- Ammoron should not be confused with AmaronAmaronAccording to the Book of Mormon, Amaron was a Nephite record keeper, who received the Plates of Nephi from his father Omni in 279 BC. He wrote verses four through eight in the Book of Omni. In those verses, Amaron relates that a large portion of the Nephite civilization was destroyed, in...
, AmmaronAmmaronAccording to the Book of Mormon, Ammaron was a Nephite record-keeper and perhaps a prophet...
, AmoronAmoronAccording to the Book of Mormon, Amoron was a Nephite that lived in the fifth century AD and was a contemporary and subordinate of the prophet and army commander Mormon. He is mentioned briefly in chapter 9 of the Book of Moroni...
, or Moron (Book of Mormon)Moron (Book of Mormon)Moron is the name of a location and a king in the Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. They are both connected with the Jaredite people.-Jaredite King:...
three other Book of Mormon figures with similar names.
According to the Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement that adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2600 BC to AD 421. It was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr...
, Ammoron was a Nephite
According to the Book of Mormon, a Nephite is a member of one of the four main groups of settlers of the ancient Americas. The other three groups are the Lamanites, Jaredites and Mulekites. In the Book of Mormon, the Nephites were a group of people descended from or associated with Nephi, the...
traitor. He was a descendant of Zoram
There are three individuals named Zoram in the Book of Mormon, indexed in the LDS edition as Zoram1, Zoram², and Zoram³.- Zoram¹ :Zoram1 was the servant of Laban, a wealthy inhabitant of Jerusalem. According to First Nephi, Zoram led Nephi, disguised as Laban, into Laban's treasury...
and succeeded his brother Amalickiah
In the Book of Mormon, Amalickiah was a Nephite leader of a movement to reestablish a king, specifically him as the king of the Nephites. When he failed to gain power through a popular uprising he dissented to the Lamanites becoming their king and using them as a means to gain power over the...
as the king of the Lamanites. Amalickiah, as king, had started a major war with the Nephites which the Nephites had hoped would end with his death. However Ammoron seized power and determined to carry-on the war of his brother. Eventually his armies were defeated in and he was slain by Teancum
According to the Book of Mormon, Teancum was a Nephite military leader. Found in the Book of Alma between Alma 50:35 and Alma 62:40 , his period of time shown is 67-60 BC. His major accomplishments include the assassinations of King Amalickiah in 67 BC, and the subsequent assassination of...