 5-02-018066-1
- Historical Studies
- (1960) Государство Си Ся (982—1227). Автореф.дисс. … к.и.н. Л..
- (1963) Софронов М. В., Кычанов Е. И. Исследования по фонетике тангутского языка. (Предварительные результаты). М., ИВЛ.
- (1968) Очерк истории тангутского государства. М., Наука, 1968. (Ocherk istorii tangutskogo gosudarstva. Moskva, 1968 / A historical sketch of the Tangut state. Moscow, 1968)
- (1986) Основы средневекового китайского права (7-13 вв.). М., Наука (ГРВЛ).
- 2000 “The State and the Buddhist Sangha: Xixia State (982-1227).” The Journal of Oriental Studies (Tokyo) 10: 119-128
- (2006) Словарь тангутского (Си Ся) языка. Тангутско-русско-англо-китайский словарь. Сост. Е. И. Кычанов. Со-составитель С.Аракава.
- Popular and scientific articles
- Звучат лишь письмена. (Серия «По следам исчезнувших культур Востока»). М., Наука. 1965. 139 стр.
- Жизнь Темучжина, думавшего покорить мир: Чингис-хан: личность и эпоха. М., Наука. 1973. 144 стр. 15000 экз. 2-е изд. Бишкек, 1991. 286 стр. 20000 экз. М., Вост.лит. 1995. 271 стр. 20000 экз.
- Кычанов Е. И., Савицкий Л. С. Люди и боги Страны снегов. Очерк истории Тибета и его культуры. Серия: Культура народов Востока. Главная редакция восточной литературы издательства «Наука», 1975 г. 304 стр. Тираж: 10000 экз. (переиздание: Петербургское Востоковедение, 2006 г. ISBN 5-85803-325-3)
- Громковская Л. Л. (Лидия Львовна), Кычанов Е. И. Николай Александрович Невский. (Серия «Русские востоковеды и путешественники»). М., Наука (ГРВЛ). 1978. 216 стр. 10000 экз.
- Повествование об ойратском Галдане Бошокту-Хане. Новосибирск, Наука, 1980. 192 стр. Тираж: 24700 экз.
- Абахай. Новосибирск, Наука. 1986. 147 стр. 40000 экз.
- Император великого Ся. (Серия "Страны и народы мира"). Новосибирск, Наука, 1991 г. 160 стр. ISBN 5-02-029403-9 Тираж: 74000 экз.
- Кочевые государства от гуннов до маньчжуров. М., Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН. 1997.
- Властители Азии. М., Восточная литература. 2004. 632 стр. ISBN 5-02-018328-8 Тираж: 1200 экз.
Other Works
- 1989. “獻給西夏文字創造者的頌詩 Xiangei Xixia wenzi chuangzaozhe de songshi”. 中國民族史研究 Zhongguo minzushi yanjiu 2: 144-155.