Eduardo Bayo
Eduardo Bayo is a dynamicist known for his work within robotics
Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural disposition, manufacture and application of robots...

 engineering while a Full Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Santa Barbara.

He is notable in the engineering field for his research contributions to dynamics and the control of flexible robots. His ideas on the non-causal inversion of these non-linear non minimum-phase systems have had a growing influence in robotics and in non-linear control theory.
His work began with the application of frequency-domain methods to the inverse dynamics
Inverse dynamics
Inverse dynamics is an inverse problem. It commonly refers to either inverse rigid body dynamics or inverse structural dynamics. Inverse rigid-body dynamics is a method for computing forces and/or moments of force based on the kinematics of a body and the body's inertial properties...

 of single-link flexible robots. His approach yielded non-causal exact solutions due to the right-half plane zeros in the hub-torque-to-tip transfer functions. Extending this method to the non-linear multi-flexible-link case was his seminal contribution to robotics
Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural disposition, manufacture and application of robots...

. When combined with passive joint control in a collaborative effort with my control group, his inverse dynamics approach led to exponentially-stable tip tracking control for flexible multi-link robots.

His paper "A Finite Element Approach to Control the End-Point Motion of a Single Link Flexible Robot" was published by the ASME
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a professional body, specifically an engineering society, focused on mechanical engineering....

's Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, and won the best paper award for 1993.

The influence of Professor Bayo’s inverse dynamics
Inverse dynamics
Inverse dynamics is an inverse problem. It commonly refers to either inverse rigid body dynamics or inverse structural dynamics. Inverse rigid-body dynamics is a method for computing forces and/or moments of force based on the kinematics of a body and the body's inertial properties...

work in flexible robots has grown and is evident in ongoing research around the world.
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