Dieter Möhrmann
Dieter Möhrmann is a German politician in the Social Democratic Party of Germany
Social Democratic Party of Germany
The Social Democratic Party of Germany is a social-democratic political party in Germany...

 (SPD) and deputy speaker in the Lower Saxony State Parliament.

Möhrmann was born on 6 March 1948 in Soltau
- Middle Ages :The region of the Lüneburg Heath had already been settled by the start of the New Stone Age about 4,000 years ago. The Soltau area was initially occupied by a few individual farms. The parish of Soltau was probably founded around 830 and the first wooden church Sante Johannis...

, Lower Saxony. After attending a middle school, Möhrmann underwent training as an industrial sales representative (Industriekaufmann) and then worked as a commercial clerk (kaufmännischer Angestellter). He then undertook further study, earning diplomas in business management and commerce
While business refers to the value-creating activities of an organization for profit, commerce means the whole system of an economy that constitutes an environment for business. The system includes legal, economic, political, social, cultural, and technological systems that are in operation in any...

. After that he was employed as a teacher in a school of commerce in Harburg
Harburg is a borough of the city of Hamburg, Germany and a quarter in this borough. The borough Harburg lies on the southern shores of the river Elbe and covers parts of the port of Hamburg, residential and rural areas and some research institutes...


In 1971 Dieter Möhrmann joined the SPD. Since 1972 he has been a member of the town council
Town council
A town council is a democratically elected form of government for small municipalities or civil parishes. A council may serve as both the representative and executive branch....

 of Schneverdingen
Schneverdingen is a town in the northern part of the district of Heidekreis, in Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated approx. 15 km north of Soltau, and 50 km south of Hamburg....

. From 1974 to 1991 he was chairman of the council's SPD group and, from 1991 to 1996, he was the Mayor of Schneverdingen. Since 1981 Möhrmann has been a member of the district council for Soltau-Fallingbostel; where he is chairman of the SPD group.

Möhrmann is a long-standing member of the Lower Saxon Parliament
Lower Saxon Landtag
The Lower Saxon Landtag or the Parliament of Lower Saxony is the state diet of the German state of Lower Saxony. It convenes in Hanover and currently consists of 152 members of five Parties...

 or Landtag (from 1982 to 1986 and since 1989). From 1999 to 2008 he was the chief whip
Chief Whip
The Chief Whip is a political office in some legislatures assigned to an elected member whose task is to administer the whipping system that ensures that members of the party attend and vote as the party leadership desires.-The Whips Office:...

 for the SPD parliamentary group in the state parliament; since March 2008 he has been vice-president (deputy speaker) of the parliament. Dieter Möhrmann lives in Schneverdingen, is Evangelical-Lutheran, and is married with two children.


  • Barbara Simon: Abgeordnete in Niedersachsen 1946–1994. Biographisches Handbuch. 1996, p. 259.

External links

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