Emperor Shizong of Jin China
Emperor Shizong of Jin of the Jin Dynasty
Jin Dynasty, 1115–1234
The Jīn Dynasty ; Khitan language: Nik, Niku; ; 1115–1234), also known as the Jurchen Dynasty, was founded by the Wanyan clan of the Jurchens, the ancestors of the Manchus who established the Qing Dynasty some 500 years later...

  was emperor of the Jin Dynasty
Jin Dynasty, 1115–1234
The Jīn Dynasty ; Khitan language: Nik, Niku; ; 1115–1234), also known as the Jurchen Dynasty, was founded by the Wanyan clan of the Jurchens, the ancestors of the Manchus who established the Qing Dynasty some 500 years later...

, the Jurchen dynasty which ruled northern China
Chinese civilization may refer to:* China for more general discussion of the country.* Chinese culture* Greater China, the transnational community of ethnic Chinese.* History of China* Sinosphere, the area historically affected by Chinese culture...

. He reigned from October 27, 1161 to January 20, 1189.
His Jurchen name was Wanyan
Wanyan was a Heishui Mohe tribe living in the drainage region of the Heilong River during the Khitan Liao Dynasty time. The Wanyan clan was founded by Hanpu, who, according to the "History of the Jin" , came from the kingdom of Goryeo at the age of sixty...

 Wulu (完顏烏祿, Wányán Wūlù), Chinese name, Wanyan Yong (完顏雍, Wányán Yōng) and Wanyan Bao (完顏褒, Wányán Bāo).
The era name was Dading (大定, Dàdìng).

Early life

Wanyan Wulu was a grandson of the founder of the dynasty, Wanyan Aguda
Wanyan Aguda
Emperor Taizu of Jin was Emperor of Jin from January 28, 1115 to September 19, 1123.He was the chieftain of the Jurchen Wanyan tribe, founder and first emperor of the Jin Dynasty . He was the younger brother of Wanyan Wuyashu...

, and the son of the famous early-Jin general Wanyan Zongfu (完顏宗輔; courtesy name 完颜宗尧, Wanyan Zongyao). Wulu's father died when the boy was just 12 years old, and he grew up under the influence of his mother, who had come from a Sinicized Bohai
Balhae was a Manchurian kingdom established after the fall of Goguryeo. After Goguryeo's capital and southern territories fell to Unified Silla, Dae Jo-yeong, a Mohe general, whose father was Dae Jung-sang, established Jin , later called Balhae.Balhae occupied southern parts of Manchuria and...

 gentry family from Liaoyang
Liaoyang is a city in China, Liaoning province, located in the middle of the Liaodong Peninsula. The city is situated on the T'ai-tzu River and forms with Anshan a built up area of 2,057,200 inhabitants in 2010....

. After her husband death, Wulu's mother preferred to become a nun instead of remarrying one of her husband's relatives, as was the Jurchen custom. Thanks to his mother and her relatives, Wulu received a good Chinese education, and had as good knowledge of Chinese classics as any Chinese emperor.

Wulu is said to have also been greatly influenced by the wife he had before becoming emperor. Her birth name was Wulinda (乌林荅). She advised Wulu to be patient and to pretend to be loyal to his cousin, the then reigning Emperor Hailingwang
Emperor Hailingwang of Jin
Emperor Hailingwang of Jin was emperor of the Jin Dynasty, the Jurchen dynasty which ruled northern China. He reigned from January 9, 1150 to December 15, 1161....

 (also known as Wanyan Liang). Hailingwang admired his cousin's wife and in 1151 called her to his inner court, but she committed suicide. This event resulted in deep enmity between the two cousins.

When in 1161 Emperor Hailingwang invaded the Southern Song to reunify China under the Jurchen rule, he also sent agents to assassinate many of his own relatives and thus to cement his power within the Jin state. Wulu, also on the hit list, raised a rebellion against Emperor Hailingwang. The rebellion was supported by many Jurchen officers and aristocrats dissatisfied with Hailingwang's policy of cultural Sinicization and administrative centralization, and the human cost of Hailingwang's southern adventure. The first military officer to support the rebellion was said to be Wanyan Mouyan (完顏谋衍). The emperor was soon murdered, and Wulu was able to become the new ruler of the empire without actually fighting Hailingwang.

Shizong's rule

Once on the throne, Wulu - who from now on would be known to the posterity as Emperor Shizong - reversed Hailingwang's plan for invading Southern Song, as well as his domestic Sinicization policies. Although conversant with Chinese culture himself, Shizong thought that the Jurchens' strength was in maintaining their "simple and sincere", culture, and would often attribute Hailingwang's defeat to the latter's wholesale abandonment of it. He wasn't opposed Chinese culture per se - in fact, he once claimed that the "natural and honest" Jurchen way of life was much like what the ancient Chinese sages taught - but he thought that merely reading the classics without putting their ideas in practice was counterproductive.

During Shizong's reign confiscated large areas of unused land and land that had been grabbed by a few large Jurchen landowners, and redistributed it to the Jurchen settlers in North China. Still, many Jurchen preferred not to work their land plots, but lease them to Chinese farmers, and engage in heavy drinking instead. The emperor criticized his people for losing their martial spirit and military skills, such as archery and riding. To give example to his subjects, Shizong made hunting an annual royal activity in 1162, and until 1188 he went hunting almost every autumn and winter. He liked archery and ball games as well.

As part of his promotion of the Jurchen culture and Jurchen language
Jurchen language
Jurchen language is an extinct language. It was spoken by Jurchen people of eastern Manchuria, the creators of the Jin Empire in the northeastern China of the 12th–13th centuries. It is classified as a Southwestern Tungusic language.-Writing:...

, soon after ascending the throne Shizong started a program of translating Chinese classics into Jurchen. The Jurchen version of the Chinese Classic of History
Classic of History
The Classic of History is a compilation of documentary records related to events in ancient history of China. It is also commonly known as the Shàngshū , or simply Shū...

 (Shang shu) was first to be published; by the end of the Dading era, many other Chinese classics become available in Jurchen as well.

Early in his reign, Shizong chose 3,000 Jurchen men to study the Jurchen language. In 1173, the state started offering jinshi
Imperial examination
The Imperial examination was an examination system in Imperial China designed to select the best administrative officials for the state's bureaucracy. This system had a huge influence on both society and culture in Imperial China and was directly responsible for the creation of a class of...

degrees in Jurchen as well, opened the Jurchen Imperial Academy (女真国子学) in the capital and local schools in all the circuits (lu) of the empire. It is thought by modern scholars that the purpose of offering the jinshi examinations in Jurchen was more to promote Jurchen scholarship than to recruit more Jurchen for the state service, as most of the Jurchen jinshi degree holders ended up working as teachers of the Jurchen language and of the Chinese classics in Jurchen translation.

Shizong required that when dealing with Jurchen speakers, government officials responded in Jurchen. In 1174, even the imperial guards were told to learn Jurchen, and not to speak in Chinese; in 1183, one thousand copies of the Jurchen edition of the Canon of Filial Piety
Xiao Jing
Xiao Jing or Classic of Filial Piety is a Confucian classic treatise giving advice on filial piety; that is, how to behave towards a senior .-Authorship:...

 were distributed to them for their edification.

As one of the ways of restoring Jurchen traditions, Shizong prohibited servants and slaves from wearing silk
Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles. The best-known type of silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae of the mulberry silkworm Bombyx mori reared in captivity...

, and in 1188 he prohibited Jurchens in general from wearing Chinese clothes.

Shizong (as well as his successor Zhangzong) has been described as a believer in both Buddhism
Buddhism is a religion and philosophy encompassing a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices, largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha . The Buddha lived and taught in the northeastern Indian subcontinent some time between the 6th and 4th...

 and Taoism
Taoism refers to a philosophical or religious tradition in which the basic concept is to establish harmony with the Tao , which is the mechanism of everything that exists...

. In 1187, he invited Wang Chuyi
Wang Chuyi
Wang Chuyi was one of "The Seven Perfect Ones of the North" or "The Seven Real Taoists", terms used for disciples of Wang Chongyang. He founded the Yushan lineage of the Quanzhen School. He was alleged to have resurrected a corpse by covering his ears and shouting "The Underground Ministry Must...

 (a disciple of the founder of the Quanzhen school of Taoism, Wang Chongyang
Wang Chongyang
Wang Chongyang [Chinese calendar: 宋徽宗政和二年十二月廿二 – 金世宗大定十年正月初四] was a Chinese Taoist and one of the founders of the Quanzhen School in the twelfth century during the Song Dynasty. He was one of the Five Northern Patriarchs of Quanzhen...

) to preach at his inner palace. (According to some sources, another Wang Chongyang's disciple, Qiu Chuji
Qiu Chuji
Qiu Chuji was a Daoist disciple of Wang Chongyang. He was the most famous among the Seven True Daoists of the North...

, was invited as well). The emperor requested the presence of Wang Chuyi
Wang Chuyi
Wang Chuyi was one of "The Seven Perfect Ones of the North" or "The Seven Real Taoists", terms used for disciples of Wang Chongyang. He founded the Yushan lineage of the Quanzhen School. He was alleged to have resurrected a corpse by covering his ears and shouting "The Underground Ministry Must...

 himself at his deathbed.

Modern evaluation

Modern scholars of the Jin Empire feel that Shizong's efforts to maintain and revive Jurchen language and culture were not particularly efficacious. The language lacked native literature, and his translations of Chinese works into Jurchen were helping to bring Chinese ideas and values into Jurchens' minds. In fact, the emperor himself once said that the Jurchen language was "inferior to Chinese", and could not even match Khitan
Khitan language
The Khitan language is a now-extinct language once spoken by the Khitan people . Khitan is generally deemed to be genetically linked to the Mongolic languages. It was written using two mutually exclusive writing systems known as the Khitan large script and the Khitan small script...

. Outside of the old Jurchen lands in far Manchuria, people did not see the utility of speaking the "dying" and "inferior" language, and Shizong himself was wondering if the posterity would criticize him for his attempts to force people use it.

Shizong's attempts to preserve Jurchens' identity as hunters, too, were conflicting with his drive to improve their livelihood by making them into good farmers. Nonetheless, people generally admired his love of peace, his promotion of learning and care of people's well being; traditionally, his era was called a "miniature of Yao
Yao (ruler)
Yao , was a legendary Chinese ruler, one of the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors. His ancestral name (姓)is Yi Qi (伊祁) or Qi(祁),clan name (氏)is Taotang , given name is Fangxun , as the second son to Emperor Ku and Qingdu...

 and Shun", referring to the legendary ancient sage kings.
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