According to The Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement that adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2600 BC to AD 421. It was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr...
, Cumeni was one of four cities located generally southward of the city of Judea and other cities , and at a higher elevation than Zarahemla .
The Lamanites, led by their king Ammoron
According to the Book of Mormon, Ammoron was a Nephite traitor. He was a descendant of Zoram and succeeded his brother Amalickiah as the king of the Lamanites. Amalickiah, as king, had started a major war with the Nephites which the Nephites had hoped would end with his death. However Ammoron...
, a Zoramite by birth, took Cumeni and three other cities, Manti, Zeezrom, and Antiparah
According to the Book of Mormon, Antiparah was located south of the city of Judea , and at a higher elevation than Zarahemla .We know about Antiparah only because of passages describing the movement of armies during a war initiated by the Zoramites: and . The Lamanites, led by their king Ammoron,...
. . The Nephites kept spies about to make sure the Lamanites did not attack the cities to the north . But the Lamanites would not leave their fortifications, and they dared not attack the cities to the north, nor march down to Zarahemla, nor cross the head of Sidon over to Nephihah . After battles with Lamanites in other cities, the Nephites laid siege to Cumeni until the Lamanites surrendered the city .