Doctor Gorpon
Doctor Gorpon is a 1991 three-issue comic book mini-series published by Malibu Comics
Malibu Comics
Malibu Comics was an American comic book publisher active in the late 1980s and early 1990s, best known for its Ultraverse line of superhero titles. The company's headquarters was in Calabasas, California. Malibu imprints included Aircel Comics and Eternity Comics...

, created by Marc Hansen.


The story is about the eponym
An eponym is the name of a person or thing, whether real or fictitious, after which a particular place, tribe, era, discovery, or other item is named or thought to be named...

ous supernatural monster killer that must pass on his legacy to a new generation. Doctor Gorpon finds such a prospect in a young rebellious teen named Doofus.

Collected edition

The series was collected into a trade paperback
Trade paperback (comics)
In comics, a trade paperback is a collection of stories originally published in comic books, reprinted in book format, usually capturing one story arc from a single title or a series of stories with a connected story arc or common theme from one or more titles...

 by NOW Comics
NOW Comics
NOW Comics was a comic book publisher founded in late 1985 by Tony C. Caputo as a sole-proprietorship. During the four years after its founding, NOW grew from a one-man operation to operating in 12 countries, and published almost 1,000 comics books....

  • Doctor Gorpon (96 pages, NOW Comics, July 2004, ISBN 097452056X)
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