DIRT (band)
DIRT were an anarcho-punk
Anarcho-punk is punk rock that promotes anarchism. The term anarcho-punk is sometimes applied exclusively to bands that were part of the original anarcho-punk movement in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s and early 1980s...

 band from the UK
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. Initially formed in 1980 (with a core line-up of Gary, Deno, Fox, Lou and Vomit), the band frequently played with fellow anarchists
Anarchism is generally defined as the political philosophy which holds the state to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, or alternatively as opposing authority in the conduct of human relations...

Crass are an English punk rock band that was formed in 1977, which promoted anarchism as a political ideology, way of living, and as a resistance movement. Crass popularised the seminal anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture, and advocated direct action, animal rights, and environmentalism...

, before releasing their first EP, Object, Refuse, Reject, Abuse on the Crass Records
Crass Records
Crass Records is an independent record label which was set up by the anarchist punk band Crass.-Overview and history:Prior to the formation of Crass, Penny Rimbaud and Gee Vaucher had published their creative works via their own Dial House based Exitstencil Press...

 label. Their second release, Never Mind Dirt, Here's the Bollocks, also on the Crass label, was a live LP released in 1982. The band went into a brief hiatus after 1982 when they took to the road again (Gary and Deno recruiting new members Stuart, Paul and Richard) and recorded the Just An Error album, after which they split in 1986.

Gary and Deno reconvened the band yet again, in 1992, and began touring extensively which resulted in the Drunks in Rusty Transits album after which the band was dissolved. Singer Gxist (Gary) later formed Stratford Mercenaries
Stratford Mercenaries
Stratford Mercenaries were an English punk rock band that was formed in late 1995 by Gary "Gazzer" Buckley from the punk band Dirt and Ed "Eddafed" Addley from the punk band Suicidal Supermarket Trolleys...

 with Steve Ignorant
Steve Ignorant
Steve Ignorant is a singer and artist. He co-founded the anarcho-punk band Crass with Penny Rimbaud in 1977. After Crass stopped performing in 1984, he has worked with other groups including Conflict, Schwartzeneggar, The Stratford Mercenaries, Current 93 , US punk band Thought Crime, as well as...

 of Crass. The original bass player, Vomit (Vincent Learoyd), went on to form Earth Culture, a neo-pagan band.


  • Object Refuse Reject Abuse (#4)
  • Feast or Famine
  • Scent of The Kill
  • Beast or Burden?


  • Never Mind Dirt Here's The Bollocks
    Never Mind Dirt Here's The Bollocks
    Never Mind Dirt Here's The Bollocks is an album by DIRT. It was recorded live at The New Half Moon Theatre in Stepney, London on April 5, 1982 and released later that year by Crass Records...

  • Just an Error
  • Drunks in Rusty Transits
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