English, Fitz or Percy (Prison Break episode)
"English, Fitz or Percy" is the fifth episode of the television series Prison Break
Prison Break
Prison Break is an American television serial drama created by Paul Scheuring, that was broadcast on the Fox Broadcasting Company for four seasons, from 2005 until 2009. The series revolves around two brothers; one has been sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit, and the other devises an...

. The episode was broadcast on September 19, 2005 in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

. It is directed by Randall Zisk
Randall Zisk
Randall "Randy" Zisk is an American television director and producer.As both a director and producer, he has worked most substantially on the television series Monk and Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman...

 and credited to writer Zack Estrin
Zack Estrin
Zack Estrin is an American television producer and screenwriter.He has produced many episodes in the television series Prison Break, Point Pleasant, Tru Calling, Miracles and Charmed, as well as the 2000 film Stranger Than Fiction...

. "English, Fitz or Percy" features another part of Michael Scofield
Michael Scofield
Michael J. Scofield is the main protagonist in the American television series Prison Break. He is portrayed by Wentworth Miller. The character first appeared in the series pilot as a man who stages a bank robbery in order to get sent into the prison where his older brother, Lincoln Burrows , is...

's escape plan, involving the street names of the ones that are outside the infirmary section of the prison. Also, the case to exonerate Lincoln Burrows hits another twist, and agents Kellerman
Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman, played by Paul Adelstein, is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. The character was introduced to the series as a Secret Service special agent in the series pilot but the actor was not listed as a regular cast member until the third episode...

 and Hale blackmail Warden Pope to have Scofield transferred out of Fox River State Penitentiary
Fox River State Penitentiary
Fox River State Penitentiary is a fictional level five maximum-security prison featured prominently in the first season of the television series, Prison Break. The real-life representation of the prison is Joliet Prison, which is located in Joliet, Illinois...



Michael Scofield
Michael Scofield
Michael J. Scofield is the main protagonist in the American television series Prison Break. He is portrayed by Wentworth Miller. The character first appeared in the series pilot as a man who stages a bank robbery in order to get sent into the prison where his older brother, Lincoln Burrows , is...

 tells the team in his escape plan, now consisting of Sucre
Fernando Sucre
Fernando Sucre, played by Amaury Nolasco, is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. He is introduced to the series in the pilot episode as the prison cellmate of the series protagonist, Michael Scofield .-Background:Of Puerto Rican descent, Sucre grew up in Chicago...

 (Amaury Nolasco
Amaury Nolasco
Amaury Nolasco Garrido is a Puerto Rican actor, best known for the role of Fernando Sucre on the television series Prison Break, and for his role in Transformers.-Early life:...

), Lincoln
Lincoln Burrows
Lincoln Burrows, played by Dominic Purcell, is one of the main protagonists of the American television series, Prison Break. The plot of Prison Break revolves around Lincoln Burrows' setup for the murder of the vice president's brother and his brother's plan to help him escape his death sentence....

 (Dominic Purcell), and John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare
Peter Stormare
is a Swedish film, stage, voice and television actor as well as a theatrical director, playwright and musician.- Early life :...

), that they have to stake out either English, Fitz or Percy, the three names on his forearm from the tattoo. Meanwhile, Secret Service Agent Kellerman
Paul Kellerman
Paul Kellerman, played by Paul Adelstein, is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. The character was introduced to the series as a Secret Service special agent in the series pilot but the actor was not listed as a regular cast member until the third episode...

 (Paul Adelstein
Paul Adelstein
Paul Adelstein is an American television and film actor, best known for the role of Agent Paul Kellerman in the television series, Prison Break, and his current role as pediatrician Cooper Freedman in the series Private Practice....

) and Hale pay a visit to Warden Pope regarding Scofields transfer. Pope denies the request, where the agents proceed in blackmailing him concerning the affair he had from Toledo
Toledo, Ohio
Toledo is the fourth most populous city in the U.S. state of Ohio and is the county seat of Lucas County. Toledo is in northwest Ohio, on the western end of Lake Erie, and borders the State of Michigan...

, and threaten to tell his wife about this. Pope tells the agents that his wife already knows about the affair, but the agents know he did not tell her the whole truth. She knows nothing of the son he had there. Michael returns to his cell to find Pope, who tells him that some higher power wants him transferred out of Fox River. Michael plans to take the advice from Charles Westmoreland and get a transfer block letter, telling Pope he has sinusitis
Sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which may be due to infection, allergy, or autoimmune issues. Most cases are due to a viral infection and resolve over the course of 10 days...

, to keep him in at least a month yet. However, Kellerman and Hale continue blackmailing him, and tells him to drop the paperwork, which he reluctantly does. Nick Savrinn and Veronica Donovan continue to try and find legal grounds to exonerate Lincoln. From the copy of the videotape of the murder, an expert believes that the gunshot sound was faked, but needs the original. However, they find it was destroyed in a "leak accident". When they return to Veronica's home, they find the copy has been stolen, and she suspects Nick may be involved.

Michael tells Abruzzi to get him a key to the warden's office. Abruzzi does this by melting toothbrushes into a stolen mold. Towards the end of the day, Michael, while constructing the model of the Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is a white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal...

, tells Pope that the structure will collapse if he does not remain there to hold the piece as the glue sets. Warden Pope leaves for the day and Michael immediately uses the replica key to leave the office through the back door and reach the roof. However, during count, Bellick
Brad Bellick
Bradley "Brad" Bellick is a fictional character from the American television series, Prison Break. He is portrayed by Wade Williams. As one of the principal characters of Prison Break, he has been featured in all four seasons of the series...

 realises a missing Scofield, and alerts the authorities. However, that was Michael's plan all along. English, Fitz and Percy are the names of the only three streets that lead to the prison and when the police cars come in response to the alarm, he learns that the cops only take English and Percy, leaving Fitz wide open. Now that he knows which path to take, he returns to the Warden's office, where he is found with the replica of the Taj Mahal. Nobody suspects anything. However, Pope says that Michael will be transferred, to Michael's dismay. The next morning, Michael is about to be transferred, but Pope decides to cancel it. Before Kellerman could get there, Pope admits his affair to his wife.


Marshall Allman
Marshall Allman
Marshall Scot Allman is an American actor. He is known to television audiences for his role as L. J. Burrows on Fox's successful television series, Prison Break...

, who played Lincoln "L. J." Burrows Jr. and Robert Knepper
Robert Knepper
Robert Lyle Knepper is an American actor. He is best known for starring as Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell in the Fox network's drama series Prison Break, for which he was nominated a Satellite Award...

, who played Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell were credited in the opening credits of the episode, but neither made an appearance. The music used in the scene where Michael is being escorted out of the prison is "Orange Sky" by Alexi Murdoch
Alexi Murdoch
Alexi Murdoch is a singer-songwriter born in London and raised in Scotland, Greece and France, now living in Berlin.- Background :Murdoch was born in London to a Greek father and Scottish-French mother and raised in Greece, just outside of Athens until he was ten, when his family moved to...

, which is subsequently used in The O.C.
The O.C.
The O.C. is an American teen drama television series that originally aired on the Fox television network in the United States from August 5, 2003, to February 21, 2007, running a total of four seasons...

 episode "The Homecoming
The Homecoming (The O.C. episode)
"The Homecoming" is the 11th episode of the FOX television series, The O.C.. The episode was written by Josh Schwartz and Brian Oh and was directed by Keith Samples...

", where it plays as Ryan has just finished visiting his brother, Trey, in prison.


After its release in the United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

, the ratings declined since the performance of "Cute Poison", with a rating of 3.8/9 to the 18-49 demographic, and figures of approximately 7.9 million viewers. In the UK, it with the seventeenth most seen programme for the week it aired on Five, with total viewing figures of 1.75 million, which went down slightly since the previous episode, "Cute Poison".
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