Crude (album)
Crude is the first studio album from Shetland based band Bongshang
Bongshang are a band from Shetland who fuse traditional Shetland and folk styles with rock, funk, electronica and contemporary production techniques...


Track listing

  1. "Le Introducement" - 1:02
  2. "Things to Come" - 3:59
  3. "The Floggin' Set" - 2:04
  4. "If & When" - 5:01
  5. "Lee Highway Blues" - 2:41
  6. "Phosphene/Tamlin" - 6:48
  7. "The Hangman's Reel" - 1:58
  8. "Dig a Hole" - 4:55
  9. "Scotland/Frosty Morning" - 3:34
  10. "A.K.A. Crude" - 4:35
  11. "Wedding Row" - 5:54
  12. "Reprise" - 2:05


  • JJ Jamieson - banjo
    In the 1830s Sweeney became the first white man to play the banjo on stage. His version of the instrument replaced the gourd with a drum-like sound box and included four full-length strings alongside a short fifth-string. There is no proof, however, that Sweeney invented either innovation. This new...

    , vocals, lawnmower
  • Bryan Peterson - bass guitar
    Bass guitar
    The bass guitar is a stringed instrument played primarily with the fingers or thumb , or by using a pick....

    , double bass
    Double bass
    The double bass, also called the string bass, upright bass, standup bass or contrabass, is the largest and lowest-pitched bowed string instrument in the modern symphony orchestra, with strings usually tuned to E1, A1, D2 and G2...

  • Leonard Scollay - fiddle
    The term fiddle may refer to any bowed string musical instrument, most often the violin. It is also a colloquial term for the instrument used by players in all genres, including classical music...

  • Neil Preshaw - electric guitar
    Electric guitar
    An electric guitar is a guitar that uses the principle of direct electromagnetic induction to convert vibrations of its metal strings into electric audio signals. The signal generated by an electric guitar is too weak to drive a loudspeaker, so it is amplified before sending it to a loudspeaker...

    , acoustic guitar
    Acoustic guitar
    An acoustic guitar is a guitar that uses only an acoustic sound board. The air in this cavity resonates with the vibrational modes of the string and at low frequencies, which depend on the size of the box, the chamber acts like a Helmholtz resonator, increasing or decreasing the volume of the sound...

  • Christopher 'Kipper' Anderson - drums
    Drum kit
    A drum kit is a collection of drums, cymbals and often other percussion instruments, such as cowbells, wood blocks, triangles, chimes, or tambourines, arranged for convenient playing by a single person ....

    , percussion
    Percussion instrument
    A percussion instrument is any object which produces a sound when hit with an implement or when it is shaken, rubbed, scraped, or otherwise acted upon in a way that sets the object into vibration...

Sleeve notes

Production notes

  • This was the first CD to be produced in Shetland and sold out in four days
  • Crude was recorded in the Garrison Theatre
    Garrison Theatre
    The Garrison Theatre is a 280 capacity venue in Lerwick, Shetland with a sprung proscenium stage with fixed raked seating. It has 19 rows, named A to S which either has 8, 12, 13, 15 or 16 seats in each row....

    , Lerwick, by sound engineer Stevie Hook and Bongshang members
  • The album was originally released on CD and cassette on Bongshang's own label "Doovf Records". It was later re-released and distributed internationally by the "Iona" record label.
  • The song 'Dig a Hole' features lyrics by Harry Horse
    Harry Horse
    Richard Horne better known under his pen name Harry Horse was an author, illustrator and political cartoonist. He was also known as a member of the band Swamptrash.-Books:...

     of Swamptrash
    Swamptrash were a Scottish bluegrass/psychobilly band formed in 1987 in Edinburgh. They split in 1990 and several of the members went on to form Shooglenifty-Personnel:Members have included:...

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