East River (Colorado)
East River is a 38.3 miles (61.6 km) stream
A stream is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream banks. Depending on its locale or certain characteristics, a stream may be referred to as a branch, brook, beck, burn, creek, "crick", gill , kill, lick, rill, river, syke, bayou, rivulet, streamage, wash, run or...

 in central Colorado. It flows south from Emerald Lake in the Maroon Bells Wilderness
Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness
The Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness is a U.S. Wilderness Area located in the Elk Mountains of central Colorado. The wilderness was established in 1980 in the Gunnison and White River national forests. Within its boundaries are of trails, 6 of Colorado's fourteeners and 9 passes over ....

 to a confluence with the Taylor River
Taylor River (Colorado)
The Taylor River rises close to Castle Peak in Colorado’s Elk Mountains in the northeast part of Gunnison County, near the Continental Divide....

 that forms the Gunnison River
Gunnison River
The Gunnison River is a tributary of the Colorado River, long, in the Southwest state of Colorado. It is the fifth largest tributary of the Colorado River, with a mean flow of 4320 ft³/s .-Description:...

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