Eragon (character)
Eragon is the main protagonist of the Inheritance Cycle
, written by Christopher Paolini
. Eragon is a male, the first in a new generation of Dragon Riders. He was trained by Brom an old story teller from his village and Oromis, and was chosen by Saphira, a blue dragon
, to be her Rider.
Eragon grew up as an orphan without any real knowledge of his parentage except his mother's name, Selena, but later discovered, while on a hunting trip into the Spine mountains, a large blue stone. The stone later hatches back at his farm into a small blue dragon. He later names the dragon Saphira. The dreaded Ra'zac who have been tracking the dragon egg, turn up at Eragon's farm, kill his uncle and force Eragon on a journey of adventure, friendship, betrayal and death.
Eragon is a Dragon Rider because of his great bond with Saphira. Eragon learns, much to his surprise, that he shares the name of the very first Dragon Rider, Eragon the Elf.
The situation in The Empire in Alagaesia was becoming increasing unstable at the time. The evil king Galbatorix, who betrayed and slew the order of the Dragon Riders with the help of the Thirteen Forsworn- a group of thirteen Dragon Riders who swore fealty to Galbatorix — is beginning to move decisively against the Varden
, a group of powerful rebels who want to overthrow the evil king. Galbatorix is the last remaining Dragon Rider. Though the Forsworn were no longer alive, Galbatorix's Urgals attack Brom and Eragon while in the town of Yazuac, Eragon accidentally
uses magic, even though he previously disbelieved in its existence. Later on, Brom reveals that all Riders could use magic, and takes it upon himself to teach Eragon the Ancient Language and magic. Eragon is also given a mighty sword, Zar'roc, by Brom.
Eragon and Brom eventually lose the Ra'zac's trail. But, with the assistance of Jeod, who lived in the seaport city fortress of Teirm, they trace the Ra'zac to the southern city of Dras-Leona.
Eragon visits a shop in Teirm owned by the witch Angela, where he meets an intelligent and cryptic werecat
named Solembum, and Angela herself. She tells his fortune, revealing that he would have a long life; that the great powers of the land would struggle to control him and that he would fall in love with a lady of noble birth. She also predicts that he would someday leave Alagaësia forever, and that he would face betrayal from within his own family. As Eragon was about to leave, Solembum tells him:
Solembum does not elaborate, nor does he explain what or where the Menoa Tree or the Rock of Kuthian are.
On the way to Dras-Leona, Brom reveals some startling secrets to Eragon; he is a member of the Varden, and Brom then reveals that not all the dragon eggs were destroyed at the time of the Fall: Galbatorix salvaged three eggs during his conquest. The one containing Saphira was stolen under direction of Brom and Jeod. The remaining two eggs remained under Galbatorix's control, with the king's attempts to hatch them in vain. Brom also reveals that he killed Morzan, first and last of the Forsworn, and Galbatorix's most loyal servant. Thus, Eragon and Saphira are the Varden's last hope, because even if the other two eggs hatched, the Rider(s) would most probably be loyal to Galbatorix. Eragon and Saphira decide to join the Varden and fight the tyrant king, after they finish the task of killing the Ra'zac.
A beautiful elf who is in a prison begins to appear in his dreams. Initially, Eragon does not think much about the dreams. Later on, he discovers through magic that the elf really existed, and he decides to somehow rescue her. She continues appearing in his dreams for some time.
In Dras-Leona, Eragon encounters the Ra'zac, but manages to escape. Eragon and Brom flee the city, but are ambushed in the night by the Ra'zac. A mysterious young man named Murtagh rescues them, but not before Brom was fatally wounded by the Ra'zac. Brom dies shortly afterwards, after revealing to Eragon that he was once a Rider, and that his Dragon was named Saphira, who was slain in the war against Galbatorix. In his final moments, Brom warns Eragon that Galbatorix was evil, and that he and Saphira must not submit to him. Eragon lays Brom to rest, and Saphira uses the unpredictable magic of the dragons to turn the tomb to diamond. Eragon and Saphira decide to let Murtagh travel with them as they journey to the city of Gil'ead, in search of a contact who could lead them to the Varden.
At Gil'ead, Urgals under the command of Durza, a Shade — a sorcerer who has been possessed by the spirits it summoned — capture Eragon and imprison him in the same prison where the elf was being held. Murtagh and Saphira then stage a daring rescue, but Eragon, Saphira, and Murtagh are confronted by Durza. The struggle ends when Murtagh shoots Durza between his eyes, throwing the Shade into a painful disembodiment. Eragon insists on rescuing the elf as well. She remains unconscious, but he is eventually able to speak with her telepathically. She reveals to him that her name is Arya, and gives him the location of the Varden. She tells him that they must reach the Varden if she is to survive, for she had been poisoned in prison, and would die without the antidote, called Tunivor's Nectar. He has by then temporarily forgotten about killing the Ra'zac and rushes to save her.
The Varden fight against Galbatorix with the help of the Dwarves who are led by their King, Hrothgar. The Elves reside in secret in the forest of Du Weldenvarden, providing covert support to the Varden. Surda, the kingdom in exile, is also sympathetic to the Varden's cause.
Ajihad, leader of the Varden, imprisons Murtagh when Ajihad learned of Murtagh's heritage. Arya was treated for her injuries and recovers.
In the meeting with Ajihad, he learns that Saphira's egg was under the care of Arya, until she was ambushed by Durza while transporting it. He is then told that the Durza was not destroyed by Murtagh's well placed arrow, because the only way to kill a Shade is with a stab through the heart. He also meets Angela and Solembum who had left Teirm to aid the Varden. Ajihad wished to send Eragon to Ellesméra to complete his training; therefore, two magicians known as the Twins assessed his magic abilities. The Twins were cruel to Eragon, and attempted to use him to further their knowledge of the Ancient Language. A partially-healed Arya intervened, however, when he was ordered to 'summon the essence of silver', a feat difficult to even powerful mages, and took the task of assessing Eragon upon herself, sparring with him. Eragon, although being soundly defeated, passed the test in Arya's eyes. He begins to feel deep infatuation towards her.
The Varden respect and even revere Eragon. Soon after he arrived in Tronjheim, he was approached by an elderly woman and an orphaned child, Elva, who was the woman's charge. The woman asked Eragon's blessing upon Elva, which he gave readily, using the Ancient Language: Atra gülai un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse skölir frá rauthr, which he thought meant, Let luck and happiness follow you and may you be shielded from misfortune. It is later revealed in Eldest
that he made a mistake and said "Let luck and happiness follow you and may you be a shield from misfortune," which cursed her instead of the intended blessing. This is revealed to be because he used the word Skolir, instead of skoliro. Saphira gives the child her own special gift: a silver star, similar to Eragon's Gedwëy Ignasia, on her forehead. Saphira told Eragon that the child would have a significant future.
Not long after, war becomes imminent. Ajihad informs Saphira and Eragon of an impending threat: an intercepted message reveals that a mighty host of Urgals and Kull were marching steadily towards the Varden through the tunnels under the mountain range.
In the battle that follows, a seemingly endless tide of Urgals and Kull, against fierce resistance, forces its way towards Tronjheim. Within the dwarf city, Eragon is confronted once again by the menacing Shade
, Durza, this time alone as he has gone ahead of her and Arya. Eragon is greatly outmatched by the Shade, but, thanks to a sudden distraction from Saphira and Arya by breaking the isidar mithrim, Durza's attention is diverted long enough for Eragon to stab him through the heart. Eragon pays a terrible price for his deed: his back is slashed from shoulder to hip, and the scar, which carried remnants of Durza's magic, would trouble him greatly over the course of the next few months.
Following Durza's demise, the controlling link the Shade held on the Urgals' minds breaks, which causes the Urgals to fight amongst themselves. The Varden rout the Urgal army easily in this state. Eragon faints and is besieged by what seem to be remnants of Durza's twisted mind. However, Mourning Sage/The Cripple Who Is Whole assists Eragon in banishing the Shade from his mind, and then urges him to follow Arya to Ellesméra, the capital of the Elves. The book ends with Eragon promising the presence in his mind that he will go to Ellesmera.
Eragon and Saphira decide to accept the advice of the Mourning Sage, and, accompanied by Orik and Arya, travel northward through eastern Alagaësia to Ellesméra, in order to complete his training as a Rider. Before the journey north, Eragon was asked by Hrothgar, king of the dwarves, to become a member of Dûrgrimst Ingeitum, one of the most influential of the thirteen Dwarf clans, and to which Hrothgar and Orik belonged. Eragon donned the helmet (that marked him part of that clan) and Orik helped him complete the ritual to make him a true member of the clan. This was the first time in history that a human would join a Dwarf Clan. After a long journey north, they reach Ellesmera, and Eragon and Saphira meet Islanzadí, the Elven queen, and the enigmatic raven Blagden, who spouted riddles concerning Eragon's past and future. Eragon was surprised to learn that Arya was Islanzadí's daughter, and so a princess.
Eragon's exercises with Oromis were frustrating at first, but gradually Eragon learned what it mean's to be a true Rider, guided by principles and making responsible choices, and came to understand that his "training" was an ongoing process that would last his entire life. He learned other things, as well, such as history, art and politics. His knowledge of magic and the Ancient Language expanded tremendously, but he is held back immensely by the pain from his scar made by Durza in the previous book.
To his horror, however, he learned from Oromis that he had cursed Elva instead of blessing her due to a mistake in his wording (having accidentally said "may you be a shield from misfortune", instead of "may you be shielded from misfortune", thus dooming her to a horrible life of constantly saving others from suffering by enduring it upon herself.) He resolved to revoke the curse, although such a feat would require tremendous magical ability.
Eragon's training also honed his fighting skills. He develops an intense rivalry with an elf named Vanir, and their mutual dislike came to a head during their sparring sessions. Eragon was defeated multiple times, often suffering bolts of agonizing pain from the scar on his back.
Guided by Oromis, Eragon composed a poem to present at the Blood-Oath Celebration, a traditional Elvish ceremony commemorating the pact of peace between the Elves and the Dragons. During the festivities, a magical gift from the Dragons healed Eragon of his wound, and he was physically transformed, acquiring the features and abilities of an Elf. Only after this transformation was he able to beat Vanir, breaking the latter's arm. After this transformation, Eragon was able to cast much more powerful magic; he could read and write more easily and was now as fit and strong as the most athletic elf in Alagaësia, he was also able to control a more powerful bow that queen [Islanzandi] made herself.
Because Nasuada moved the Varden, the threat of war with Galbatorix seems imminent. Upon hearing of this, Eragon immediately leaves for the battle in Surda and finds the situation poised on the edge of battle. The armies of the Varden, together with the army of Surda, camp on a plain opposite the vast armies of Galbatorix. Meanwhile, Roran and his men take command of a ship of the Empire — with the help of Jeod — the Dragon Wing, and arrive in time in Surda.
With his new skills, Eragon easily kills many of the Empire's soldiers. But his skills were not enough. He begins to tire out—the Empire's army was too large, when Hrothgar arrives with a huge army of Dwarves, turning the battle in the Varden's favor. Unexpectedly, another Rider appeared, mounted on a red dragon. He soon kills Hrothgar and Eragon and Saphira battle him. Wearied by the battle, Eragon was easily outmatched and driven onto the ground with Saphira, though he managed to hamstring the opposing dragon as he went down. He and his opponent then face off with swords. The Rider's skill matched Eragon's, and soon gained the upper hand. Eragon, recognizing the other Rider's manner of fighting, pulls off his opponent's helm, revealing Murtagh. Murtagh revealed that he had been taken to Urû'baen by the Twins, and, when the red Dragon, Thorn, had hatched for him, he had been forced to swear allegiance to Galbatorix in the Ancient Language. He also revealed that Galbatorix knew his True Name, so he owned him in mind and body. His orders from Galbatorix were to try to capture Saphira because she was the last female dragon in existence. Galbatorix needed her to fulfill his goal of rebuilding the order of the Riders. Murtagh decided to have mercy on them this one time, on account of their former companionship, but he claims Zar'roc as his own, and reveals that Eragon and Murtagh were brothers, meaning Eragon was the son of Morzan. In truth, as is revealed by Oromis and Glaedr in Brisingr, Eragon is the son of Brom, but Eragon believes that he is Morzan's son until late in Brisingr.
Meanwhile, Roran kills the Twins, and the Empire is forced to retreat after the departure of Murtagh and Thorn. Haunted by this turn of events, Eragon imparts his newfound knowledge to Roran, Nasuada, and Arya. Eldest ends with Eragon and Roran reuniting, and Eragon promising Roran that he will help Roran rescue Katrina from the clutches of the Ra'zac.
Eragon then makes three orbs of gold. He gives one of them to the tanner Gedric, from whom he stole three ox hides in Eragon. He gives the second to Helen, Jeod's wife, to make their marriage happier. He makes the third into two gold rings, which he enchants with magic and gives to Roran and Katrina so they can find each other anywhere, and Roran states he wishes he had these before they were separated.
Oromis also reveals the source of Galbatorix's strength — Eldunarí, or the heart of hearts, which can exist even after a dragon's physical demise, unless it is destroyed. Galbatorix took the Eldunarí of all the Riders and subdued them, gaining their wisdom and strength. An Eldunarí can channel its strength to the bearer, and can also be used to communicate telepathically. Most of the dragons before the Fall had disgorged their Eldunarí, enabling Galbatorix and the Forsworn to defeat the entire Order. As Galbatorix controls several hundred of these, he is almost invincible.
Later, Eragon visits the elven blacksmith, Rhunön, and asks for a new sword. Rhunon had forged all the swords of the Riders, but she reveals that she needs a special meteroic ore — Brightsteel, which she did not possess. Remembering Solembum's advice, Eragon and Saphira go to the menoa tree and try to make contact, but they can't, so Saphira becomes impatient and burns the tree, the Menoa tree then wakes and entangles Eragon and Saphira with her roots, Eragon then tells the Menoa tree of Galbatorix's reign over Alagaesia, and the brightsteel they need, the Menoa tree gives the brightsteel to Eragon, with the condition that Eragon give the tree something in exchange, though the tree does not tell Eragon what she wants. As the tree pushes the ore from the ground, Eragon feels something in his body, unsure what it is. The feeling passes, and he takes the ore. With the help of Rhunon, Eragon forges a Rider's sword, similar to Zar'roc, but blue in color; the same color as Saphira's scales. His new sword is also a half-hand longer than Zar'roc. Eragon names his sword "Brisingr", which means "fire" in the ancient language, and after which the book is named. This sword also has the characteristic of becoming cloaked in flames whenever Eragon says its name. Glaedr gives his Eldunarí to Eragon and Saphira, and he and Oromis depart to join the elves, who have finally decided to fight openly against the Empire.
After this transformation, Eragon is freed from the pain of Durza's scar, and gains the heightened agility and strength possessed by Elves. He defeats Vanir, an Elf, in a training session, proving his super-human swordsmanship skills. From then on, Eragon was faster and stronger than any human. Brom remarked that Eragon was a rare and talented swordsman as well as a skilled and deadly archer.
It is often implied that Eragon is a prodigy
among Riders, though not explicitly stated, as Eragon discovered his magical abilities intuitively and was able to shape the results relatively well, later learning to use magic without the Ancient Language in a similar manner. He has also managed to complete training that required most young Riders many years in little more than a single year, and has learned to read perfectly in both the common language of Alagaesia and the Ancient Language.
Eragon was emotional, and was always worried about the morality of his actions. He disliked killing, though he was forced to do so in battles. Queen Islanzadí mentions his skill in unknowingly getting caught in troublesome situations:
Brom too mentioned this to Jeod while in Teirm:
Eragon was always eager for knowledge of any kind. His curiosity is mentioned more than once in the novels. An elf, Lifaen remarks in Eldest:
Whereupon Eragon replies:
Roran, on seeing Eragon for the first time after becoming a Rider, thinks:
Roran and Eragon love each other and were "brothers in all but blood".
Initially, Eragon often relied on others for guidance, from Brom to Oromis to Saphira. But he soon matures, and is able to take decisions by himself, as shown in Brisingr when he stays behind in Helgrind
to decide Sloan's fate. He slowly grows, showing a new depth in his thoughts and actions. He has no intention of replacing Galbatorix, and only wishes to overthrow him. Eragon desires neither power nor fame, and hopes only for peace and happiness in Alagaesia.
Eragon was rash in his actions, and did not think enough about what he was doing. He allowed his heart and instinct to guide him rather than reason. Yet, his intentions were always noble, and wished no pain to any living creature. After his training in Ellesméra, he gives up eating meat, except only in dire circumstances. He learns to respect the sanctity of life — ranging from an ant's to that of a dragon's. It is mentioned several times in the novels that Eragon detested battle, and though he fought well, he always regretted the loss of life. Eragon had immense will-power and determination. In Eldest, he says of himself to Oromis:
He wielded Zar'roc, a crimson sword once belonging to Morzan, though this was taken from him by Murtagh during the battle on the Burning Plains. He also has a longbow, sung from a yew tree by Islanzadi, with a quiver of magic swan-fletched arrows that never misses its target. After Zar'roc was taken by Murtagh, he is given a dwarven falchion by Fredric. Later, the Elven blacksmith Rhunön forged him his own sword, which he named Brisingr. A characteristic of his new sword is that, whenever he utters "Brisingr", it bursts into blue flames.
In "Eldest", Eragon makes a fairth, or to describe it a tablet, that is filled with enough colour ink to have an image on it projecting from the magician's mind of her that shows how he views her. In Eragon's eyes, she is 'mysterious' and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Even though the fairth is beautiful, Arya smashes it because she is afraid that Eragon's feelings will interfere with his training. However, in Brisingr, Arya becomes closer to Eragon, telling him things about herself that few knew.
In all battles, Eragon constantly holds wards around Arya as well as Roran and Saphira, a testament to his deep concern for her well-being. Saphira has also be noted to be quite partial towards Arya, in Brisingr using a tone of affection with her that mean she considers her family and also saying that having Arya on her back bothers her least of all people. These sentiments are further proof of Eragon's affection for Arya, for Saphira is influenced by the mind-link she shares with Eragon.
In "Inheritance", Eragon continues to have feelings toward Arya, though he has matured much since past books. Slowly, his view of her changes, as he no longer thinks of her as simply a beautiful elf, but a brave, courageous, and trustworthy partner. This is shown after he creates a new fairth. He is saddened when he must leave Alagaesia, as is Arya. This is to fulfill the prophecy that Angela made in "Eragon", that he would have an epic romance. Before Eragon leaves Arya, she whispers her true name to him, as he does to her. Only people who completely trust another and have a bond with them even dare to share their true name. However, Arya leaves abruptly, leaving Eragon feel depressed, though his happiness soon returns him as he accepts the situation. Because Eragon and Arya's relationship was left at a loose end, it is speculated that their future will be told in the probable Book 5.
After Eragon learns that Brom is his father, he is shown a memory by Saphira — a memory of Brom in which he speaks to Eragon as a father and not as Brom the story-teller - Brom addresses him as Eragon Bromsson, which is his full name.
When he slayed Galbatorix, he was also known as Kingkiller.
states that Eragon started out as an autobiographical character. Paolini started writing Eragon at the age of fifteen, which is his protagonist's age at the beginning of the novel.
Inheritance Cycle
The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy novels by Christopher Paolini. It was previously titled the Inheritance Trilogy until Paolini's announcement on October 30, 2007 that there would be a fourth book...
, written by Christopher Paolini
Christopher Paolini
Christopher Paolini is an American author. He is best known as the author of the Inheritance Cycle, which consists of the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance...
. Eragon is a male, the first in a new generation of Dragon Riders. He was trained by Brom an old story teller from his village and Oromis, and was chosen by Saphira, a blue dragon
A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern...
, to be her Rider.
Eragon grew up as an orphan without any real knowledge of his parentage except his mother's name, Selena, but later discovered, while on a hunting trip into the Spine mountains, a large blue stone. The stone later hatches back at his farm into a small blue dragon. He later names the dragon Saphira. The dreaded Ra'zac who have been tracking the dragon egg, turn up at Eragon's farm, kill his uncle and force Eragon on a journey of adventure, friendship, betrayal and death.
Early life
For his first 15 years, Eragon lived on a farm in the small village of Carvahall. His mother, Selena, vanished soon after he was born, leaving him in the care of her brother, Garrow, and Garrow's wife, Marian. Marian died a few years after Selena's departure. Eragon lived with Garrow and Roran, Garrow's son. All this time, Eragon was ignorant regarding the identity of his father. Due to the independent nature of his uncle, the three of them live away from most of the villagers. Eragon, along with his uncle and cousin, survived on farming and hunting. Eragon was a brave and skilled hunter: he is one of the few who dared hunt in the Spine, a large range of untamed mountains. Though the family was poor, Garrow instilled in Roran and Eragon principles of honesty and sincerity, and taught them to live honorably. Although young, he has an adult mind due to having to grow up on his own.Vengeance
Eragon is surprised to see a polished blue stone materialize one night in front of him while he is hunting in the Spine. A few days later, after a failed attempt to sell the stone, Eragon witnesses a baby Dragon hatch from the "stone", and realizes that it is actually a dragon egg. Eragon's hand touches the baby dragon's forehead and it leaves a Gedwëy Ignasia, a silvery mark on his hand. After asking about dragons to the village's elderly storyteller, Brom, Eragon gets a list of dragons' names. Saphira is one of those names and the dragon liked that name the best. While Eragon raises Saphira in secret, without revealing her presence even to Roran and Garrow, Roran decides to leave Carvahall and work in a mill in Therinsford. Roran says that he will come back with the money to build a farm and then ask Katrina, Sloan the village butcher's daughter, for her hand in marriage because he deeply loves her. Eragon continues to raise Saphira in secret until two of King Galbatorix's servants, the Ra'zac, come to Carvahall looking for the egg. Eragon and Saphira escape by hiding deep in the Spine (by which Saphira "kidnapped" Eragon when her ancestral memories recognized the Ra'zac's scent), but Garrow is fatally wounded and the house and farm buildings are destroyed. Once Garrow dies, Eragon is left with no reason to stay in Carvahall. He goes after the Ra'zac, seeking vengeance for the destruction of his home and his uncle's death. He is accompanied by Brom, who insists on helping him and Saphira.Eragon is a Dragon Rider because of his great bond with Saphira. Eragon learns, much to his surprise, that he shares the name of the very first Dragon Rider, Eragon the Elf.
The situation in The Empire in Alagaesia was becoming increasing unstable at the time. The evil king Galbatorix, who betrayed and slew the order of the Dragon Riders with the help of the Thirteen Forsworn- a group of thirteen Dragon Riders who swore fealty to Galbatorix — is beginning to move decisively against the Varden
Varden is a local newspaper published in Skien, Norway. It was first established with a test issue on 17 December 1874, with Johan Christian Tandberg Castberg as its first editor-in-chief. It has a circulation of 27,341, of whom 25,859 are subscribers...
, a group of powerful rebels who want to overthrow the evil king. Galbatorix is the last remaining Dragon Rider. Though the Forsworn were no longer alive, Galbatorix's Urgals attack Brom and Eragon while in the town of Yazuac, Eragon accidentally
uses magic, even though he previously disbelieved in its existence. Later on, Brom reveals that all Riders could use magic, and takes it upon himself to teach Eragon the Ancient Language and magic. Eragon is also given a mighty sword, Zar'roc, by Brom.
Eragon and Brom eventually lose the Ra'zac's trail. But, with the assistance of Jeod, who lived in the seaport city fortress of Teirm, they trace the Ra'zac to the southern city of Dras-Leona.
Eragon visits a shop in Teirm owned by the witch Angela, where he meets an intelligent and cryptic werecat
A werecat is a therianthropic creature of folklore, horror, and occultism, described as being a shape-shifter similar to a Werewolf....
named Solembum, and Angela herself. She tells his fortune, revealing that he would have a long life; that the great powers of the land would struggle to control him and that he would fall in love with a lady of noble birth. She also predicts that he would someday leave Alagaësia forever, and that he would face betrayal from within his own family. As Eragon was about to leave, Solembum tells him:
"...When the time comes and you need a weapon, look under the roots of the Menoa Tree. Then, when all seems lost and your power seems insufficient, go to the rock of Kuthian and speak your name to open the Vault of Souls."
Solembum does not elaborate, nor does he explain what or where the Menoa Tree or the Rock of Kuthian are.
On the way to Dras-Leona, Brom reveals some startling secrets to Eragon; he is a member of the Varden, and Brom then reveals that not all the dragon eggs were destroyed at the time of the Fall: Galbatorix salvaged three eggs during his conquest. The one containing Saphira was stolen under direction of Brom and Jeod. The remaining two eggs remained under Galbatorix's control, with the king's attempts to hatch them in vain. Brom also reveals that he killed Morzan, first and last of the Forsworn, and Galbatorix's most loyal servant. Thus, Eragon and Saphira are the Varden's last hope, because even if the other two eggs hatched, the Rider(s) would most probably be loyal to Galbatorix. Eragon and Saphira decide to join the Varden and fight the tyrant king, after they finish the task of killing the Ra'zac.
A beautiful elf who is in a prison begins to appear in his dreams. Initially, Eragon does not think much about the dreams. Later on, he discovers through magic that the elf really existed, and he decides to somehow rescue her. She continues appearing in his dreams for some time.
In Dras-Leona, Eragon encounters the Ra'zac, but manages to escape. Eragon and Brom flee the city, but are ambushed in the night by the Ra'zac. A mysterious young man named Murtagh rescues them, but not before Brom was fatally wounded by the Ra'zac. Brom dies shortly afterwards, after revealing to Eragon that he was once a Rider, and that his Dragon was named Saphira, who was slain in the war against Galbatorix. In his final moments, Brom warns Eragon that Galbatorix was evil, and that he and Saphira must not submit to him. Eragon lays Brom to rest, and Saphira uses the unpredictable magic of the dragons to turn the tomb to diamond. Eragon and Saphira decide to let Murtagh travel with them as they journey to the city of Gil'ead, in search of a contact who could lead them to the Varden.
At Gil'ead, Urgals under the command of Durza, a Shade — a sorcerer who has been possessed by the spirits it summoned — capture Eragon and imprison him in the same prison where the elf was being held. Murtagh and Saphira then stage a daring rescue, but Eragon, Saphira, and Murtagh are confronted by Durza. The struggle ends when Murtagh shoots Durza between his eyes, throwing the Shade into a painful disembodiment. Eragon insists on rescuing the elf as well. She remains unconscious, but he is eventually able to speak with her telepathically. She reveals to him that her name is Arya, and gives him the location of the Varden. She tells him that they must reach the Varden if she is to survive, for she had been poisoned in prison, and would die without the antidote, called Tunivor's Nectar. He has by then temporarily forgotten about killing the Ra'zac and rushes to save her.
Journey to the Varden
Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh, with the unconscious Arya cross the Hadarac Desert, racing to reach Farthen Dûr, the Dwarven mountains that house the Varden, in time to save Arya. They are pursued by the Empire and the empire's allies, an army of Urgals and Kull. Before they reach Farthen Dûr, Murtagh, who had been reluctant to go to the Varden all along, reveals that he is the son of Morzan, first and last of the Forsworn. With the Kull on their heels, they are rescued by the Varden and are taken to safety.The Varden fight against Galbatorix with the help of the Dwarves who are led by their King, Hrothgar. The Elves reside in secret in the forest of Du Weldenvarden, providing covert support to the Varden. Surda, the kingdom in exile, is also sympathetic to the Varden's cause.
Ajihad, leader of the Varden, imprisons Murtagh when Ajihad learned of Murtagh's heritage. Arya was treated for her injuries and recovers.
In the meeting with Ajihad, he learns that Saphira's egg was under the care of Arya, until she was ambushed by Durza while transporting it. He is then told that the Durza was not destroyed by Murtagh's well placed arrow, because the only way to kill a Shade is with a stab through the heart. He also meets Angela and Solembum who had left Teirm to aid the Varden. Ajihad wished to send Eragon to Ellesméra to complete his training; therefore, two magicians known as the Twins assessed his magic abilities. The Twins were cruel to Eragon, and attempted to use him to further their knowledge of the Ancient Language. A partially-healed Arya intervened, however, when he was ordered to 'summon the essence of silver', a feat difficult to even powerful mages, and took the task of assessing Eragon upon herself, sparring with him. Eragon, although being soundly defeated, passed the test in Arya's eyes. He begins to feel deep infatuation towards her.
The Varden respect and even revere Eragon. Soon after he arrived in Tronjheim, he was approached by an elderly woman and an orphaned child, Elva, who was the woman's charge. The woman asked Eragon's blessing upon Elva, which he gave readily, using the Ancient Language: Atra gülai un ilian tauthr ono un atra ono waíse skölir frá rauthr, which he thought meant, Let luck and happiness follow you and may you be shielded from misfortune. It is later revealed in Eldest
Eldest is the second book in the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini and the sequel to Eragon. Eldest was first published in hardcover on August 23, 2005, and was released in paperback in September 2006. Eldest has been released in an audiobook format, and as an ebook. Like Eragon, Eldest...
that he made a mistake and said "Let luck and happiness follow you and may you be a shield from misfortune," which cursed her instead of the intended blessing. This is revealed to be because he used the word Skolir, instead of skoliro. Saphira gives the child her own special gift: a silver star, similar to Eragon's Gedwëy Ignasia, on her forehead. Saphira told Eragon that the child would have a significant future.
Not long after, war becomes imminent. Ajihad informs Saphira and Eragon of an impending threat: an intercepted message reveals that a mighty host of Urgals and Kull were marching steadily towards the Varden through the tunnels under the mountain range.
In the battle that follows, a seemingly endless tide of Urgals and Kull, against fierce resistance, forces its way towards Tronjheim. Within the dwarf city, Eragon is confronted once again by the menacing Shade
Shade is the blocking of sunlight by any object, and also the shadow created by that object. Shade also consists of the colors grey, black, white, etc...
, Durza, this time alone as he has gone ahead of her and Arya. Eragon is greatly outmatched by the Shade, but, thanks to a sudden distraction from Saphira and Arya by breaking the isidar mithrim, Durza's attention is diverted long enough for Eragon to stab him through the heart. Eragon pays a terrible price for his deed: his back is slashed from shoulder to hip, and the scar, which carried remnants of Durza's magic, would trouble him greatly over the course of the next few months.
Following Durza's demise, the controlling link the Shade held on the Urgals' minds breaks, which causes the Urgals to fight amongst themselves. The Varden rout the Urgal army easily in this state. Eragon faints and is besieged by what seem to be remnants of Durza's twisted mind. However, Mourning Sage/The Cripple Who Is Whole assists Eragon in banishing the Shade from his mind, and then urges him to follow Arya to Ellesméra, the capital of the Elves. The book ends with Eragon promising the presence in his mind that he will go to Ellesmera.
North to Ellesméra
The first events in Eldest are the attack on Ajihad's life, his death and funeral, the disappearance of Murtagh and The Twins — two magicians of the Varden — who are captured by Urgals and assumed dead, and the election of a new leader of the Varden - Nasuada, Ajihad's daughter, to whom Eragon swears huge fealty following some internal politics among the Varden's Council of Elders. Nausuada is grateful that he chose her over the council of elders.Eragon and Saphira decide to accept the advice of the Mourning Sage, and, accompanied by Orik and Arya, travel northward through eastern Alagaësia to Ellesméra, in order to complete his training as a Rider. Before the journey north, Eragon was asked by Hrothgar, king of the dwarves, to become a member of Dûrgrimst Ingeitum, one of the most influential of the thirteen Dwarf clans, and to which Hrothgar and Orik belonged. Eragon donned the helmet (that marked him part of that clan) and Orik helped him complete the ritual to make him a true member of the clan. This was the first time in history that a human would join a Dwarf Clan. After a long journey north, they reach Ellesmera, and Eragon and Saphira meet Islanzadí, the Elven queen, and the enigmatic raven Blagden, who spouted riddles concerning Eragon's past and future. Eragon was surprised to learn that Arya was Islanzadí's daughter, and so a princess.
The Training of a Rider
Eragon's training began almost at once. His instructor was an ancient Elvish Rider named Oromis, who is revealed to be "The Cripple who is Whole", who had managed to prolong his life by means of countless tiny spells binding his weak body and large amount of power stored in his sword. Oromis and his Dragon Glaedr were the sole survivors of the Dragon Riders of old. Though they escaped Galbatorix and the Forsworn, they were handicapped: Glaedr's left foreleg was missing, and Oromis was greatly weakened by an incurable disease, and the fact that he had been captured by Galbatorix's minions, who broke something in Oromis, meaning that he could not control large amounts of magic. However, Galbatorix is unaware that a Rider had escaped the Fall.Eragon's exercises with Oromis were frustrating at first, but gradually Eragon learned what it mean's to be a true Rider, guided by principles and making responsible choices, and came to understand that his "training" was an ongoing process that would last his entire life. He learned other things, as well, such as history, art and politics. His knowledge of magic and the Ancient Language expanded tremendously, but he is held back immensely by the pain from his scar made by Durza in the previous book.
To his horror, however, he learned from Oromis that he had cursed Elva instead of blessing her due to a mistake in his wording (having accidentally said "may you be a shield from misfortune", instead of "may you be shielded from misfortune", thus dooming her to a horrible life of constantly saving others from suffering by enduring it upon herself.) He resolved to revoke the curse, although such a feat would require tremendous magical ability.
Eragon's training also honed his fighting skills. He develops an intense rivalry with an elf named Vanir, and their mutual dislike came to a head during their sparring sessions. Eragon was defeated multiple times, often suffering bolts of agonizing pain from the scar on his back.
Guided by Oromis, Eragon composed a poem to present at the Blood-Oath Celebration, a traditional Elvish ceremony commemorating the pact of peace between the Elves and the Dragons. During the festivities, a magical gift from the Dragons healed Eragon of his wound, and he was physically transformed, acquiring the features and abilities of an Elf. Only after this transformation was he able to beat Vanir, breaking the latter's arm. After this transformation, Eragon was able to cast much more powerful magic; he could read and write more easily and was now as fit and strong as the most athletic elf in Alagaësia, he was also able to control a more powerful bow that queen [Islanzandi] made herself.
The Burning Plains
Nasuada made a momentous decision and moved the Varden to Surda. Here, she learns that the blessing Eragon bestowed on the child in Eragon was worded wrongly due to his lack of basic knowledge of the Ancient Language at the time, becoming a curse of sorts. Eragon too is horrified when he hears of this, and promises to try and nullify it. In the meantime the girl, Elva, serves as a sort of bodyguard to Nasuada against Galbatorix's network of spies and assassins, the Black Hand, who are discovered in Surda.Because Nasuada moved the Varden, the threat of war with Galbatorix seems imminent. Upon hearing of this, Eragon immediately leaves for the battle in Surda and finds the situation poised on the edge of battle. The armies of the Varden, together with the army of Surda, camp on a plain opposite the vast armies of Galbatorix. Meanwhile, Roran and his men take command of a ship of the Empire — with the help of Jeod — the Dragon Wing, and arrive in time in Surda.
With his new skills, Eragon easily kills many of the Empire's soldiers. But his skills were not enough. He begins to tire out—the Empire's army was too large, when Hrothgar arrives with a huge army of Dwarves, turning the battle in the Varden's favor. Unexpectedly, another Rider appeared, mounted on a red dragon. He soon kills Hrothgar and Eragon and Saphira battle him. Wearied by the battle, Eragon was easily outmatched and driven onto the ground with Saphira, though he managed to hamstring the opposing dragon as he went down. He and his opponent then face off with swords. The Rider's skill matched Eragon's, and soon gained the upper hand. Eragon, recognizing the other Rider's manner of fighting, pulls off his opponent's helm, revealing Murtagh. Murtagh revealed that he had been taken to Urû'baen by the Twins, and, when the red Dragon, Thorn, had hatched for him, he had been forced to swear allegiance to Galbatorix in the Ancient Language. He also revealed that Galbatorix knew his True Name, so he owned him in mind and body. His orders from Galbatorix were to try to capture Saphira because she was the last female dragon in existence. Galbatorix needed her to fulfill his goal of rebuilding the order of the Riders. Murtagh decided to have mercy on them this one time, on account of their former companionship, but he claims Zar'roc as his own, and reveals that Eragon and Murtagh were brothers, meaning Eragon was the son of Morzan. In truth, as is revealed by Oromis and Glaedr in Brisingr, Eragon is the son of Brom, but Eragon believes that he is Morzan's son until late in Brisingr.
Meanwhile, Roran kills the Twins, and the Empire is forced to retreat after the departure of Murtagh and Thorn. Haunted by this turn of events, Eragon imparts his newfound knowledge to Roran, Nasuada, and Arya. Eldest ends with Eragon and Roran reuniting, and Eragon promising Roran that he will help Roran rescue Katrina from the clutches of the Ra'zac.
Eragon, Saphira and Roran travel to Helgrind, the fortress of the Ra'zac, and infiltrate it. Roran kills one of the Ra'zac and Saphira slays the Lethrblaka. They find Katrina, and Eragon discovers Sloan, the traitor of Carvahall, blinded and imprisoned. Eragon decides to stay behind, against Saphira's wishes. Saphira then leaves with Roran and Katrina. Eragon slays the second Ra'zac and gains some information from the Ra'zac before killing it. Eragon rescues Sloan, leaves Helgrind, and consults Islanzadi as to what to do with Sloan. He discovers Sloan's true name, and compels Sloan with his true name to travel towards Du Weldenvarden, along with his staff and enchantments to stop Sloan from being harmed on his journey. He mentions to Sloan that if he reforms himself, his true name would change, and he would no longer be bound, but he didn't mention that the elves would also restore his vision, for the reason that Sloan may trick the Elves into restoring his eyesight prematurely.At the Varden
Eragon escapes the Empire and rejoins the Varden, where he settles minor affairs and, when Roran and Katrina are just about to be married, there appear some soldiers. These soldiers seem weak but they cannot feel pain and cause chaos. Meanwhile, Murtagh and Thorn appear and try to abduct Eragon and Saphira. Eragon tells Murtagh that he and Thorn can change their true names, releasing them of their oaths to Galbatorix, but they fight anyway. Saphira proves to be more powerful than Thorn, and with the help of thirteen elves including Arya he defeats Murtagh. But Eragon falls unconscious from the effort, and Murtagh and Thorn escape. He then joins Roran and Katrina in a traditional ceremony.Eragon then makes three orbs of gold. He gives one of them to the tanner Gedric, from whom he stole three ox hides in Eragon. He gives the second to Helen, Jeod's wife, to make their marriage happier. He makes the third into two gold rings, which he enchants with magic and gives to Roran and Katrina so they can find each other anywhere, and Roran states he wishes he had these before they were separated.
Tronjheim and Ellesméra
Later he is ordered by Nasuada to go to Tronjheim alone to try and influence the election of a new king of the Dwarves. Eragon is ordered to try and make sure that the new king is sympathetic to the Varden's cause, but at the same time, not to use any force or pressure in doing so. He reunites with Orik in Tronjheim, and declares his support to him. Later on, as Eragon is wandering in Tronjheim, he is attacked by some Dwarves, but manages to escape the assassination attempt unscathed. Orik, after some investigation, discovers that the clan Az Sweldn rak Anhûin is behind the attack, which is hostile to Eragon and Dragon Riders in general. Orik has the clan banished with the support of the other clans, and he is crowned king. From Tronjheim, Eragon travels to Ellesméra with Saphira, where they meet Oromis and Glaedr. There, Glaedr reveals that Brom is Eragon's father, and not Morzan. Oromis explains that Brom had, by chance, fallen in love with Selena, who recripocated and joined Brom in his struggle against the tyranny of the Empire. Seeing Morzan's cruelty to Murtagh, Selena decides that her second child should not suffer so: thus, she leaves Eragon in Carvahall, and dies soon after. Later on, Brom settles there to watch over him. Brom never claimed Eragon as his son, fearing that Eragon would be distracted from his mission, and also fearing that the Empire would find out and take advantage of it. The latter proves unfounded, and Eragon loved and respected Brom.Oromis also reveals the source of Galbatorix's strength — Eldunarí, or the heart of hearts, which can exist even after a dragon's physical demise, unless it is destroyed. Galbatorix took the Eldunarí of all the Riders and subdued them, gaining their wisdom and strength. An Eldunarí can channel its strength to the bearer, and can also be used to communicate telepathically. Most of the dragons before the Fall had disgorged their Eldunarí, enabling Galbatorix and the Forsworn to defeat the entire Order. As Galbatorix controls several hundred of these, he is almost invincible.
Later, Eragon visits the elven blacksmith, Rhunön, and asks for a new sword. Rhunon had forged all the swords of the Riders, but she reveals that she needs a special meteroic ore — Brightsteel, which she did not possess. Remembering Solembum's advice, Eragon and Saphira go to the menoa tree and try to make contact, but they can't, so Saphira becomes impatient and burns the tree, the Menoa tree then wakes and entangles Eragon and Saphira with her roots, Eragon then tells the Menoa tree of Galbatorix's reign over Alagaesia, and the brightsteel they need, the Menoa tree gives the brightsteel to Eragon, with the condition that Eragon give the tree something in exchange, though the tree does not tell Eragon what she wants. As the tree pushes the ore from the ground, Eragon feels something in his body, unsure what it is. The feeling passes, and he takes the ore. With the help of Rhunon, Eragon forges a Rider's sword, similar to Zar'roc, but blue in color; the same color as Saphira's scales. His new sword is also a half-hand longer than Zar'roc. Eragon names his sword "Brisingr", which means "fire" in the ancient language, and after which the book is named. This sword also has the characteristic of becoming cloaked in flames whenever Eragon says its name. Glaedr gives his Eldunarí to Eragon and Saphira, and he and Oromis depart to join the elves, who have finally decided to fight openly against the Empire.
Eragon and Saphira travel to the Varden, who are engaged in a siege of the city of Feinster. With Eragon's help, Feinster soon falls. However, Eragon and Arya discover that three magicians of the Empire were creating a Shade. They race to find the Shade, and give battle. The Shade, called Varaug, proves to be stronger than Durza (because Varaug's body contained many more Spirits than Durza's did), and Eragon and Arya struggle. The Shade is finally killed by Arya, and Feinster is captured and secured completely. During the battle, Eragon, through Glaedr's Eldunarí, watched Oromis and Glaedr battle Thorn and Murtagh near Gil'ead. Galbatorix himself takes control of Murtagh's body, and kills Oromis. Glaedr is slain soon after Oromis's death by Thorn, his consciousness still inside his Eldunari. The book ends with Eragon and Saphira mourning the death of their tutors, leaving Eragon the last free Dragon Rider in Alagaesia.Belatona
Eragon and Saphira, along with the rest of the Varden, attack Belatona. Saphira is injured with a Dauthdert, but they prevail and the city is captured.Appearance and Characteristics
Eragon was a human of average height, originally with intense brown eyes, dark thick eyebrows and brown hair. After being influenced by magic at the Blood-Oath Celebration he attended in Ellesméra, he resembled an elf:It was as if the numerous physical changes that, over time, alter the appearance
of a human Rider—and which Eragon had already begun to experience
since bonding with Saphira—had been completed while he was
unconscious. His face was now as smooth and angled as an elf’s, with ears
tapered like theirs and eyes slanted like theirs, and his skin was as pale as
alabaster and seemed to emit a faint glow, as if with the sheen of magic.
.......Yet he was not entirely an elf. His jaw was stronger, his brow
thicker, his face broader. He was fairer than any human and more rugged
than any elf.
......Tears sprang to Eragon’s eyes as he slid his hand over the place
where Durza had maimed him. He knew that his back would never
trouble him again.
Not only was the savage blight he had elected to keep gone, but every
other scar and blemish had vanished from his body, leaving him as unmarked
as a newborn baby.
After this transformation, Eragon is freed from the pain of Durza's scar, and gains the heightened agility and strength possessed by Elves. He defeats Vanir, an Elf, in a training session, proving his super-human swordsmanship skills. From then on, Eragon was faster and stronger than any human. Brom remarked that Eragon was a rare and talented swordsman as well as a skilled and deadly archer.
It is often implied that Eragon is a prodigy
Child prodigy
A child prodigy is someone who, at an early age, masters one or more skills far beyond his or her level of maturity. One criterion for classifying prodigies is: a prodigy is a child, typically younger than 18 years old, who is performing at the level of a highly trained adult in a very demanding...
among Riders, though not explicitly stated, as Eragon discovered his magical abilities intuitively and was able to shape the results relatively well, later learning to use magic without the Ancient Language in a similar manner. He has also managed to complete training that required most young Riders many years in little more than a single year, and has learned to read perfectly in both the common language of Alagaesia and the Ancient Language.
Eragon was emotional, and was always worried about the morality of his actions. He disliked killing, though he was forced to do so in battles. Queen Islanzadí mentions his skill in unknowingly getting caught in troublesome situations:
“Oromis may have been your proper teacher, but you have proved yourself Brom’s heir, not Oromis’s. Brom is the only other person who managed to entangle himself in as many predicaments as you. Like him, you seem compelled to find the deepest patch of quicksand and then dive into it.”.This is probably because Brom was, late in Brisingr, revealed to be Eragon's father.
Brom too mentioned this to Jeod while in Teirm:
...."We'd better go out and join Eragon. I get worried whenever he's alone. That boy has an unnatural propensity for being where there's trouble...."
Eragon was always eager for knowledge of any kind. His curiosity is mentioned more than once in the novels. An elf, Lifaen remarks in Eldest:
..... “You have as many questions as leaves on a tree, Argetlam.”
Whereupon Eragon replies:
"Brom was of the same opinion."
Roran, on seeing Eragon for the first time after becoming a Rider, thinks:
....It seemed inconceivable
that the slight, moody, overeager boy he grew up with had turned
into this fearsome warrior.
Roran and Eragon love each other and were "brothers in all but blood".
Initially, Eragon often relied on others for guidance, from Brom to Oromis to Saphira. But he soon matures, and is able to take decisions by himself, as shown in Brisingr when he stays behind in Helgrind
Inheritance Cycle
The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy novels by Christopher Paolini. It was previously titled the Inheritance Trilogy until Paolini's announcement on October 30, 2007 that there would be a fourth book...
to decide Sloan's fate. He slowly grows, showing a new depth in his thoughts and actions. He has no intention of replacing Galbatorix, and only wishes to overthrow him. Eragon desires neither power nor fame, and hopes only for peace and happiness in Alagaesia.
Eragon was rash in his actions, and did not think enough about what he was doing. He allowed his heart and instinct to guide him rather than reason. Yet, his intentions were always noble, and wished no pain to any living creature. After his training in Ellesméra, he gives up eating meat, except only in dire circumstances. He learns to respect the sanctity of life — ranging from an ant's to that of a dragon's. It is mentioned several times in the novels that Eragon detested battle, and though he fought well, he always regretted the loss of life. Eragon had immense will-power and determination. In Eldest, he says of himself to Oromis:
“I would say, rather, that once I dedicate myself to a certain project or path, I see it through, no matter
the cost... especially if someone I love is in danger.”
“I like to face challenges.”
...“I enjoy overcoming challenges, but I’ve faced enough hardship to know
that it’s foolish to make things more difficult than they are. It’s all I can
do to survive as it is.”
He wielded Zar'roc, a crimson sword once belonging to Morzan, though this was taken from him by Murtagh during the battle on the Burning Plains. He also has a longbow, sung from a yew tree by Islanzadi, with a quiver of magic swan-fletched arrows that never misses its target. After Zar'roc was taken by Murtagh, he is given a dwarven falchion by Fredric. Later, the Elven blacksmith Rhunön forged him his own sword, which he named Brisingr. A characteristic of his new sword is that, whenever he utters "Brisingr", it bursts into blue flames.
- Eragon first discovers his power to wield magic by shouting “Brisingr” during his fight with an Urgal during his trip to Yazuac. He is left very weak by this encounter.
- Eragon can manipulate fog as shown when he uses the spell high above the Kull during his escape to the Varden. However he gets very weak casting the spell due to distance.
- Eragon uses the phrase "jierda theirra kalfis" to break the legs of twenty attacking Kull on the shores of lake Kostha-merna.
- Eragon is shown to have a surprisingly large amount of control over the word “Brisingr” show by the fact that, 1 it is the first spell he figured out to use, 2 with zero practice the fire ignited arrow does exactly what he wants, 3 he names his sword Brisingr and every time he says its name the blade spontaneously combusts.
- Eragon visit the elves and learns the Ancient Language
- He is shown to have a larger amount of energy and endurance after his training.
- He learns that energy can be taken from others as well as objects such as gems.
- He is changed during the Blood-Oath Celebration, becoming half-elf, and his magic capabilities as well as physical capabilities are brought to new heights.
- He is shown to be able to meditate for long periods of time
- He can now enter people’s minds with ease
- He learns how to make “wards” or magical barriers that protect him and anyone he puts them on from certain harms.
- Eragon can stop arrows in mid air using a quick spell (Varden misfire on him).
- Eragon is shown to be able to communicate with other magicians by talking with them with his mind.
- Eragon learns how to teleport items
- Eragon “sings” his sword into making with the help of Rhunon
- Eragon is able to stop a Shade (Varaug) by trapping him with the sheer power of his mind.
Eragon first sees Arya captured in his dreams and is able to scry her, even before he meets her. He becomes intent on saving her and eventually succeeds in finding Arya, and saves Arya by bringing her to the Varden. Eragon is clearly attracted to Arya in Eldest. However, she rejects his advances citing their age gap and their respective duties in the war against Galbatorix.In "Eldest", Eragon makes a fairth, or to describe it a tablet, that is filled with enough colour ink to have an image on it projecting from the magician's mind of her that shows how he views her. In Eragon's eyes, she is 'mysterious' and the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Even though the fairth is beautiful, Arya smashes it because she is afraid that Eragon's feelings will interfere with his training. However, in Brisingr, Arya becomes closer to Eragon, telling him things about herself that few knew.
In all battles, Eragon constantly holds wards around Arya as well as Roran and Saphira, a testament to his deep concern for her well-being. Saphira has also be noted to be quite partial towards Arya, in Brisingr using a tone of affection with her that mean she considers her family and also saying that having Arya on her back bothers her least of all people. These sentiments are further proof of Eragon's affection for Arya, for Saphira is influenced by the mind-link she shares with Eragon.
In "Inheritance", Eragon continues to have feelings toward Arya, though he has matured much since past books. Slowly, his view of her changes, as he no longer thinks of her as simply a beautiful elf, but a brave, courageous, and trustworthy partner. This is shown after he creates a new fairth. He is saddened when he must leave Alagaesia, as is Arya. This is to fulfill the prophecy that Angela made in "Eragon", that he would have an epic romance. Before Eragon leaves Arya, she whispers her true name to him, as he does to her. Only people who completely trust another and have a bond with them even dare to share their true name. However, Arya leaves abruptly, leaving Eragon feel depressed, though his happiness soon returns him as he accepts the situation. Because Eragon and Arya's relationship was left at a loose end, it is speculated that their future will be told in the probable Book 5.
Names and Titles
Eragon was initially known only as Eragon Son of None, not knowing his father's name. After he slew Durza, he was named Eragon Shadeslayer by the Varden, or sometimes respectfully called Shadeslayer. He was known as Argetlam - a word in the Ancient Language meaning "Silver Hand", referring to the silver mark on his palm due to his bond with Saphira; known as the Gedwëy Ignasia — mainly to the Dwarves and Elves. To the Urgals, he was known as Firesword, referring to the fact that his sword, Zar'roc is an iridescent red, and also referring to the fact that Eragon magically lit his sword on fire when he stabbed Durza through the heart (which freed their chiefs from his control). Saphira affectionately calls him Little One. Elves, especially Oromis, refer to him as Eragon-finiarel. The suffix finiarel is "an honorific for a young man of great promise." Also at the end of Brisingr, Oromis referred to Eragon as Eragon-elda. The suffix elda means "elder". Significantly in Eldest, when Eragon first met Oromis, he called him Oromis-elda seeing as that was "the most respectful term he knew". Other names include Shur'tugal, which means Dragon Rider, and simply Dragon Rider to the soldiers of Galbatorix.After Eragon learns that Brom is his father, he is shown a memory by Saphira — a memory of Brom in which he speaks to Eragon as a father and not as Brom the story-teller - Brom addresses him as Eragon Bromsson, which is his full name.
When he slayed Galbatorix, he was also known as Kingkiller.
Real life
Author Christopher PaoliniChristopher Paolini
Christopher Paolini is an American author. He is best known as the author of the Inheritance Cycle, which consists of the books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and Inheritance...
states that Eragon started out as an autobiographical character. Paolini started writing Eragon at the age of fifteen, which is his protagonist's age at the beginning of the novel.
When I invented Eragon, he was me. Writing about yourself is probably one of the easiest things for a fifteen-year-old author to do. However, I found that as the story progressed and Eragon did things that I've never done — such as fighting monsters and flying a dragon — he evolved into his own character, which I'm very happy about.
- Eragon was portrayed by Ed Speleers in the EragonEragon (film)Eragon is a 2006 fantasy-adventure film based on the novel of the same name by author Christopher Paolini. The cast includes Edward Speleers in the title role, Jeremy Irons, Garrett Hedlund, Sienna Guillory, Robert Carlyle, John Malkovich, Djimon Hounsou, Alun Armstrong, Joss Stone, and the voice...
film. Although his characteristics were not quite the same as in the book.
External links
- Alagaesia.com, the official site for the Inheritance cycle
- Eragonmovie.com, the official site of the Eragon movie
- Inheriwiki, the site of the Inheritance Cycle Wikia