Cube Zero
Cube Zero is a 2004 Canadian psychological thriller
Psychological thriller
Psychological thriller is a specific sub-genre of the broad ranged thriller with heavy focus on characters. However, it often incorporates elements from the mystery and drama genre, along with the typical traits of the thriller genre...

/horror film
Horror film
Horror films seek to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's most primal fears. They often feature scenes that startle the viewer through the means of macabre and the supernatural, thus frequently overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres...

, written and directed
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 by Ernie Barbarash
Ernie Barbarash
Ernie Barbarash is a movie producer, perhaps best known as co-producer of the films American Psycho, Cube 2: Hypercube, Prisoner of Love, The First 9½ Weeks and The Cat's Meow. Barbarash also wrote and directed Cube Zero and Stir of Echoes: The Dead Speak...

. It is the third film in the Cube film series, but is a prequel to the first film. Even though the first two films take place almost entirely within the maze, Cube Zero takes place in both the interior and exterior of the cube, making significant use of outdoor scenes.
Unlike the other films in the trilogy, Cube
Cube (film)
Cube is a 1997 Canadian science fiction psychological thriller/horror film directed by Vincenzo Natali. The film was a successful product of the Canadian Film Centre's First Feature Project....

and Cube 2: Hypercube
Cube 2: Hypercube
Cube 2: Hypercube is a 2003 Canadian psychological thriller/horror film film and the sequel to the psychological thriller/horror film Cube. Released in 2002, Cube 2: Hypercube had a bigger budget than its predecessor, and a new director, Andrzej Sekuła...

, the story of Cube Zero is observed from both the interior and the exterior of the cube.

The film focuses on a Cube technician, Eric Wynn, and Cassandra Rains, a woman placed in the Cube.

Where's my daughter, Where is... [stutters] ...she. Why can't I remember my daughter's name? Where is she?!

Oh, can you use Wynn's aux. monitor because we'll need the big guns here for our little mouse hunt.

I hope your shortcut worked, Mr. Quigley.

Instant paralysis. They really weren't kidding, were they?

I don't trust machines, I have a machine to thank for this [points to his left eye, which is robotic] and this! [pounds the ground with his cane] I want to see them with my own God-given eye!

Can we spend five minutes without bringing up Owen?

You know what sort of people end up in there.

Do you believe in god?

She's gonna die in there, and she's probably innocent!

This room is... green.
