European economic interest grouping
A European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) is a type of legal entity created on 1985-07-25 under European Community (EC) Council Regulation 2137/85. It is designed to make it easier for companies in different countries to do business together, or to form consortia
to take part in EU programmes.
Its activities must be ancillary to those of its members, and, as with a partnership
, any profit or loss it makes is attributed to its members. Thus, although it is liable for VAT
and employees’ social insurance
, it is not liable to corporation tax. It has unlimited liability. It was based on the pre-existing French groupement d´intérêt économique (G.i.e.).
Several thousand EEIGs now exist, active in fields as varied as agricultural marketing, legal advice, research and development, osteopathy, motorcycle preservation and cat-breeding. One of the more famous EEIGs is the Franco-German television channel ARTE
A consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal....
to take part in EU programmes.
Its activities must be ancillary to those of its members, and, as with a partnership
A partnership is an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests.Since humans are social beings, partnerships between individuals, businesses, interest-based organizations, schools, governments, and varied combinations thereof, have always been and remain commonplace...
, any profit or loss it makes is attributed to its members. Thus, although it is liable for VAT
Vat or VAT may refer to:* A type of container such as a barrel, storage tank, or tub, often constructed of welded sheet stainless steel, and used for holding, storing, and processing liquids such as milk, wine, and beer...
and employees’ social insurance
Social insurance
Social insurance is any government-sponsored program with the following four characteristics:* the benefits, eligibility requirements and other aspects of the program are defined by statute;...
, it is not liable to corporation tax. It has unlimited liability. It was based on the pre-existing French groupement d´intérêt économique (G.i.e.).
Several thousand EEIGs now exist, active in fields as varied as agricultural marketing, legal advice, research and development, osteopathy, motorcycle preservation and cat-breeding. One of the more famous EEIGs is the Franco-German television channel ARTE
Arte is a Franco-German TV network. It is a European culture channel and aims to promote quality programming especially in areas of culture and the arts...
In contrast to the SE and the SCE, the lack of a latin name for the EEIG lead to different names in the languages of the European UnionLanguages of the European Union
The languages of the European Union are languages used by people within the member states of the European Union. They include the twenty-three official languages of the European Union along with a range of others...
- Austria: Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung (EWIV)
- Bulgaria: Европейско обединение по икономически интереси (ЕОИИ)
- Czech Republic: Evropské hospodářské zájmové sdružení (EHZS)
- Denmark: Europæisk økonomisk firmagruppe (EØFG)
- Germany: Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung (EWIV)
- Great Britain: European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
- Estonia: Euroopa majandushuvigrupp (EMHG)
- Finland: Eurooppalainen taloudellinen etuyhtymä (ETEY)
- France: Groupement européen d'intérêt économique (GEIE)
- Greece: Ευρωπαϊκός Όμιλος Οικονομικού Σκοπού (ΕΟΟΣ)
- Hungary: Európai Gazdasági Egyesülés (EGE)
- Ireland: Grupail Eorpach um Leas Eacnamaioch (GELE)
- Italy: Gruppo europeo di interesse economico (GEIE)
- Latvia: Eiropas Ekonomisko interešu grupa (EEIG)
- Lithuania: Europos ekonominių interesų grupė (EEIG)
- Malta: Grupp Ewropew ta’ Interess Ekonomiku (GEIE)
- Netherlands: Europees economisch samenwerkingsverband (EESV)
- Poland: Europejskie zgrupowanie interesów gospodarczych (EZIG)
- Portugal: Agrupamento europeu de interesse económico (AEIE)
- Romania: Grup European de Interes Economic (GEIE)
- Sweden: Europeisk ekonomisk intressegruppering (EEIG)
- Slovakia: Európske zoskupenie hospodárskych záujmov (EZHZ)
- Slovenia: Evropsko gospodarsko interesno združenje (EGIZ)
- Spain: Agrupación europea de interés económico (AEIE)
See also
- European Private CompanyEuropean Private CompanyA European Private Company is a legal form for a limited liability company that is currently being proposed by the European Commission to be introduced across the European Union. It forms a company of limited liability, similar to the English limited company, the Austrian or the German GmbH, the...
- Types of business entity
- European Grouping for Territorial CooperationEuropean Grouping for Territorial CooperationThe European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation is a Community level cooperation instrument with legal personality created on July 5, 2006 under EU council Regulation 1082/2006.- Composition of an EGTC :...
- UK Companies House booklet GPO4