Contrast chord
In music
Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch , rhythm , dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture...

, a contrast chord is an auxiliary chord
Chord (music)
A chord in music is any harmonic set of two–three or more notes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously. These need not actually be played together: arpeggios and broken chords may for many practical and theoretical purposes be understood as chords...

 formed from one of the three primary triad
Primary triad
In music, a primary triad is a one of the three triads, or three note chord built from thirds, most important in tonal and diatonic music, as opposed to an auxiliary triad or secondary triad....

s and sharing its diatonic function
Diatonic function
In tonal music theory, a diatonic function is the specific, recognized role of each of the 7 notes and their chords in relation to the diatonic key...

. Leittonwechselklänge (German: "leading-tone contrast chords"), abbreviated Tl in major and tL in minor.

If chords may be formed by raising (major) or lowering (minor) the fifth a whole step [ parallel chords], they may also be formed by lowering (major) or raising (minor) the root a half-step to wechsel, the leading tone or leitton. These chords are Leittonwechselklänge (literally: "leading-tone changing sounds"), sometimes called gegenklang or "contrast chord".
Mode Key Position
Major E minor Tl
A minor Sl
B minor Dl
Minor Ab major tL
Db major sL
Eb major dL

Major Leittonwechselklänge, formed by lowering the root
Root (chord)
In music theory, the root of a chord is the note or pitch upon which a triadic chord is built. For example, the root of the major triad C-E-G is C....

a half step.

Minor Leittonwechselklänge, formed by raising the root (US)/fifth (German) a half step.

External links

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