Electronic Language International Festival
FILE - Electronic Language International Festival is a New media art
New media art
New media art is a genre that encompasses artworks created with new media technologies, including digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, Internet art, interactive art, computer robotics, and art as biotechnology...

 festival that usually takes place in three different cities of Brazil: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre and it has also participated in others events around the world. It is the biggest art & technology festival in Brazil, and it serves as a lead indicator of the plurality of the work created in the interactive art field not only nationally but also internationally.

FILE is organized by a non-profit group whose purpose is to disseminate and to develop culture
Culture is a term that has many different inter-related meanings. For example, in 1952, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhohn compiled a list of 164 definitions of "culture" in Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions...

, arts
aRts, which stands for analog Real time synthesizer, is an audio framework that is no longer under development. It is best known for previously being used in KDE to simulate an analog synthesizer....

, technology
Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. The word technology comes ;...

and scientific research. Admittance to the event is free.

The FILE festival is split in different areas of interest, although some overlap and sub-categorization occurs. The main groups of interest are:
  • FILE Prix Lux is an international prize that is granted to professionals in the area of electronic-digital languages. It grants seven prizes (first place, second place, and five honorable mentions) to each of three categories that are: Interactive Art, Digital Language, and Electronic Sonority. Besides the jury's selection, there is a popular vote through the FILE Prix Lux website

  • FILE PAI (Paulista Avenue Interactive = Interactive Public Art) is a project of digital public art that occupies several spaces at Paulista Avenue with interactive works of art. It intends to highlight the significance of interactive public art in order to understand and to absorb the new social phenomena provided by technology and, thus, to constitute strategies to interconnect with those new mass behaviors. FILE PAI website

  • FILE Exhibition shows a great diversity of national and international research and productions. Artists - among groups, collectives and individual works – participate with productions in the areas of digital culture. In the exhibition, FILE presents some digital and interactive installations, FILE Media Art works, Hypersonica and others. FILE website

  • FILE Media Art presents digital works that propose different ways to explore new technologies as ways of creation and interaction. Films, sites, web and software art show that with digital art, technology can be more than its usual functionality.

  • FILE Hipersonica explores the role of music in a technological culture with audio and visual performances.Hipersonica website
  • FILE Symposium is a collection of lectures by leading artists and technologists on the new media art field.

  • FILE Games brings a repertoire of experimental and artistic electronic games. The different formats and proposals of the games are developed by independent, national and international producers and firms. Among the participants, there are themes related to biological sciences, challengers of the physics laws and even those that dialog with artistic movements.

  • FILE Machinima presents a set of films not built on the reality we live in, but on virtual realities such as digital games' and worlds found on the internet showing a new way of making digital cinema.

  • FILE Innovation has the aim of promoting intersections among fields of science, art, and economy through the exhibition of inventions and innovations in a context guided by the concept of creativity and open innovation.

  • FILE Archive is a collection of works.It has now more than 2000 in several supports of digital media such as cd-rom, zips, diskettes, and video tape, texts and catalogues. FILE ARCHIVE

External links

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