David Fury
David Fury is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 television Screenwriter
Screenwriters or scriptwriters or scenario writers are people who write/create the short or feature-length screenplays from which mass media such as films, television programs, Comics or video games are based.-Profession:...

 and Producer
Television producer
The primary role of a television Producer is to allow all aspects of video production, ranging from show idea development and cast hiring to shoot supervision and fact-checking...

, best known for his work on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel
Angel (TV series)
Angel is an American television series, a spin-off of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The series was created by Buffys creator, Joss Whedon, in collaboration with David Greenwalt, and first aired on October 5, 1999...

Lost (TV series)
Lost is an American television series that originally aired on ABC from September 22, 2004 to May 23, 2010, consisting of six seasons. Lost is a drama series that follows the survivors of the crash of a commercial passenger jet flying between Sydney and Los Angeles, on a mysterious tropical island...

24 (TV series)
24 is an American television series produced for the Fox Network and syndicated worldwide, starring Kiefer Sutherland as Counter Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer. Each 24-episode season covers 24 hours in the life of Bauer, using the real time method of narration...

, and Fringe
Fringe (TV series)
Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security...


Fury was a Co-executive producer and Writer for the first season of
Lost. Fury and the writing staff won the Writers Guild of America (WGA) Award for Best Dramatic Series at the February 2006 ceremony
Writers Guild of America Awards 2005
The 58th Writers Guild of America Awards, given on 4 February 2006, honored the best film and television writers of 2005.-Adapted Screenplay: Brokeback Mountain - Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana*Capote - Dan Futterman...

 for their work on the first season.

Fury was born in New York City, New York, the son of a model. He was a stand-up comic at The Improv
The Improv
The Improv is a comedy club franchise. Originally, it was a single venue founded in 1963 by Budd Friedman and located in the Hell's Kitchen neighborhood of New York City on West 44th near the SE corner of 9th Ave. A second location was opened in 1974 at 8162 Melrose Avenue in the Fairfax District...

 and Catch a Rising Star
Catch a Rising Star
Catch a Rising Star is a chain of comedy clubs, founded in New York City in December 1972 and owned by Rick Newman. It has since spread to other areas, such as Las Vegas and New Jersey....

, and founded a comedy theater troupe called Brain Trust. He also wrote for The Jackie Thomas Show
The Jackie Thomas Show
The Jackie Thomas Show is an American sitcom that aired on the ABC network from December 1992 to March 1993. The series received widespread attention due to its creators Roseanne Arnold, then starring in the fifth season of her top-rated comedy Roseanne, and her husband and Roseanne co-producer Tom...

, House of Buggin, Dream On
Dream On (TV series)
Dream On is an American adult-themed situation comedy about single New Yorker, Martin Tupper. The show used a gimmick where old black and white clips were used to punctuate the main character's feelings or thoughts...

and Pinky and the Brain
Pinky and the Brain
Pinky and the Brain is an American animated television series.The characters Pinky and the Brain first appeared in 1993 as a recurring segment on the show Animaniacs...


In 2008, Fury cameoed alongside Marti Noxon
Marti Noxon
Martha Mills "Marti" Noxon is an American television and film writer first known for writing and producing Buffy the Vampire Slayer.- Production :...

 as a singing newsreader in Joss Whedon
Joss Whedon
Joseph Hill "Joss" Whedon is an American screenwriter, executive producer, director, comic book writer, occasional composer and actor, founder of Mutant Enemy Productions and co-creator of Bellwether Pictures...

's short film Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is a 2008 musical tragicomedy miniseries in three acts, produced exclusively for Internet distribution. Filmed and set in Los Angeles, the show tells the story of Dr...


Fury is married to fellow screenwriter Elin Hampton (producer of Mad About You
Mad About You
Mad About You is an American sitcom that aired on NBC from September 23, 1992 to May 24, 1999. The show starred Paul Reiser and Helen Hunt as a newly married couple in New York City. Reiser played Paul Buchman, a documentary film maker. Hunt played Jamie Stemple Buchman, a public relations specialist...

), and has three children.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Fury first freelanced episodes throughout seasons two and three of Buffy before joining the writing staff in season four as a producer. He was promoted to a supervising producer in season five and to a co-executive producer in season six. He is the only writer besides creator Joss Whedon
Joss Whedon
Joseph Hill "Joss" Whedon is an American screenwriter, executive producer, director, comic book writer, occasional composer and actor, founder of Mutant Enemy Productions and co-creator of Bellwether Pictures...

 to write a
Buffy season finale episode.
  • 2x20 "Go Fish" (co-writer; with Elin Hampton)
  • 3x12 "Helpless" (writer)
  • 3x19 "Choices" (writer)
  • 4x04 "Fear, Itself" (writer)
  • 4x11 "Doomed" (co-writer; with Marti Noxon
    Marti Noxon
    Martha Mills "Marti" Noxon is an American television and film writer first known for writing and producing Buffy the Vampire Slayer.- Production :...

     and Jane Espenson
    Jane Espenson
    Jane Espenson is an American script writer and television producer who has worked on both situation comedies and serial dramas. She had a five-year stint as a writer and producer on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and shared a Hugo Award for her writing on the episode "Conversations with Dead People"...

  • 4x13 "The I in Team" (writer)
  • 4x21 "Primeval" (writer)
  • 5x02 "Real Me" (writer)
  • 5x08 "Shadow" (writer)
  • 5x14 "Crush" (writer)
  • 6x02 "Bargaining (Part 2) (writer)
  • 6x05 "Life Serial" (co-writer; with Jane Espenson)
  • 6x11 "Gone" (writer and director)
  • 6x22 "Grave" (writer)
  • 7x08 "Sleeper" (co-writer; with Jane Espenson)
  • 7x11 "Showtime" (writer)
  • 7x17 "Lies My Parents Told Me" (co-writer and director; with Drew Goddard
    Drew Goddard
    Drew Goddard is an American film and television screenwriter and producer best known for his collaborations with Joss Whedon and J.J. Abrams .Goddard joined the crew of Lost as a freelance writer for the first season in 2004...



Fury freelanced episodes throughout the first three seasons of Angel, then took over Marti Noxon
Marti Noxon
Martha Mills "Marti" Noxon is an American television and film writer first known for writing and producing Buffy the Vampire Slayer.- Production :...

's role as consulting producer on the show beginning with season four. After
Buffy concluded, he was promoted to co-executive producer for the final season of Angel, and then to full executive producer midseason.
  • 1x02 "Lonely Hearts" (writer)
    • "Corrupt" (original second episode)
  • 1x10 "Parting Gifts" (co-writer; with Jeannine Renshaw)
  • 2x17 "Disharmony" (writer)
  • 3x19 "The Price" (writer)
  • 4x03 "The House Always Wins" (writer)
  • 4x10 "Awakening" (co-writer; with Steven S. DeKnight
    Steven S. DeKnight
    Steven S. DeKnight is an American television screenwriter, producer, and director. He is best known for working on Smallville, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel. He has also written "Swell", a story in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer season eight comic series, and served as a consulting producer...

  • 4x13 "Salvage" (writer)
  • 4x21 "Peace Out" (writer)
  • 5x02 "Just Rewards" (teleplay and story; story with Ben Edlund
    Ben Edlund
    Ben Edlund is a comic book artist and writer and television screenwriter. Prior to his involvement in TV, he was best known as the creator of the satirical superhero character The Tick. He is currently an executive producer and staff writer for The CW series Supernatural.-Background:Edlund was...

  • 5x08 "Destiny" (co-writer; with Steven S. DeKnight)
  • 5x12 "You're Welcome" (writer and director)
  • 5x21 "Power Play" (writer)


Fury served as a Co-executive producer for the first season of Lost. Significantly, Fury wrote the first flashback episodes for many of the important characters including Locke, Sayid, Hurley, and Walt. His episodes also introduced such important series phenomenon as the numbers and the whispers, and the episode Walkabout was the first time that any of the survivors saw the monster.
  • 1x04 "Walkabout
    Walkabout (Lost)
    "Walkabout" is the fourth episode of the first season of Lost. The episode was directed by Jack Bender and written by David Fury. It first aired on October 13, 2004, on ABC. In the episode, flashbacks reveal John Locke's plans to get to Australia and participate in a walkabout tour...

    " (writer)
  • 1x09 "Solitary
    Solitary (Lost)
    "Solitary" is the ninth episode of the first season of Lost. The episode was directed by Greg Yaitanes and written by David Fury. It first aired on November 17, 2004 on ABC. The character of Sayid Jarrah is featured in the episode's flashbacks.-Flashbacks:Sayid is torturing a prisoner who will not...

    " (writer)
  • 1x14 "Special
    Special (Lost)
    "Special" is the 14th episode of the first season of Lost. The episode was directed by Greg Yaitanes and written by David Fury. It first aired on January 19, 2005 on ABC...

    " (writer)
  • 1x18 "Numbers
    Numbers (Lost)
    "Numbers" is the 18th episode of the first season of Lost. The episode was directed by Dan Attias and written by Brent Fletcher and David Fury. It first aired on March 2, 2005 on ABC...

    " (co-writer; with Brent Fletcher
    Brent Fletcher
    Brent Fletcher is an American television writer. He has worked on television series such as Lost and Angel.He was a freelance writer for the first season of Lost...



Fury was hired to co-executive produce the fifth
24 (season 5)
Season Five, also known as Day 5 of the television series 24 premiered on January 15, 2006 and aired its season finale on May 22, 2006.The Season Five storyline starts and ends at 7:00 a.m. It is the same time frame as the previous season....

 and sixth
24 (season 6)
Season Six, also known as Day 6, of the television series 24 premiered in the United States on Sunday, January 14, 2007, the UK on January 21, 2007 and in Australia on January 30, 2007.The season's storyline began and ended at 6:00 a.m...

 seasons of 24, and moved up to executive producer during the show's seventh season
24 (season 7)
Season Seven, also known as Day 7 of the American serial television series 24, was to premiere on January 13, 2008, but was delayed for one year due to the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. On November 23, 2008, Fox aired 24: Redemption, a two-hour TV movie set between seasons. Season...

. A title he also held during the series final season
24 (season 8)
Season Eight, also known as Day 8, is the final season of the American serial television series 24. Filming for the season began on May 27, 2009, and it premiered on January 17, 2010 with a four-hour two-day premiere...

  • 5x06 "Day 5: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m." (writer)
  • 5x09 "Day 5: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m." (co-writer; with Howard Gordon
    Howard Gordon
    Howard Gordon is an American screenwriter and producer.-Life and career:Gordon was born in Queens, New York, New York. After graduating from Princeton in 1984, Gordon came to Los Angeles with fellow filmmaker Alex Gansa to pursue a career in writing for television. Both broke into the industry...

  • 5x17 "Day 5: 11:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m." (writer)
  • 5x22 "Day 5: 4:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m." (co-writer; with Sam Montgomery)
  • 6x03 "Day 6: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m." (co-writer; with Evan Katz
    Evan Katz
    Evan Katz is a television writer, most notably known as the executive producer of the hit television series 24. Prior to his work on 24 he created, wrote, and executive produced the television series Special Unit 2. He won a 2006 primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series, and has been...

  • 6x08 "Day 6: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m." (co-writer; with Evan Katz)
  • 6x12 "Day 6: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m." (teleplay; with Evan Katz)
  • 6x14 "Day 6: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m." (story; with Manny Coto
    Manny Coto
    Manny Coto is an American writer, director and producer of films and television programs.Coto was the executive producer and showrunner of Star Trek: Enterprise in its final season, and executive producer of four seasons of 24...

  • 6x17 "Day 6: 10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m." (writer)
  • 6x24 "Day 6: 5:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m." (co-writer; with Robert Cochran
    Robert Cochran
    Robert Cochran is the co-creator of the television series 24. Before that, he and Joel Surnow created and produced the television series La Femme Nikita and later also served as the series consultants. More recently he created the TV show Company Man with David Ehrman and also The Call with David...

     & Manny Coto)
  • 7x04 "Day 7: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m." (co-writer; with Alex Gansa
    Alex Gansa
    Alex Gansa is a screenwriter and producer.He produced and wrote a number of scripts for the Beauty and the Beast television series. He later worked as a writer and supervising producer on The X-Files in its first two seasons, and on Dawson's Creek in its third season...

  • 7x08 "Day 7: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m." (story)
  • 7x09 "Day 7: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m." (writer)
  • 7x15 "Day 7: 10:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m." (story)
  • 7x19 "Day 7: 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m." (writer)
  • 7x23 "Day 7: 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m." (co-writer; with Alex Gansa)
  • 8x03 "Day 8: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m." (co-writer; with Alex Gansa)
  • 8x08 "Day 8: 11:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m." (writer)
  • 8x11 "Day 8: 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m." (co-writer; with Evan Katz)
  • 8x17 "Day 8: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m." (writer)
  • 8x22 "Day 8: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m." (writer)

Terra Nova

Brannon Braga
Brannon Braga
Brannon Braga is an American television producer and screenwriter, currently working as showrunner and executive producer on Terra Nova...

 brought Fury onboard as a Co-executive producer for the 2011 series Terra Nova
Terra Nova (TV series)
Terra Nova is an American science fiction drama television series that airs on Fox on Monday nights. It premiered September 26, 2011 with a one-and-a-half-hour episode...

. Fury left, however, during pre-production in September 2010 due to creative differences.


In Spring 2011, Fury joined the FOX science-fiction horror series Fringe
Fringe (TV series)
Fringe is an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. The series follows a Federal Bureau of Investigation "Fringe Division" team based in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Homeland Security...

for its fourth season
Fringe (season 4)
The fourth season of the American science fiction television series Fringe premiered on Fox on September 23, 2011, and will consist of 22 episodes. The series is produced by Bad Robot Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television...

 as a Writer and Co-executive producer. Episodes he has written include:
  • "Alone in the World
    Alone in the World (Fringe)
    "Alone in the World" is the third episode of the fourth season of the Fox science fiction drama television series Fringe, and the series' 68th episode overall.-Plot:...

    " (04.03)

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.