Damaskinos Papandreou
Damaskinos Papandreou is Greek name and surname that may refer to three different Orthodox Hierarches:
  • Archbishop Damaskinos of Athens (1891-1949), was the Head of the Church of Greece
    Church of Greece
    The Church of Greece , part of the wider Greek Orthodox Church, is one of the autocephalous churches which make up the communion of Orthodox Christianity...

     as Archbishop of Athens and All Greece (1941-1949) and the Prime Minister of Greece (1945)
  • Damaskinos Papandreou (Metropolitan)
    Damaskinos Papandreou (Metropolitan)
    Damaskinos Papandreou was the Greek Orthodox metropolitan bishop of Hadrianpolis....

     (1936-2011), was the Hierarch of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
    Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
    The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople , part of the wider Orthodox Church, is one of the fourteen autocephalous churches within the communion of Orthodox Christianity...

  • Damaskinos Papandreou (Archbishop) (born 1957), is the Hierarch of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
    Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
    The Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria, also known as the Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa is an autocephalous Greek Orthodox Church within the wider communion of Orthodox Christianity.Officially, it is called the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria to distinguish it from the...

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