David E. Wellbery
David E. Wellbery is a prominent literary critic within German Studies
He is currently the LeRoy T. and Margaret Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor at the University of Chicago
. He holds appointments in Germanic Studies, Comparative Literature and in the Committee on Social Thought
. He is the Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on German Literature and Culture. In 2009, he received an honorary doctorate: Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa, Universität Konstanz.
, where he taught between 1975-1990. Between 1990-2001, he taught at the Johns Hopkins University
as the William Kurrelmeyer Professor of German. Since 2001, he has been on the faculty at the University of Chicago
as Leroy T. and Margaret Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor.
He has also been a guest or visiting professor at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
, Princeton University
, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, and the University of Copenhagen
. In 2001, he was a faculty member of the Cornell University
School for Criticism and Theory.
2. "E.T.A. Hoffmann and Romantic Hermeneutics: An Interpretation of Hoffmann's Don Juan,"STUDIES IN ROMANTICISM, (1980), 455-73.
3. "The Specular Moment: Construction of Meaning in a Poem by Goethe," GOETHEYEARBOOK(1982), 1-41.
4. "Zur Poetik der Figuration bei Rilke: 'Die Gazelle'," in: ZU RAINER MARIA RILKE, ed. EgonSchwarz, (Stuttgart, 1982), 125-33.
5. "Semiotische Anmerkungen zu Kleists Erdbeben in Chili," in: POSITIONEN DERLITERATURWISSENSCHAFT(II.1), 69-87.
6. "Die Grenzen des Idyllischen bei Goethe," in: UNSER COMMERCIUM: GOETHES UNDSCHILLERS LITERATURPOLITIK, ed. Wilfried Barner, Eberhard Lämmert, Norbert Oellers, Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Schillergesellschaft, vol. 42, (Stuttgart, 1984), 221-40.
7. "Die Wahlverwandtschaften," in: GOETHES EPISCHES WERK, ed. Paul Michael Lützeler, (Stuttgart, 1985), 291-318.
8. "Introduction," (with Thomas Heller), in: RECONSTRUCTING INDIVIDUALISM(II.2), 1-15.
9. "Mukarovsky und Kant: Zum Status ästhetischer Zeichen," in: ZEICHEN UND FUNKTION.BEITRÄGE ZUR ÄSTHETISCHEN KONZEPTION JAN MUKAROVSKYS, ed. Hans Günther,(Munich,1986), 148-79.
10. "Postmodernism in Europe: On Recent German Writing," in: POSTMODERNISM: ANINTERNATIONAL SURVEY, ed. Alan Trachtenburg, (Baton Rouge, 1985), 229-250.
11. "Death as a Poetological Problem in Texts by Erich Fried and Ernst Meister," in:ARGUMENTIUM E SILENTIO: AN INTERNATIONAL PAUL CELAN SYMPOSIUM, ed. AmyColin, (Berlinand New York, 1987), 87-98.
12. "Benjamin's Theory of the Lyric," STUDIES IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY LITERATURE(1986),24-45. Reprinted in: BENJAMIN'S GROUND. NEW READINGS OF WALTER BENJAMIN,ed. Rainer Nägele, (Detroit, 1989), 39-59.
13. "Theory of Events: Foucault and Literary Criticism,"REVUE INTERNATIONALE DEPHILOSOPHIE(1987), 420-432.
14. "Rhetorik und Literatur. Anmerkungen zur poetologischen Begriffsbildung bei FriedrichSchlegel," in: DIE AKTUALITÄT DER FRÜHROMANTIK, ed. Ernst Behler and Jochen Hörisch, (Paderborn, 1987), 160-173.
15. "Nietzsche/Art/Postmodernism. A Reply to Jürgen Habermas," STANFORD ITALIANREVIEW(1988), 77-100.
16. "Afterword," in: J.W. von Goethe, THE SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER, ELECTIVEAFFINITIES, NOVELLA(II.4), 283-96.
17. "Strukturwandel der Symbolik," in: MODELLE DES LITERARISCHENSTRUKTURWANDELS, ed. Michael Titzmann, (Munich, 1991).
18. "Rhetoricality: On the Modernist Return of Rhetoric," with John Bender, in: THE ENDS OFRHETORIC: HISTORY—THEORY—PRACTICE, (II.5)), 3-42. Reprinted in: LITERATURE,CULTURE,AND SOCIETY IN THE MODERN AGE. ESSAYS IN HONOR OF JOSEPH FRANK, (Stanford, 1991), 76-123.
19. "Foreword," in: Friedrich A. Kittler, DISCOURSE NETWORKS 1800-1900, (Stanford, 1990), vii-xxxiii.
20. "Contingency," in: CRITICAL NARRATOLOGY, ed. Ann Fehn, Ingeborg Hoesterey, RuthAngress, (Princeton, 1991).
21. "Diskussionsbeitrag: New Historicism," in: GESCHICHTE ALS LITERATUR, ed. H. Eggert, U.Profitlich, K. Scherpe (Stuttgart, 1990), 380-84.
22. "Die Sprachpolitik der Aufklärung," KODIKAS/CODE. An International Journal of Semiotics13(1990), 177-190.
23. "The Pathos of Theory; LaokoonRevisited," in: INTERTEXTUALITY: GERMAN LITERATUREAND VISUAL ART FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, ed. IngeborgHoesterey and Ulrich Weisstein, (Columbia, S.C., 1993), 47-63.
24. "The Exteriority of Writing," SLR. STANFORD LITERATURE REVIEW9 (1992), 11-23.Translation: "Die Äußerlichkeit der Schrift," in: SCHRIFT, ed. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
and K.Ludwig Pfeiffer, (Munich, 1993), 337-348.
25. "Zur Literaturwissenschaftlichen Relevanz des Kontingenz-begriffs. Eine Glosse zurDiskussion um den Poststrukturalismus," in: POSTSTRUKTURALISMUS - DEKONSTRUKTION -POSTMODERNE, ed. Klaus Hempfer, (Stuttgart, 1992), 161-169.
26. "Introduction," with Nancy Kaiser, in TRADITIONS OF EXPERIMENT, (II.8) 1-16.
27. "Scheinvorgang. Kafkas Schweigen der Sirenen," in: GERMANISTIK,DEUTSCHUNTERRICHT UND KULTURPOLITIK. VORTRÄGE DES AUGSBURGERGERMANISTENTAGS 1991, ed. Johannes Janota, (Tübingen, 1993), vol. 3, 163-176.
28. "Das Gesetz der Schönheit: Lessings Aesthetik der Repräsentation," in: WAS ISTDARSTELLUNG?, ed. Chr. L. Hart-Nibbrig, (Frankfurt, 1994), 175-204.
29. "Morphisms of the Phantasmatic Body: Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther," in: BODIESAND TEXTS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ed. Veronica Kelly and Dorothea von Mücke, (Stanford, 1994), 181-208.
30. "Die Geburt der Kunst / Zur ästhetischen Affirmation," in:ETHIK DER ÄSTHETIK, ed. Chr. Wulf, Dietmar Kamper, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
, (Berlin, 1994), 23-37.
31. "Die Enden des Menschen: Anthroplogie und Einbildungskraft im Bildungsroman (Wieland, Goethe, Novalis)," in: DAS ENDE, Poetik und Hermeneutik XVI, ed. K. Stierle and R. Warning, (Munich, 1996), 600-639.
32. "Interpretation vs. Lesen. Posthermeneutische Konzepte der Texterörterung," with responses by Jürgen Fohrmann and Klaus Weimar, in: WIE INTERNATIONAL IST DIELITERATURWISSENSCHAFT?, ed. Lutz Danneberg and Friedrich Vollhardt, (Stuttgart, 1995).
33. "Das Gedicht. Systemtheorie und Literatursemiotik," in:SYSTEMTHEORIE UND LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT, ed. Jürgen Fohrmann and Harro Müller (München, 1996), 331-348.
34."Heinz von Foerster at Stanford." SYSTEMS RESEARCH13/3 (1996), pp. 417–21.
35. "Zur Physiognomik des Genies: Goethe/Lavater. Mahomets Gesang," in: GESCHICHTENDER PHYSIOGNOMIK, ed. Rüdiger Campe and Manfred Schneider (Freiburg, 1996), pp. 331–356.
36. "Die Strategie des Paradoxons. Nietzsches Auseinandersetzung mit der Aufklärung," inAUFKLÄRUNG ALS FORM, ed. Helmut J. Schneider, (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann,1997), pp.
37."Retrait/Re-entry. Zur poststrukturalistischen Metapherndiskussion," in:POSTSTRUKTURALISMUS: HERAUSFORDERUNG AN DIE LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT, ed. Gerhard Neumann (Stuttgart/Weimar, 1997), pp. 194–207.
38. "Der Zug der Sinnlichkeit. Kants 'Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen undErhabenen'," WEIMARER BEITRÄGE43 (1997), pp. 36–49.
39."Der Zufall der Geburt. Sternes Poetik der Kontingenz," in: KONTINGENZ, Poetik undHermeneutik XVII, ed. G. von Graevenitz and O. Marquard (München, 1998), 291-317.
40. "Verzauberung. Das Simulakrum in der romantischen Lyrik," in: MIMESIS UNDSIMULATION, ed. Andreas Kablitz and Gerhard Neumann (Freiburg, 1998), pp. 452–477.
41. "Übertragen: Metapher und Metonymie," in: LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT - EINFÜHRUNGIN DAS SPRACHSPIEL, ed. Heinrich Bosse and Ursula Renner (Freiburg, 1999), pp. 139–155.
42. "O que é (e nao é) antropologica literária?" in: TEORIA DA FICÇÃO. INDAGAÇÕES `A OBRA DE WOLFGANG ISER, ed João Cézar de Castro Rocha (Rio de Janeiro, 1999), pp. 179-189.
43. "Die Ausblendung der Genese. Grenzen der systemtheoretischen Reform derKulturwissenschaften," in: WIDERSTÄNDE DER SYSTEMTHEORIE. KULTURTHEORETISCHEANALYSEN ZUM WERK VON NIKLAS LUHMANN, ed. Albrecht Koschorke und CorneliaVismann (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999), pp. 19–27.
44. "August Langen," in GRUNDLAGEN DER LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT, ed. BernhardDotzler (Köln: Böhlau, 1999), pp. 389–91.
45. "Die Form der Autonomie. Goethes Prometheusode," in: PROMETHEUS. MYTHOS DERKULTUR, ed. Edgar Pankow and Günter Peters (Munich: Fink, 1999), pp. 109–126.
46. "Mimesis e metafísica: sobre a estética de Schopenhauer," in: MÁSCARAS DA MIMESIS. A OBRA DE LUIZ COSTA LIMA, ed. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
and João Cézar de Castro Rocha (Rio de Janeiro/ São Paulo: Editora Record, 1999), pp. 55–72.
47. "The Romantic Transformation of Rhetoric," in CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF LITERARYCRITICISM: ROMANTICISM, ed. Marshall Brown (London and Cambridge, 2000).
48. “’Spude dich Kronos’: Zeitsemantik und poetologische Konzeption beim jungen Goethe,”in:DER JUNGE GOETHE: KONSTRUKTION UND GENESE VON AUTORSCHAFT, ed. WaltraudWiethölter (Tübingen and Basel: A. Francke Verlag, 2001), pp. 164-182.
49. “Kunst – Zeugung – Geburt: Überlegungen zu einer anthropologischen Grundfigur,” in:KUNST – ZEUGUNG – GEBURT: THEORIEN UND METAPHERN DER KUNSTPRODUKTIONIN DER NEUZEIT, ed. Christian Begemann and David E. Wellbery (Freiburg: Rombach, 2002), pp. 9–36.
50. “Goethes Lyrik und das frühromantische Kunstprogramm,” in: GOETHE UND DIEROMANTIK, ed. Walter Hinderer (Würzburg: Könighausen und Neumann, 2002), pp. 175–192.
51. “Die Opfer-Vorstellung als Quelle der Faszination. Anmerkungen zum Chandos-Brief und zurfrühen Poetik Hofmannsthals,” in: HOFMANNSTHAL – JAHRBUCH ZUR EUROPÄISCHENMODERNE, Bd. 11 (2003), pp. 282–308.
52. “Stimmung,” in: HISTORISCHES WÖRTERBUCH ÄSTHETISCHER GRUNDBEGRIFFE, hg. Karlheinz Barck et al., Bd. 5 (Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 2003), pp. 703–33.
53. “Einführung,” in: Michael Maar, SIEBEN ARTEN, NABOKOVS PNIN ZU LESEN (Munich: CarlFriedrich von Siemens Stiftung, 2003), pp. 7–14.
54. “Aesthetic Media: The Structure of Aesthetic Theory before Kant,” in: REGIMES OFDESCRIPTION. IN THE ARCHIVE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ed. John Bender andMichael Marrinan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005), pp. 199–211.
55. “Rites de passage. Zur Erzählproblematik in E.T.A. Hoffmanns Prinzessin Brambilla,” in:HOFFMANNESKE GESCHICHTEN. LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT ALSKULTURWISSENSCHAFT AM BEISPIEL E.T.A. HOFFMANNS, ed. Gerhard Neumann, (Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2005).
German studies
German studies is the field of humanities that researches, documents, and disseminates German language and literature in both its historic and present forms. Academic departments of German studies often include classes on German culture, German history, and German politics in addition to the...
He is currently the LeRoy T. and Margaret Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor at the University of Chicago
University of Chicago
The University of Chicago is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It was founded by the American Baptist Education Society with a donation from oil magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller and incorporated in 1890...
. He holds appointments in Germanic Studies, Comparative Literature and in the Committee on Social Thought
Committee on Social Thought
The Committee on Social Thought is one of several PhD-granting committees at the University of Chicago. It was started in 1941 by historian John Ulric Nef along with economist Frank Knight, anthropologist Robert Redfield, and University President Robert Maynard Hutchins.The committee is...
. He is the Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on German Literature and Culture. In 2009, he received an honorary doctorate: Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa, Universität Konstanz.
Wellbery began his academic career at Stanford UniversityStanford University
The Leland Stanford Junior University, commonly referred to as Stanford University or Stanford, is a private research university on an campus located near Palo Alto, California. It is situated in the northwestern Santa Clara Valley on the San Francisco Peninsula, approximately northwest of San...
, where he taught between 1975-1990. Between 1990-2001, he taught at the Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University, commonly referred to as Johns Hopkins, JHU, or simply Hopkins, is a private research university based in Baltimore, Maryland, United States...
as the William Kurrelmeyer Professor of German. Since 2001, he has been on the faculty at the University of Chicago
University of Chicago
The University of Chicago is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It was founded by the American Baptist Education Society with a donation from oil magnate and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller and incorporated in 1890...
as Leroy T. and Margaret Deffenbaugh Carlson University Professor.
He has also been a guest or visiting professor at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
University of Bonn
The University of Bonn is a public research university located in Bonn, Germany. Founded in its present form in 1818, as the linear successor of earlier academic institutions, the University of Bonn is today one of the leading universities in Germany. The University of Bonn offers a large number...
, Princeton University
Princeton University
Princeton University is a private research university located in Princeton, New Jersey, United States. The school is one of the eight universities of the Ivy League, and is one of the nine Colonial Colleges founded before the American Revolution....
, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, and the University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen
The University of Copenhagen is the oldest and largest university and research institution in Denmark. Founded in 1479, it has more than 37,000 students, the majority of whom are female , and more than 7,000 employees. The university has several campuses located in and around Copenhagen, with the...
. In 2001, he was a faculty member of the Cornell University
Cornell University
Cornell University is an Ivy League university located in Ithaca, New York, United States. It is a private land-grant university, receiving annual funding from the State of New York for certain educational missions...
School for Criticism and Theory.
Fellowships and Awards
- Clark Foundation Scholarship (1965–69)
- New York State Regents Scholarship (1965–69)
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship (1969, declined)
- Fulbright FellowshipFulbright ProgramThe Fulbright Program, including the Fulbright-Hays Program, is a program of competitive, merit-based grants for international educational exchange for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists, founded by United States Senator J. William Fulbright in 1946. Under the...
(1969–70) - Danforth Fellowship (1972–75)
- Mary Cady Tew Prize for Excellence in Graduate Study (1974)
- Mellon Junior Faculty Support Grant (1980)
- Fellow, Stanford Humanities Center (1982–83)
- Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Stanford University (1983)
- ACLSAmerican Council of Learned SocietiesThe American Council of Learned Societies , founded in 1919, is a private nonprofit federation of seventy scholarly organizations.ACLS is best known as a funder of humanities research through fellowships and grants awards. ACLS Fellowships are designed to permit scholars holding the Ph.D...
Travel Grant (1984) - NEH Summer Research Grant (1987)
- Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (1989–90)
- Guest Scholar, Forschungsschwerpunkt Literaturwissenschaft, Berlin (Summer, 1994, 1995, 1996)
- Fellow, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Munich, 2002–03
- Forschungspreis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Berlin (2005)
- Corresponding Fellow of Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (2008)
- Honorary Ph.D. of University Konstanz (2009)
- Jacob- und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Preis of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2010)
- Lessing’s Laocoön. Semiotics and Aesthetics in the Age of Reason, (ISBN 0-521-25794-8) 1984; paperback: 2009
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Harzreise im Winter: Eine Deutungskontroverse, co-authored with Klaus Weimar (ISBN 3-506-75054-2) 1984
- The Specular Moment: Goethe’s Early Lyric and the Beginnings of Romanticism, (ISBN 0-8047-2694-9) 1996
- Neo-retórica e desconstrução (ISBN 85-85881-52-6) 1998
- Schopenhauers Bedeutung für die moderne Literatur (publication of the Siemens Stiftung) 1998
- Seiltänzer des Paradoxalen (ISBN 3-446-20800-3) 2006
- Positionen der Literaturwissenschaft, (ISBN 3-406-37731-9) 1st ed. 1985, 2nd ed. 1987, 3rd ed. 1994, 4th ed. 2002
- Reconstructing Individualism: Autonomy, Individuality, and the Self in Western Thought, co-edited with Thomas C. Heller, Morton Sosna, Arnold I. Davidson, Ann Swidler, and Ian Watt (ISBN 0-8047-1291-3) 1986
- Interpretation -- Discourse -- Society, co-edited with Russell Berman (special issue of Stanford Literature Review) 1986
- Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther, Elective Affinities, Novella, = Volume 11 of Goethe. The Collected Works (ISBN 0-691-04346-9) 1989
- The Ends of Rhetoric: History, Theory, Practice, co-edited with John Bender (ISBN 0-8047-1818-0) 1990
- Chronotypes: The Construction of Time, co-edited with John Bender (ISBN 0-8047-1912-8) 1991
- Traditions of Experiment from the Enlightenment to the Present: Essays in Honor of Peter Demetz, co-edited with Nancy Kaiser (ISBN 0-472-10309-1) 1992
- Observation/Form/Difference: Literary Studies and Second-Order Cybernetics (special issue of MLN) 1996
- Die Bedeutung des Sehens im Werk Goethes, co-edited with Dorothea von Muecke (special issue of Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fuer Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte) 2001
- Kunst - Zeugung - Geburt, co-edited with Christian Begemann (ISBN 3-7930-9274-7) 2002
- New History of German Literature, editor-in-chief (ISBN 0-674-01503-7) 2005
- Eine neue Geschichte der deutschen Literatur, editor-in-chief (ISBN 978-3-940432-12-4) 2007
Editorial Work
- Co-editor of DVjS 1998–present
- Co-editor with Werner HamacherWerner HamacherWerner Hamacher is a German literary critic and theorist influenced by deconstruction. Hamacher studied philosophy, comparative literature and religious studies at the Free University of Berlin and the École Normale Supérieure , where he got in touch with Jacques Derrida...
of the Stanford University Press series Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics 1993-2000 (43 vols.) - Editor of Stanford Literature Review 1983-1986
- Editorial Board, Germanic Review 1984–present
- Editorial Board, Goethe Yearbook 1987–present
- Editorial Board, Weimarer Beitraege 1995–present
- Editorial Board, Comparative Literature 1996–present
- Advisory Board, Publications of the English Goethe Society 2003–present
Articles and Essays
1. "Narrative Theory and Textual Interpretation: Hofmannsthal's Sommerreiseas Test Case,"DEUTSCHE VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT UNDGEISTESGESCHICHTE(1980),306-33.2. "E.T.A. Hoffmann and Romantic Hermeneutics: An Interpretation of Hoffmann's Don Juan,"STUDIES IN ROMANTICISM, (1980), 455-73.
3. "The Specular Moment: Construction of Meaning in a Poem by Goethe," GOETHEYEARBOOK(1982), 1-41.
4. "Zur Poetik der Figuration bei Rilke: 'Die Gazelle'," in: ZU RAINER MARIA RILKE, ed. EgonSchwarz, (Stuttgart, 1982), 125-33.
5. "Semiotische Anmerkungen zu Kleists Erdbeben in Chili," in: POSITIONEN DERLITERATURWISSENSCHAFT(II.1), 69-87.
6. "Die Grenzen des Idyllischen bei Goethe," in: UNSER COMMERCIUM: GOETHES UNDSCHILLERS LITERATURPOLITIK, ed. Wilfried Barner, Eberhard Lämmert, Norbert Oellers, Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Schillergesellschaft, vol. 42, (Stuttgart, 1984), 221-40.
7. "Die Wahlverwandtschaften," in: GOETHES EPISCHES WERK, ed. Paul Michael Lützeler, (Stuttgart, 1985), 291-318.
8. "Introduction," (with Thomas Heller), in: RECONSTRUCTING INDIVIDUALISM(II.2), 1-15.
9. "Mukarovsky und Kant: Zum Status ästhetischer Zeichen," in: ZEICHEN UND FUNKTION.BEITRÄGE ZUR ÄSTHETISCHEN KONZEPTION JAN MUKAROVSKYS, ed. Hans Günther,(Munich,1986), 148-79.
10. "Postmodernism in Europe: On Recent German Writing," in: POSTMODERNISM: ANINTERNATIONAL SURVEY, ed. Alan Trachtenburg, (Baton Rouge, 1985), 229-250.
11. "Death as a Poetological Problem in Texts by Erich Fried and Ernst Meister," in:ARGUMENTIUM E SILENTIO: AN INTERNATIONAL PAUL CELAN SYMPOSIUM, ed. AmyColin, (Berlinand New York, 1987), 87-98.
12. "Benjamin's Theory of the Lyric," STUDIES IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY LITERATURE(1986),24-45. Reprinted in: BENJAMIN'S GROUND. NEW READINGS OF WALTER BENJAMIN,ed. Rainer Nägele, (Detroit, 1989), 39-59.
13. "Theory of Events: Foucault and Literary Criticism,"REVUE INTERNATIONALE DEPHILOSOPHIE(1987), 420-432.
14. "Rhetorik und Literatur. Anmerkungen zur poetologischen Begriffsbildung bei FriedrichSchlegel," in: DIE AKTUALITÄT DER FRÜHROMANTIK, ed. Ernst Behler and Jochen Hörisch, (Paderborn, 1987), 160-173.
15. "Nietzsche/Art/Postmodernism. A Reply to Jürgen Habermas," STANFORD ITALIANREVIEW(1988), 77-100.
16. "Afterword," in: J.W. von Goethe, THE SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER, ELECTIVEAFFINITIES, NOVELLA(II.4), 283-96.
17. "Strukturwandel der Symbolik," in: MODELLE DES LITERARISCHENSTRUKTURWANDELS, ed. Michael Titzmann, (Munich, 1991).
18. "Rhetoricality: On the Modernist Return of Rhetoric," with John Bender, in: THE ENDS OFRHETORIC: HISTORY—THEORY—PRACTICE, (II.5)), 3-42. Reprinted in: LITERATURE,CULTURE,AND SOCIETY IN THE MODERN AGE. ESSAYS IN HONOR OF JOSEPH FRANK, (Stanford, 1991), 76-123.
19. "Foreword," in: Friedrich A. Kittler, DISCOURSE NETWORKS 1800-1900, (Stanford, 1990), vii-xxxiii.
20. "Contingency," in: CRITICAL NARRATOLOGY, ed. Ann Fehn, Ingeborg Hoesterey, RuthAngress, (Princeton, 1991).
21. "Diskussionsbeitrag: New Historicism," in: GESCHICHTE ALS LITERATUR, ed. H. Eggert, U.Profitlich, K. Scherpe (Stuttgart, 1990), 380-84.
22. "Die Sprachpolitik der Aufklärung," KODIKAS/CODE. An International Journal of Semiotics13(1990), 177-190.
23. "The Pathos of Theory; LaokoonRevisited," in: INTERTEXTUALITY: GERMAN LITERATUREAND VISUAL ART FROM THE RENAISSANCE TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, ed. IngeborgHoesterey and Ulrich Weisstein, (Columbia, S.C., 1993), 47-63.
24. "The Exteriority of Writing," SLR. STANFORD LITERATURE REVIEW9 (1992), 11-23.Translation: "Die Äußerlichkeit der Schrift," in: SCHRIFT, ed. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, best known as "Sepp" Gumbrecht, is a German-born American literary theorist and currently the Albert Guérard Professor on Literature in the Departments of Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German, and Spanish and Portuguese at Stanford University and Zeppelin...
and K.Ludwig Pfeiffer, (Munich, 1993), 337-348.
25. "Zur Literaturwissenschaftlichen Relevanz des Kontingenz-begriffs. Eine Glosse zurDiskussion um den Poststrukturalismus," in: POSTSTRUKTURALISMUS - DEKONSTRUKTION -POSTMODERNE, ed. Klaus Hempfer, (Stuttgart, 1992), 161-169.
26. "Introduction," with Nancy Kaiser, in TRADITIONS OF EXPERIMENT, (II.8) 1-16.
27. "Scheinvorgang. Kafkas Schweigen der Sirenen," in: GERMANISTIK,DEUTSCHUNTERRICHT UND KULTURPOLITIK. VORTRÄGE DES AUGSBURGERGERMANISTENTAGS 1991, ed. Johannes Janota, (Tübingen, 1993), vol. 3, 163-176.
28. "Das Gesetz der Schönheit: Lessings Aesthetik der Repräsentation," in: WAS ISTDARSTELLUNG?, ed. Chr. L. Hart-Nibbrig, (Frankfurt, 1994), 175-204.
29. "Morphisms of the Phantasmatic Body: Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther," in: BODIESAND TEXTS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ed. Veronica Kelly and Dorothea von Mücke, (Stanford, 1994), 181-208.
30. "Die Geburt der Kunst / Zur ästhetischen Affirmation," in:ETHIK DER ÄSTHETIK, ed. Chr. Wulf, Dietmar Kamper, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, best known as "Sepp" Gumbrecht, is a German-born American literary theorist and currently the Albert Guérard Professor on Literature in the Departments of Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German, and Spanish and Portuguese at Stanford University and Zeppelin...
, (Berlin, 1994), 23-37.
31. "Die Enden des Menschen: Anthroplogie und Einbildungskraft im Bildungsroman (Wieland, Goethe, Novalis)," in: DAS ENDE, Poetik und Hermeneutik XVI, ed. K. Stierle and R. Warning, (Munich, 1996), 600-639.
32. "Interpretation vs. Lesen. Posthermeneutische Konzepte der Texterörterung," with responses by Jürgen Fohrmann and Klaus Weimar, in: WIE INTERNATIONAL IST DIELITERATURWISSENSCHAFT?, ed. Lutz Danneberg and Friedrich Vollhardt, (Stuttgart, 1995).
33. "Das Gedicht. Systemtheorie und Literatursemiotik," in:SYSTEMTHEORIE UND LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT, ed. Jürgen Fohrmann and Harro Müller (München, 1996), 331-348.
34."Heinz von Foerster at Stanford." SYSTEMS RESEARCH13/3 (1996), pp. 417–21.
35. "Zur Physiognomik des Genies: Goethe/Lavater. Mahomets Gesang," in: GESCHICHTENDER PHYSIOGNOMIK, ed. Rüdiger Campe and Manfred Schneider (Freiburg, 1996), pp. 331–356.
36. "Die Strategie des Paradoxons. Nietzsches Auseinandersetzung mit der Aufklärung," inAUFKLÄRUNG ALS FORM, ed. Helmut J. Schneider, (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann,1997), pp.
37."Retrait/Re-entry. Zur poststrukturalistischen Metapherndiskussion," in:POSTSTRUKTURALISMUS: HERAUSFORDERUNG AN DIE LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT, ed. Gerhard Neumann (Stuttgart/Weimar, 1997), pp. 194–207.
38. "Der Zug der Sinnlichkeit. Kants 'Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen undErhabenen'," WEIMARER BEITRÄGE43 (1997), pp. 36–49.
39."Der Zufall der Geburt. Sternes Poetik der Kontingenz," in: KONTINGENZ, Poetik undHermeneutik XVII, ed. G. von Graevenitz and O. Marquard (München, 1998), 291-317.
40. "Verzauberung. Das Simulakrum in der romantischen Lyrik," in: MIMESIS UNDSIMULATION, ed. Andreas Kablitz and Gerhard Neumann (Freiburg, 1998), pp. 452–477.
41. "Übertragen: Metapher und Metonymie," in: LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT - EINFÜHRUNGIN DAS SPRACHSPIEL, ed. Heinrich Bosse and Ursula Renner (Freiburg, 1999), pp. 139–155.
42. "O que é (e nao é) antropologica literária?" in: TEORIA DA FICÇÃO. INDAGAÇÕES `A OBRA DE WOLFGANG ISER, ed João Cézar de Castro Rocha (Rio de Janeiro, 1999), pp. 179-189.
43. "Die Ausblendung der Genese. Grenzen der systemtheoretischen Reform derKulturwissenschaften," in: WIDERSTÄNDE DER SYSTEMTHEORIE. KULTURTHEORETISCHEANALYSEN ZUM WERK VON NIKLAS LUHMANN, ed. Albrecht Koschorke und CorneliaVismann (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1999), pp. 19–27.
44. "August Langen," in GRUNDLAGEN DER LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT, ed. BernhardDotzler (Köln: Böhlau, 1999), pp. 389–91.
45. "Die Form der Autonomie. Goethes Prometheusode," in: PROMETHEUS. MYTHOS DERKULTUR, ed. Edgar Pankow and Günter Peters (Munich: Fink, 1999), pp. 109–126.
46. "Mimesis e metafísica: sobre a estética de Schopenhauer," in: MÁSCARAS DA MIMESIS. A OBRA DE LUIZ COSTA LIMA, ed. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, best known as "Sepp" Gumbrecht, is a German-born American literary theorist and currently the Albert Guérard Professor on Literature in the Departments of Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German, and Spanish and Portuguese at Stanford University and Zeppelin...
and João Cézar de Castro Rocha (Rio de Janeiro/ São Paulo: Editora Record, 1999), pp. 55–72.
47. "The Romantic Transformation of Rhetoric," in CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF LITERARYCRITICISM: ROMANTICISM, ed. Marshall Brown (London and Cambridge, 2000).
48. “’Spude dich Kronos’: Zeitsemantik und poetologische Konzeption beim jungen Goethe,”in:DER JUNGE GOETHE: KONSTRUKTION UND GENESE VON AUTORSCHAFT, ed. WaltraudWiethölter (Tübingen and Basel: A. Francke Verlag, 2001), pp. 164-182.
49. “Kunst – Zeugung – Geburt: Überlegungen zu einer anthropologischen Grundfigur,” in:KUNST – ZEUGUNG – GEBURT: THEORIEN UND METAPHERN DER KUNSTPRODUKTIONIN DER NEUZEIT, ed. Christian Begemann and David E. Wellbery (Freiburg: Rombach, 2002), pp. 9–36.
50. “Goethes Lyrik und das frühromantische Kunstprogramm,” in: GOETHE UND DIEROMANTIK, ed. Walter Hinderer (Würzburg: Könighausen und Neumann, 2002), pp. 175–192.
51. “Die Opfer-Vorstellung als Quelle der Faszination. Anmerkungen zum Chandos-Brief und zurfrühen Poetik Hofmannsthals,” in: HOFMANNSTHAL – JAHRBUCH ZUR EUROPÄISCHENMODERNE, Bd. 11 (2003), pp. 282–308.
52. “Stimmung,” in: HISTORISCHES WÖRTERBUCH ÄSTHETISCHER GRUNDBEGRIFFE, hg. Karlheinz Barck et al., Bd. 5 (Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler, 2003), pp. 703–33.
53. “Einführung,” in: Michael Maar, SIEBEN ARTEN, NABOKOVS PNIN ZU LESEN (Munich: CarlFriedrich von Siemens Stiftung, 2003), pp. 7–14.
54. “Aesthetic Media: The Structure of Aesthetic Theory before Kant,” in: REGIMES OFDESCRIPTION. IN THE ARCHIVE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, ed. John Bender andMichael Marrinan (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005), pp. 199–211.
55. “Rites de passage. Zur Erzählproblematik in E.T.A. Hoffmanns Prinzessin Brambilla,” in:HOFFMANNESKE GESCHICHTEN. LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT ALSKULTURWISSENSCHAFT AM BEISPIEL E.T.A. HOFFMANNS, ed. Gerhard Neumann, (Würzburg: Könighausen & Neumann, 2005).
External links
- Wellbery faculty webpage (with curriculum vitae) at University of Chicago Department of Germanic Studies http://humanities.uchicago.edu/depts/german/07_faculty/faculty.html