Embed International
Embed International is a supplier and manufacturer of debit card
Debit card
A debit card is a plastic card that provides the cardholder electronic access to his or her bank account/s at a financial institution...

 systems and management
applications for the amusement, leisure and entertainment industries.

Embed systems are now used throughout the world at over 1000 operating locations. Embed systems allow for machine monitoring, admissions control, player tracking and loyalty, cashless operation of games and attractions, retail, food and beverage sales, full prize redemption management, and integrated event scheduling.

Embed operates out of offices in Perth (Australia), Dallas (USA), Bath (UK) and Dubai (UAE). Embed currently employs more than 60 people worldwide. Through its international office network Embed is able to provide 24/7
24/7 is an abbreviation which stands for "24 hours a day, 7 days a week", usually referring to a business or service available at all times without interruption...

 support services to facilities using Embed systems.

Embed is a part of the Leisure and Allied Industries
Leisure and Allied Industries
Leisure and Allied Industries is a leading group of companies within the interactive entertainment industry. The Group was founded in 1958 by Malcolm Steinberg and is based in Perth, Western Australia...

Group (LAI). LAI builds amusement machines and operates amusement facilities throughout Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
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