
Friesland is a province in the north of the Netherlands and part of the ancient region of Frisia.Until the end of 1996, the province bore Friesland as its official name. In 1997 this Dutch name lost its official status to the Frisian Fryslân...
in The Netherlands.
On its west side Eastergoa was bordered by the Middelsee with WestergoaWestergoa
Westergoa was one of the seven sealands and one of the three that now lie within the borders of today's Dutch province of Friesland. Later it was one of the three goaen of Frisia. In the Middle Ages Westergoa most probably formed the political centre of the Frisian realm.- Area :On the eastern...
on the other side of the water. To the south the Alde Leppedyk and the Boarn were the border with Bornegoa, and later with Sânwâlden. To the east it was bordered by the lauwers
The Lauwers is a river in the Netherlands. It forms part of the border between the provinces of Friesland and Groningen. From the 730's to Widukind's defeat in 785 it was part of the border of the Frankish Empire....
, the lauwerzee and the Westerkwartier
The Westerkwartier is a historical region in the Dutch province of Groningen, at the border with the province of Friesland. In the past the area was part of the historical region of Frisia. The Frisian language is still spoken in the western parts of the area...
of the Ommelanden
The Ommelanden are the parts of Groningen province that surround Groningen city. Usually mentioned as synonym for the province in the expression Stad en Ommeland ....
, nowadays the western side of the provence of Groningen.
The whole of this area belonged to Wininge and AchtkarspelenAchtkarspelen
-History:The name Achtkarspelen is derived from the original eight kerspelen within the grietenij, namely: Augustinusga, Buitenpost, Drogeham, De Kooten, Kortwoude, Lutkepost, Surhuizum and Twijzel. Achtkarspelen held a separate status within Friesland for many years...
, that was by then stil a part of Eastergoa. Round 1200 Wininge existed out of Dantumadeel
Dantumadiel is a municipality in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands. Dantumadiel is a rural municipality characterized by agriculture.- History :...
, Dongeradeel
- History :Dongeradeel was created in 1984 from a merger of the old municipalities Westdongeradeel, Oostdongeradeel, and Dokkum. The new municipality is still colloquially referred to in the plural, "de Dongeradelen".- Population centres :...
and Ferwerderadeel in the north and Idaarderadeel, Leeuwarderadeel
Leeuwarderadeel is a municipality in the northern Netherlands. Its capital is Stiens.- Population centres :Bartlehiem, Britsum, Cornjum, Finkum, Hijum, Jelsum, Oude Leije, Stiens.- Bartlehiem :...
and Tytsjerksteradeel in the south. Round 1250 it was split into two parts called the
"Noardlike njoggen" (Northern nine) and the "Sudlike njoggen" (Southern nine).
Round 1500 the parts further fell apart and so Eastergoa was split into two cities, Leeuwarden and DokkumDokkum
Dokkum is a Dutch fortified town in the municipality of Dongeradeel in the province of Friesland. It has 13,145 inhabitants . The fortifications of Dokkum are well preserved and are known as the bolwerken . - History :...
and eleven grietenij
A grietenij was a forerunner to the gemeente or municipality in Frisia, particularly inFriesland, and also in Groningen which are now a part of the Netherlands. From the end of the...
en (or municipalities), Achtkarspelen, Dantumadiel,
Oostdongeradeel, Ferwerderadeel, Idaarderadeel, Leeuwarderadeel, Kollumerland, Rauwerderhem
Rauwerderhem is a former municipality in the province of Friesland. It existed until 1984, now named Boornsterhem. City: Irnsum....
, Smallingerland
Smallingerland is a municipality in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands.-Population centres:Boornbergum, De Tike, De Veenhoop, De Wilgen, Drachten , Drachtstercompagnie, Goëngahuizen, Houtigehage, Kortehemmen, Nijega, Opeinde, Oudega, Rottevalle and Smalle Ee.-History:The name...
, Tytsjerksteradeel and Westdongeradeel.
The eleven grietenijen of Eastergoa:
1. Ljouwerteradeel
2. Ferwerderadeel
3. Westdongeradeel
4. Oostdongeradeel
5. Kollumerland
6. Achtkarspelen
7. Dantumadeel
8. Tytsjerksteradeel
9. Smellingerland
10. Idaarderadiel
11. Rauwerderhem
The two cities:
Lw: Leeuwarden
D: Dokkum