Donald E. Davis Arboretum
The Donald E. Davis Arboretum (5.7 ha / 14 acres) is an arboretum
An arboretum in a narrow sense is a collection of trees only. Related collections include a fruticetum , and a viticetum, a collection of vines. More commonly, today, an arboretum is a botanical garden containing living collections of woody plants intended at least partly for scientific study...

 located on the campus of Auburn University
Auburn University
Auburn University is a public university located in Auburn, Alabama, United States. With more than 25,000 students and 1,200 faculty members, it is one of the largest universities in the state. Auburn was chartered on February 7, 1856, as the East Alabama Male College, a private liberal arts...

 in Auburn, Alabama
Auburn, Alabama
Auburn is a city in Lee County, Alabama, United States. It is the largest city in eastern Alabama with a 2010 population of 53,380. It is a principal city of the Auburn-Opelika Metropolitan Area...

. It is open to the public without charge.

The arboretum features native trees, shrubs and wildflowers of the southeastern United States
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

, including 150 different tree species native to Alabama
Alabama is a state located in the southeastern region of the United States. It is bordered by Tennessee to the north, Georgia to the east, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico to the south, and Mississippi to the west. Alabama ranks 30th in total land area and ranks second in the size of its inland...

 and the Southeast.

Its collection includes:


  • Abies firma
  • Acer floridanum
    Acer floridanum
    Acer floridanum , commonly known as the Florida maple and occasionally as the southern sugar maple or hammock maple, is a tree that occurs in mesic and usually calcareous woodlands of the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plain in the United States, from southeastern...

  • Acer leucoderme
  • Acer negundo
    Acer negundo
    Acer negundo is a species of maple native to North America. Box Elder, Boxelder Maple, and Maple Ash are its most common names in the United States...

  • Acer palmatum
    Acer palmatum
    Acer palmatum, called Japanese Maple or Smooth Japanese Maple is a species of woody plant native to Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia. Many different cultivars of this maple have been selected and they are grown worldwide for their attractive leaf...

  • Acer rubrum
  • Acer saccharinum
  • Acer saccharum
  • Aesculus flava
  • Aesculus parviflora
    Aesculus parviflora
    Aesculus parviflora is a species of Aesculus native to open woodlands of the southeastern United States....

  • Aesculus pavia
  • Aesculus sylvatica
    Aesculus sylvatica
    Aesculus sylvatica is a species of shrub. The species has five leaflets that are 4.5 to 6 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 inches wide. The flowers are yellow and occasionally have red also. The species have dry fruit and brown, scaly bark. The species is commonly found in forests and along stream...

  • Agarista populifolia
    Agarista populifolia
    Agarista populifolia is a species in the family Ericaceae with the common name of Florida Hobblebush. It forms dense thickets which are difficult to penetrate, thus the common name. Stems often lean and arching. It is found in the southeastern United States inhabiting moist to wet woodlands...

  • Ailanthus altissima
  • Albizia julibrissin
    Albizia julibrissin
    Albizia julibrissin is a species of legume in the genus Albizia, native to southwestern and eastern Asia, from Persia east to China and Korea...

  • Alnus
    Alder is the common name of a genus of flowering plants belonging to the birch family . The genus comprises about 30 species of monoecious trees and shrubs, few reaching large size, distributed throughout the North Temperate Zone and in the Americas along the Andes southwards to...

    Alnus serrulata
    Alnus serrulata, the hazel alder,or smooth alder is a thicket-forming shrub in the family Betulaceae. It is native to eastern North America and can be found found from western Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick south to Florida and Texas....

  • Amelanchier arborea
  • Amelanchier laevis
    Amelanchier laevis
    Amelanchier laevis is a small tree, growing up to 9m. The fruit, which are pomes, are edible and can be eaten raw or cooked. The fruit has a sweet flavor. The bark can be made into a herbal medicine for expectant mothers. It is a deciduous tree...

  • Ampelopsis arborea
    Ampelopsis arborea
    Ampelopsis arborea, commonly known as Pepper vine, is native to the Southeastern United States, Texas, and New Mexico.-Synonyms:Its synonyms include: Ampelopsis bipinnata Michx., Ampelopsis pinnata DC., Cissus arborea Des Moul., Cissus bipinnata Elliott, Cissus orientalis Lam., Cissus stans...

  • Aralia spinosa
    Aralia spinosa
    Aralia spinosa, commonly known as Devil's Walkingstick, is a woody species of plants in the genus Aralia, family Araliaceae, native to eastern North America. The various names refer to the viciously sharp, spiny stems, petioles, and even leaf midribs...

  • Aronia arbutifolia
  • Asimina parviflora
  • Asimina triloba
    Asimina triloba
    Asimina triloba, the pawpaw, paw paw, paw-paw, or common pawpaw, is a species of Asimina in the same plant family as the custard-apple, cherimoya, sweetsop, ylang-ylang and soursop...


  • Baccharis halimifolia
    Baccharis halimifolia
    Baccharis halimifolia is a fall-flowering deciduous or evergreen shrub commonly found in wetlands on the Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains of the eastern United States from Texas and Florida northward to Massachusetts, inland to the District of Columbia and Pennsylvania...

  • Befaria racemosa
  • Berchemia scandens
  • Betula nigra
  • Bignonia capreolata
    Bignonia capreolata
    Bignonia capreolata is a vine commonly referred to as crossvine. The common name refers to the cross-shaped pattern revealed when the stem is cut; this pattern results from four radial wedges of phloem embedded within the stem’s xylem. It is native to the central and southern United States. The...

  • Broussonetia papyrifera
    Paper Mulberry
    The Paper Mulberry is a tree in the family Moraceae, native to eastern Asia. Other names include Dak, Halibun, Kalivon, Kozo, and Tapacloth tree.It is a deciduous tree growing to tall...


  • Callicarpa americana
    Callicarpa americana
    American Beautyberry is an open-habit, native shrub of the Southern United States which is often grown as an ornamental in gardens and yards...

  • Calycanthus floridus
  • Campsis radicans
  • Carpinus caroliniana
  • Carya aquatica
    Carya aquatica
    Carya aquatica is a large tree, that can grow over 30 meters tall of the Juglandaceae or walnut family. In the American South it is a dominant plant species found on clay flats and backwater areas near streams and rivers. The species reproduces aggressively both by seed and sprouts from roots and...

  • Carya cordiformis
  • Carya glabra
  • Carya illinoensis
    The pecan , Carya illinoinensis, is a species of hickory, native to south-central North America, in Mexico from Coahuila south to Jalisco and Veracruz, in the United States from southern Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Indiana east to western Kentucky, southwestern Ohio, North Carolina, South...

  • Carya laciniosa
  • Carya myristicaeformis
  • Carya ovalis
    Carya ovalis
    Carya ovalis, the Red Hickory, is a fairly uncommon but widespread Hickory native to eastern North America. It is typically found growing in dry, well drained sandy upland ridges and sloped woodlands from southern Ontario, Canada, and in the United States east to New Hampshire, south to northern...

  • Carya ovata
  • Carya pallida
  • Carya tomentosa
  • Catalpa bignonioides
  • Cedrus deodara
  • Celtis laevigata
    Celtis laevigata
    Celtis laevigata is a medium-sized tree native to North America. Common names include Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry, or in the southern U.S. Sugar Hackberry or just Hackberry....

  • Celtis occidentalis
    Celtis occidentalis
    Celtis occidentalis, commonly known as the Common hackberry, is a medium-size deciduous tree native to North America. It is also known as the nettletree, beaverwood, northern hackberry, and American hackberry...

  • Celtis tenuifolia
    Celtis tenuifolia
    Celtis tenuifolia, the Dwarf Hackberry or Georgia Hackberry is a shrub or small tree 2 to 12 meters high. It is native to eastern North America, but is very uncommon north of the Ohio River...

  • Cephalanthus occidentalis
    Cephalanthus occidentalis
    Cephalanthus occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the coffee family, Rubiaceae, that is native to eastern and southern North America. Common names include Buttonbush, Common Buttonbush, Button-willow and Honey-bells....

  • Cercis canadensis
  • Cercis chinensis
  • Chamaecyparis thyoides
    Chamaecyparis thyoides
    Chamaecyparis thyoides , is a species of Chamaecyparis, native to the Atlantic coast of North America from Maine south to Georgia, with a disjunct population on the Mexican Gulf coast from Florida to Mississippi...

  • Chionanthus retusus
    Chionanthus retusus
    Chionanthus retusus is a species of Chionanthus native to eastern Asia, in eastern and central China, Korea, and Japan....

  • Chionanthus virginicus
    Chionanthus virginicus
    Chionanthus virginicus is a tree native to the eastern United States, from New Jersey south to Florida, and west to Oklahoma and Texas. -Growth:...

  • Clematis
    Clematis is a genus of about 300 species within the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. Their garden hybrids have been popular among gardeners beginning with Clematis × jackmanii, a garden standby since 1862; more hybrid cultivars are being produced constantly. They are mainly of Chinese and Japanese...

  • Clethra alnifolia
    Clethra alnifolia
    Clethra alnifolia , is a flowering plant in the genus Clethra, native to eastern North America from southern Nova Scotia and Maine south to northern Florida, and west to eastern Texas....

  • Cliftonia monophylla
    Cliftonia monophylla
    Cliftonia monophylla is a tree native to the United States.-External links:***...

  • Cocculus
    Cocculus is a genus of 11 species of woody vines and shrubs, native to warm temperate to tropical regions of North America, Asia and Africa. The common name Moonseed is also used for the closely related genus Menispermum. The related Indian Berry is known as "Cocculus Indicus" in...

    Cocculus carolinus
    Cocculus carolinus, otherwise known as Carolina Coralbead, Redberry Moonseed or the Carolina snailseed, is a vine of the genus Cocculus. It is indigenous to several states in the United States along the south to midwest...

  • Conradina
    Conradina is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. Its common name is False Rosemary, or rarely, short leaf rosemary. There are 7 species of Conradina, all native to the southeastern United States. Conradina verticillata grows on the Cumberland Plateau in Kentucky and...

  • Cornus alternifolia
  • Cornus amomum
    Cornus amomum
    Cornus amomum is a species of dogwood native to eastern North America, from Ontario and Quebec south to Arkansas and Georgia. Also found in other parts of North America....

  • Cornus florida
  • Corylus americana
    Corylus americana
    Corylus americana, the American Hazelnut, is a species of the genus Corylus that is native to eastern North America.It is a medium to large shrub that under some conditions can take the form of a small tree...

  • Cotinus coggygria
  • Cotinus obovatus
  • Crataegus cestivalis
  • Crataegus uniflora
    Crataegus uniflora
    Crataegus uniflora is a species of hawthorn known by the common name one-flowered hawthorn, or dwarf hawthorn. It is native to parts of the southeastern US. The plant is usually a small bush, but some forms can be a few meters tall. The flowers occur singly or in small clusters. The fruit are hairy...

  • Croton alabamensis
    Croton alabamensis
    Croton alabamensis, known as Alabama Croton, is a plant native to North America, including Alabama in the Southeastern United States....

  • Cupressocyparis leylandii
  • Cupressus arizonica
    Cupressus arizonica
    Cupressus arizonica, the Arizona Cypress, is a species of cypress native to the southwest of North America, in the United States in Arizona, southwest New Mexico, southern California, and the Chisos Mountains of west Texas, and in Mexico in Coahuila, Chihuahua, Durango, Tamaulipas, Zacatecas and...

  • Cyrilla racemiflora


  • Fagus grandifolia
  • Firmiana simplex
    Firmiana simplex
    Firmiana simplex, commonly known as the Chinese parasol tree or wutong is an ornamental plant or tree of the cacao, or chocolate, of the family Sterculiaceae of the order Malvales, native to Asia. It grows to a height of 12 m . It has alternate, deciduous leaves up to 30 cm across and small...

  • Fraxinus americana
  • Fraxinus pennsylvanica


  • Gelsemium sempervirens
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Gleditsia triacanthos
    Honey locust
    The Honey locust, Gleditsia triacanthos, is a deciduous tree native to central North America. It is mostly found in the moist soil of river valleys ranging from southeastern South Dakota to New Orleans and central Texas, and as far east as eastern Massachusetts.-Description:Honey locusts, Gleditsia...

  • Gordonia lasianthus
  • Gymnocladus dioicus


  • Halesia carolina
  • Halesia diptera
    Halesia diptera
    Halesia diptera is a species in the family Styracaceae, native to the southeastern United States from South Carolina and Florida west to eastern Texas....

  • Hydrangea arborescens
    Hydrangea arborescens
    Hydrangea arborescens, commonly known as Smooth Hydrangea, Wild Hydrangea, or Sevenbark, is a small to medium sized, deciduous shrub up to 3 m tall that is native to the eastern United States.-Range/Habitat:...

  • Hydrangea quercifolia
    Hydrangea quercifolia
    Hydrangea quercifolia, commonly known by its translation Oakleaf hydrangea, is a species of hydrangea native to the Southeastern United States, in woodland habitats from North Carolina west to Tennessee, and south to Florida and Louisiana....

  • Hypericum
    Hypericum is a genus of about 400 species of flowering plants in the family Hypericaceae ....



  • Ilex cassine
  • Ilex decidua
    Ilex decidua
    Ilex decidua is a species of holly native to the United States.-Description:...

  • Ilex opaca
  • Ilex vomitoria
  • Ilex × attenuata
  • Illicium floridanum
    Illicium floridanum
    Illicium floridanum is an evergreen shrub native to the south-eastern United states especially Florida and Louisiana....

  • Iris virginica
  • Itea virginica
    Itea virginica
    Itea virginica is a plant in the Iteaceae.-Description:I. virginica is a shrub with alternate, simple leaves, on arching stems. The flowers are white, borne in summer. It has deciduous to semievergreen shrub and grows from 3' to 6' tall. It is a multistemmed, suckering and colonizing plant...


  • Laurus nobilis
    Bay Laurel
    The bay laurel , also known as sweet bay, bay tree, true laurel, Grecian laurel, laurel tree, or simply laurel, is an aromatic evergreen tree or large shrub with green, glossy leaves, native to the Mediterranean region. It is the source of the bay leaf used in cooking...

  • Leucothoe racemosa
    Leucothoe (plant)
    Leucothoe is a genus of about 45 species of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae, native to Asia, the Americas and Madagascar.They are shrubs growing to 1-3 m tall, either deciduous or evergreen depending on species. The leaves are alternate, oblong-lanceolate, 2-15 cm long...

  • Leucothoe
    Leucothoe (plant)
    Leucothoe is a genus of about 45 species of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae, native to Asia, the Americas and Madagascar.They are shrubs growing to 1-3 m tall, either deciduous or evergreen depending on species. The leaves are alternate, oblong-lanceolate, 2-15 cm long...

  • Lindera benzoin
    Lindera benzoin
    Lindera benzoin is a flowering plant in the family Lauraceae, native to eastern North America, ranging from Maine to Ontario in the north, and to Kansas, Texas and northern Florida in the south.-Characteristics:Spicebush is a medium-sized deciduous shrub growing to 5 m...

  • Liquidambar styraciflua
  • Liriodendron tulipifera
    Liriodendron tulipifera
    Liriodendron tulipifera, commonly known as the tulip tree, American tulip tree, tuliptree, tulip poplar or yellow poplar, is the Western Hemisphere representative of the two-species genus Liriodendron, and the tallest eastern hardwood...

  • Lithocarpus
    Lithocarpus is a genus in the beech family Fagaceae, differing from Quercus in the erect male spikes. The World Checklist accepts 334 species, though some other texts suggest as few as 100 species. About 100 Asian species of the genus were formerly treated in the genus Pasania. All but one are...

  • Lonicera sempervirens
    Lonicera sempervirens
    Lonicera sempervirens is a species of honeysuckle native to the eastern United States.It is an evergreen twining shrubby vine growing to several meters high through shrubs and young trees...


  • Maclura pomifera
  • Magnolia acuminata
  • Magnolia grandiflora
  • Magnolia macrophylla
  • Magnolia pyramidata
  • Magnolia tripetala
  • Malus angustifolia
    Malus angustifolia
    Malus angustifolia, or Southern crabapple, is a species of crabapple. The fruit is astringent and acidic and is not palatable when raw. The fruit can be use to make jellies, jams and food preserves. The fruits are small and have an aromatic scent and a pear-like shape. It is a tree that is grown as...

  • Melia azedarach
    Melia azedarach
    Melia azedarach is a species of deciduous tree in the mahogany family, Meliaceae, that is native to Pakistan, India, Indochina Southeast Asia and Australia...

  • Metasequoia glyptostroboides
    Metasequoia glyptostroboides
    Metasequoia glyptostroboides, the dawn redwood, is a fast-growing, critically endangered deciduous conifer tree, sole living species of the genus Metasequoia, and one of three species of conifers known as redwoods. It is native to the Sichuan-Hubei region of China...

  • Morus rubra
  • Myrica cerifera
    Myrica cerifera
    Myrica cerifera is a small tree or large shrub native to North America. Its common names include Wax myrtle, Bayberry, Candleberry, Bayberry tree, and Tallow shrub...

  • Myrica heterophylla


  • Nerium oleander
  • Neviusia alabamensis
    Neviusia alabamensis
    Neviusia alabamensis is a perrenial ornamental plant, which is native to the United States where it occurs in several southeastern states. It is one of three species in the genus Neviusia, the others being the California endemic species, Neviusia cliftonii, and the extinct species Neviusia...

  • Nyssa aquatica
  • Nyssa ogeche
  • Nyssa sylvatica


  • Panicum
    Panicum is a large genus of about 450 species of grasses native throughout the tropical regions of the world, with a few species extending into the northern temperate zone...

  • Parthenocissus
    Parthenocissus , creepers, is a genus of climbing plants from the grape family, Vitaceae. It contains about 12 species, from Asia and North America. Several are grown for ornamental use....

  • Passiflora incarnata
    Passiflora incarnata
    Passiflora incarnata, commonly known as maypop, purple passionflower, true passionflower, wild apricot, and wild passion vine, is a fast growing perennial vine with climbing or trailing stems. A member of the passionflower genus Passiflora, the maypop has large, intricate flowers with prominent...

  • Paulownia
    Paulownia is a genus of from 6 to 17 species of plants in the monogeneric family Paulowniaceae, related to and sometimes included in the Scrophulariaceae. They are native to much of China, south to northern Laos and Vietnam, and long cultivated elsewhere in eastern Asia, notably in Japan and Korea...

  • Persea
    Persea is a genus of about 150 species of evergreen trees belonging to the laurel family, Lauraceae. The best-known member of the genus is the avocado, P. americana, widely cultivated in subtropical regions for its large, edible fruit.-Overview:...

  • Physocarpus
    Physocarpus, commonly called Ninebark, is a genus of about ten species of flowering plants in the family Rosaceae, native to North America and northeastern Asia ....

  • Picea abies
  • Pinckneya bracteata
  • Pinus clausa
  • Pinus echinata
  • Pinus elliotii
  • Pinus glabra
  • Pinus nigra
  • Pinus palustris
  • Pinus rigida
  • Pinus serotina
  • Pinus strobus
  • Pinus taeda
  • Pinus virginiana
  • Platanus
    Platanus is a small genus of trees native to the Northern Hemisphere. They are the sole living members of the family Platanaceae....

  • Poncirus trifoliata
  • Populus
    Populus is a genus of 25–35 species of deciduous flowering plants in the family Salicaceae, native to most of the Northern Hemisphere. English names variously applied to different species include poplar , aspen, and cottonwood....

  • Prunus
    Prunus is a genus of trees and shrubs, which includes the plums, cherries, peaches, apricots and almonds. There are around 430 species spread throughout the northern temperate regions of the globe. Many members of the genus are widely cultivated for fruit and ornament.-Botany:Members of the genus...

  • Prunus mexicana
  • Prunus serotina
  • Prunus serrulata
    Prunus serrulata
    Prunus serrulata or Japanese Cherry; also called Hill Cherry, Oriental Cherry or East Asian Cherry, is a species of cherry native to Japan, Korea and China. It is known for its spring cherry blossom displays and festivals....

  • Ptelea trifoliata


  • Quercus aqutissima
  • Quercus alba
  • Quercus austrina
  • Quercus bicolor
  • Quercus coccinea
  • Quercus falcata var. falcata
  • Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia
  • Quercus hemisphaerica
  • Quercus imbricaria
  • Quercus incana
  • Quercus lyrata
  • Quercus macrocarpa
  • Quercus marilandica
  • Quercus michauxii
  • Quercus muehlenbergii
  • Quercus nigra
  • Quercus nuttallii
  • Quercus palustris
  • Quercus phellos
  • Quercus prinus
  • Quercus rubra
  • Quercus shumardii
  • Quercus stellata var. margaretta
  • Quercus stellata var. stellata
  • Quercus velutina
  • Quercus virginiana


  • Rhamnus caroliniana
    Rhamnus caroliniana
    Rhamnus caroliniana , the Carolina Buckthorn, is an upright shrub or small tree native to the Southeastern United States. There is a local disjunct population in Mexico as well.-Characteristics:...

  • Rhapidophyllum hystrix
  • Rhododendron
    Rhododendron is a genus of over 1 000 species of woody plants in the heath family, most with showy flowers...

  • Rhododendron austrinum
  • Rhododendron carolinianum
  • Rhododendron maximum
  • Rhododendron minus
  • Rhododendron nudiflorum
  • Rhus glabra
    Rhus glabra
    Rhus glabra is a species of sumac in the family Anacardiaceae, native to North America, from southern Quebec west to southern British Columbia in Canada, and south to northern Florida and Arizona in the United States and Tamaulipas in northeastern Mexico.One of the easiest shrubs to identify...

  • Rhus typhinia
  • Robinia pseudoacacia
  • Rosmarinus
    Rosmarinus is a small genus of woody, perennial herbs with fragrant evergreen needle-like leaves in the family Lamiaceae, native to the Mediterranean Basin.-Description:...



  • Sagittaria
    Sagittaria is a genus of about 30 species of aquatic plants whose members go by a variety of common names, including arrowhead, duck potato, iz-ze-kn, katniss, kuwai , swan potato, tule potato, and wapato...

     lancifolia media
    Sagittaria lancifolia
    Sagittaria lancifolia is a perennial, monocot plant in the family Alismataceae, genus Sagittaria, with herbaceous growth patterns. It is native to the southeastern United States and westward through Texas...

  • Sagittaria latifolia
  • Salix eriocephala
  • Salix nigra
  • Sambucus canadensis
  • Sapium
    Sapium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Euphorbiaceae, comprising about 125 species. The genus is native to the tropics, especially the Neotropics...

  • Sassafras
    Sassafras is a genus of three extant and one extinct species of deciduous trees in the family Lauraceae, native to eastern North America and eastern Asia.-Overview:...

  • Sideroxylon lanuginosum
    Sideroxylon lanuginosum
    Sideroxylon lanuginosum is a shrub or small tree of the family Sapotaceae. It is native to the Sun Belt and Midwest of the United States as well as Northeastern Mexico...

  • Sideroxylon lycioides
    Sideroxylon lycioides
    The Buckthorn Bully is a small tree in the family Sapotaceae. It is widely distributed in the southeastern United States from Texas to New Jersey....

  • Smilax
    Smilax is a genus of about 300-350 species, found in temperate zones, tropics and subtropics worldwide. In China for example about 80 are found , while there are 20 in North America north of Mexico...

  • Staphylea trifolia
  • Stewartia malacodendron
  • Styrax
    Styrax is a genus of about 130 species of large shrubs or small trees in the family Styracaceae, mostly native to warm temperate to tropical regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with the majority in eastern and southeastern Asia, but also crossing the equator in South America...

  • Styrax americanus
  • Symplocos tinctoria


  • Taxodium ascendens
    Taxodium ascendens
    Taxodium ascendens, also known as Pond Cypress, is a deciduous conifer of the genus Taxodium, native to North America. Many botanists treat it as a variety of Bald Cypress, Taxodium distichum Taxodium ascendens, also known as Pond Cypress, is a deciduous conifer of the genus Taxodium, native to...

  • Taxodium distichum
    Taxodium distichum
    Taxodium distichum is a species of conifer native to the southeastern United States.-Characteristics:...

  • Tilia americana
    Tilia americana
    Tilia americana is a species of Tilia native to eastern North America, from southeast Manitoba east to New Brunswick, southwest to northeast Texas, and southeast to South Carolina, and west along the Niobrara River to Cherry County, Nebraska...

  • Tilia heterophylla
    Tilia heterophylla
    Tilia heterophylla , is a species of Tilia native to mesic forests in eastern North America from central New York south to northernmost Florida and west to Missouri; it is most common in the Appalachian Mountains....

  • Toxicodendron pubescens
  • Toxicodendron radicans
  • Toxicodendron vernix
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides
    Trachelospermum jasminoides
    Trachelospermum jasminoides is a species of flowering plant in the milkweed family, Apocynaceae, that is native to eastern and southeastern Asia, into Japan, Korea, southern China, and Vietnam. Common names include Star Jasmine, Confederate Jasmine, and Trader's Compass.-Description:Trachelospermum...

  • Tsuga caroliniana
  • Tsuga canadensis


  • Vaccinium arboreum
    Vaccinium arboreum
    Vaccinium arboreum is a species of Vaccinium native to the southeastern United States, from southern Virginia west to southeastern Nebraska, south to Florida and eastern Texas, and north to Illinois....

  • Viburnum acerifolium
    Viburnum acerifolium
    Viburnum acerifolium is a species of Viburnum, native to eastern North America from southwestern Quebec and Ontario south to northern Florida and eastern Texas....

  • Viburnum dentatum
    Viburnum dentatum
    Viburnum dentatum — southern arrowwood or arrowwood viburnum or roughish arrowwood — is a small shrub, native to the Eastern United States and Canada from Maine south to Northern Florida and Eastern Texas....

  • Viburnum nudum
    Viburnum nudum
    Viburnum nudum is a plant in the muskroot family, Adoxaceae.-Description:...

  • Viburnum prunifolium
    Viburnum prunifolium
    Viburnum prunifolium , is a species of Viburnum native to southeastern North America, from Connecticut west to eastern Kansas, and south to Alabama and Texas.-Growth:It is a deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 2–9 m tall with a short crooked trunk and stout...

  • Viburnum rufidulum
    Viburnum rufidulum
    Viburnum rufidulum, also known as the rusty blackhaw, blue haw, rusty nanny-berry, or southern black haw, is a flowering species of shrub or small tree that is common in parts of the Eastern and Central United States...

  • Vitis rotundifolia

See also

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