Constance Marie
Constance Marie Lopez is an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

. Known professionally as Constance Marie, she is known for her role as Angie Lopez on George Lopez
George Lopez (TV series)
"The George Lopez Show" redirects here. For the late-night program hosted by the same comedian, see Lopez Tonight.George Lopez is an American sitcom starring comedian George Lopez...

(2002–2007) and for her role as Marcella Quintanilla (mother of Selena
Selena Quintanilla-Pérez , known simply as Selena, was a Mexican American singer-songwriter. She was named the "top Latin artist of the '90s" and "Best selling Latin artist of the decade" by Billboard for her fourteen top-ten singles in the Top Latin Songs chart, including seven number-one hits...

) in the 1997 film Selena
Selena (film)
Selena is a 1997 American biographical drama film about the life and career of the late Tejano music star Selena, a recording artist who was well known in the Mexican-American and Hispanic communities in the United States and Mexico before she was shot to death at the age of twenty-three.The movie...

. She currently portrays Regina Vasquez on the ABC family
ABC Family
ABC Family, stylized as abc family, is an American television network, owned by ABC Family Worldwide Inc., a subsidiary of the Disney-ABC Television Group division of The Walt Disney Company...

Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word meaning "action" , which is derived from "to do","to act" . The enactment of drama in theatre, performed by actors on a stage before an audience, presupposes collaborative modes of production and a...

 Switched at Birth
Switched at Birth (TV series)
Switched at Birth is an American television series that premiered on ABC Family on June 6, 2011 at 9:00 ET/PT. The one-hour scripted drama revolves around two teenagers who were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments...


Early life

Constance Marie grew up in East Los Angeles, California, in a third generation Mexican-American family that moved from apartment to apartment. She was raised by her mother and grandmother. While in her teens she had a passion for dancing and by age 19 she was tapped to dance in a musical called "Cosmopolis" by famed composer Ryuichi Sakamoto in Japan. When she returned to Los Angeles, her dancing career took a huge step when she was spotted in a club by a dance choreographer for pop icon David Bowie
David Bowie
David Bowie is an English musician, actor, record producer and arranger. A major figure for over four decades in the world of popular music, Bowie is widely regarded as an innovator, particularly for his work in the 1970s...

. She was chosen out of 500 dancers to tour with David Bowie on his 1987 worldwide Glass Spider Tour
Glass Spider Tour
In 1987, David Bowie embarked on The Glass Spider Tour in support of the album Never Let Me Down alongside famed guitarist Peter Frampton. The tour was named after the album track "Glass Spider." The concert tour was the most ambitious by Bowie up to that date, surpassing the Serious Moonlight Tour...



Marie's acting career also began when she was just a teen. She landed a spot in the movie Salsa
Salsa (1988 film)
Salsa is a 1988 romance film about a lower-class Puerto Rican dancer who decides to improve his lot in life by entering a salsa dancing contest. The film was directed by Boaz Davidson, and stars Robi Rosa, Rodney Harvey, and Angela Alvarado...

. Other credits include Early Edition
Early Edition
Early Edition is an American television series that aired on CBS from September 28, 1996 to May 27, 2000. Set in the city of Chicago, Illinois, it follows the adventures of a man who mysteriously receives each Chicago Sun-Times newspaper the day before it is actually published, and who uses this...

, Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing is a 1987 American romantic film. Written by Eleanor Bergstein and directed by Emile Ardolino, the film features Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in the lead roles, as well as Cynthia Rhodes and Jerry Orbach...

, Selena
Selena Quintanilla-Pérez , known simply as Selena, was a Mexican American singer-songwriter. She was named the "top Latin artist of the '90s" and "Best selling Latin artist of the decade" by Billboard for her fourteen top-ten singles in the Top Latin Songs chart, including seven number-one hits...

, Spin City
Spin City
Spin City is an American sitcom television series that aired from September 17, 1996 until April 30, 2002 on the ABC network. Created by Gary David Goldberg and Bill Lawrence, the show was based on a fictional local government running New York City, and originally starred Michael J. Fox as Mike...

, The Underworld, and Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal is an American legal comedy-drama series which aired on the Fox network from 1997 to 2002. The series was created by David E. Kelley, who also served as the executive producer, along with Bill D'Elia...


Marie was chosen for the role of Angie Lopez on the TV comedy series George Lopez
George Lopez (TV series)
"The George Lopez Show" redirects here. For the late-night program hosted by the same comedian, see Lopez Tonight.George Lopez is an American sitcom starring comedian George Lopez...

. She played the ever faithful and beautiful wife of the titular character, who had to deal with her exigent marriage, her husband's happy go lucky approach to parenthood, her mother-in-law's wisecracks and other complications.

Marie then took on the part of Yolanda in the 2001 film Tortilla Soup. She also gained fame for her performance in the critically acclaimed series American Family.

In the summer of 2011, Marie has a starring role on ABC Family's new drama Switched at Birth (TV series)
Switched at Birth (TV series)
Switched at Birth is an American television series that premiered on ABC Family on June 6, 2011 at 9:00 ET/PT. The one-hour scripted drama revolves around two teenagers who were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments...

, playing the birth mother one of the girls and de facto mother of the other.

Personal life

She and Kent Katich have one child together, Luna Marie Katich born February 5, 2009.

In October 2007, she launched her own clothing line called The Constance Marie Collection. The line is stated to be "affordable for women with real budgets and flattering to women with real bodies".


Year Title Role | Notes
1988 Glass Spider
Glass Spider
Glass Spider is a video album by David Bowie, recorded during the 1987 Glass Spider Tour at Sydney Entertainment Centre.-Release details:...

Featured dancer Concert video
1988 Salsa
Salsa (1988 film)
Salsa is a 1988 romance film about a lower-class Puerto Rican dancer who decides to improve his lot in life by entering a salsa dancing contest. The film was directed by Boaz Davidson, and stars Robi Rosa, Rodney Harvey, and Angela Alvarado...

Featured dancer
1993 12:01
12:01 (1993 film)
12:01 is a 1993 television film directed by Jack Sholder, and starring Helen Slater, Jonathan Silverman, Jeremy Piven, and Martin Landau. It originally aired on the Fox Network in the United States....

Joan Zevo TV movie
1994 Island City
Island City (film)
Island City is a science fiction television pilot movie that was aired by Prime Time Entertainment Network in 1994. The film was produced by Lee Rich Productions in association with Lorimar Television....

Connie Sealle TV movie
1995 My Family
My Family (film)
My Family is an American drama film directed by Gregory Nava and written by Nava and Anna Thomas. The motion picture stars Jimmy Smits, Edward James Olmos, Esai Morales, and others. It also features Jennifer Lopez in her second film role....

1995 Fast Company Liz Shelby TV movie
1997 Selena
Selena (film)
Selena is a 1997 American biographical drama film about the life and career of the late Tejano music star Selena, a recording artist who was well known in the Mexican-American and Hispanic communities in the United States and Mexico before she was shot to death at the age of twenty-three.The movie...

Marcela Quintanilla
1997 The Underworld Actress TV Movie
1999 The Last Marshall Rosa
2000 Dancing in September
Dancing in September
Dancing in September is a 2000 television film starring Isaiah Washington and Nicole Ari Parker.-Plot:It focused on a black television producer , who works for a major network, and the troubles she faces in her environment, mainly painting a positive portrayal of Blacks in the media.-Cast:*Nicole...

Teresa Lopez
2001 See Spot Run
See Spot Run
See Spot Run is a 2001 comedy film about a mailman who takes in a stray bullmastiff only to learn that it is a trained FBI dog that has escaped from a witness protection program and is targeted for killing by a crime boss...

The Neighbor uncredited
2001 Tortilla Soup
Tortilla Soup
Tortilla Soup is a 2001 American comedy-drama film directed by Maria Ripoll. The screenplay by Tom Musca, Ramón Menéndez, and Vera Blasi is based on the film Eat Drink Man Woman, which was written by Hui-Ling Wang, Ang Lee, and James Schamus.-Plot:...

2006 Puff, Puff, Pass
Puff, Puff, Pass
Puff, Puff, Pass is a 2006 comedic stoner crime film, also known as Living High, directed by Mekhi Phifer. The name derives from a smoking custom in cannabis culture wherein a group of cannabis smokers will commonly each take two "puffs" from whatever smoking device is being used and then pass it...

2011 Puss in Boots
Puss in Boots (2011 film)
Puss in Boots is a 2011 computer-animated adventure Western film produced by DreamWorks Animation, directed by Chris Miller , executive produced by Guillermo del Toro, and written by Brian Lynch, with screenplay by Tom Wheeler. It stars Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Zach Galifianakis, Billy Bob...



Year Title Role | Notes
1988-1989 Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing (1988 TV series)
Dirty Dancing is a 1988 television series on the CBS network. It was based on the film Dirty Dancing but had none of the original cast or staff. It starred Patrick Cassidy as Johnny and Melora Hardin as Baby...

Penny Rivera 11 episodes
1989-1990 Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara (TV series)
Santa Barbara is an American television soap opera, first broadcast in the United States on NBC on July 30, 1984, and last aired on January 15, 1993. The show revolved around the eventful lives of the wealthy Capwell family of Santa Barbara, California...

Nikki Alvarez
1991 The Man in the Family Jenny 1 episode
1991 Sibs
Sibs was an American sitcom broadcast by ABC as part of its 1991-92 prime time lineup.Sibs starred veteran actress Marsha Mason as Nora Rusico, a successful accountant and Alex Rocco as her longsuffering husband, Howie. The source of most of Howie's suffering was his wife's younger sisters , Audie...

Actress 1 episode
1992 Reasonable Doubts
Reasonable Doubts
Reasonable Doubts is a police drama broadcast in the United States by NBC that ran from 1991 to 1993.-Synopsis:Reasonable Doubts is primarily about the working relationship between Assistant District Attorney Tess Kaufman , a prosecutor very sensitive to the rights of the accused, and...

Officer Petra Delgado 1 episode
1992 The Hat Squad
The Hat Squad
The Hat Squad is a crime drama television series that ran for only one season on CBS, during the 1992-1993 season. 13 episodes were made, but only 11 of them aired.-Synopsis:...

Actress 1 episode
1993 Cobra
Cobra is a venomous snake belonging to the family Elapidae. However, not all snakes commonly referred to as cobras are of the same genus, or even of the same family. The name is short for cobra capo or capa Snake, which is Portuguese for "snake with hood", or "hood-snake"...

Maria 1 episode
1996 The Sentinel
The Sentinel (TV series)
The Sentinel is a Canadian-produced television series that aired on UPN in the United States from 1996 to 1999. It premiered on March 20, 1996, and ran for 65 episodes . The series later reaired on Syfy.-Plot and characters:...

Beverley Sanchez 1 episode
1997 Spin City
Spin City
Spin City is an American sitcom television series that aired from September 17, 1996 until April 30, 2002 on the ABC network. Created by Gary David Goldberg and Bill Lawrence, the show was based on a fictional local government running New York City, and originally starred Michael J. Fox as Mike...

Gabby Sanchez 1 episode
1997-1998 Union Square
Union Square (TV series)
Union Square is a 1997 television sitcom that was broadcast on NBC for one season. It followed the story of a lawyer-turned-playwright in New York City, who attempted to gain inspiration from a host of characters populating the fictitious Union Square cafe in Manhattan, obviously inspired by the...

Gabriella Diaz 13 episodes
1998-2000 Early Edition
Early Edition
Early Edition is an American television series that aired on CBS from September 28, 1996 to May 27, 2000. Set in the city of Chicago, Illinois, it follows the adventures of a man who mysteriously receives each Chicago Sun-Times newspaper the day before it is actually published, and who uses this...

Toni Brigatti 6 episodes
1999 Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place Venita 2 episodes
2000-2001 For Your Love
For Your Love
-Album reissues:The Yardbirds' 2001 compilation album Ultimate! contains eight of the eleven tracks from the original album. For Your Love has been reissued by several record labels, including JVC, Castle, and Repertoire...

Samantha 6 episodes
2001 Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal
Ally McBeal is an American legal comedy-drama series which aired on the Fox network from 1997 to 2002. The series was created by David E. Kelley, who also served as the executive producer, along with Bill D'Elia...

Inez Cortez 1 episode
2001 That '70s Show
That '70s Show
That '70s Show is an American television period sitcom that centers on the lives of a group of teenage friends living in the fictional suburban town of Point Place, Wisconsin, from May 17, 1976, to December 31, 1979...

Little Drummer Boy 1 episode
2002 American Family
American Family
American Family is a photographic artwork exhibition by Renée Cox.-External links:* *...

Nina Gonzalez 13 episodes
2002-2007 George Lopez
George Lopez (TV series)
"The George Lopez Show" redirects here. For the late-night program hosted by the same comedian, see Lopez Tonight.George Lopez is an American sitcom starring comedian George Lopez...

Angie Lopez 119 episodes
2008 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is an American crime drama television series, which premiered on CBS on October 6, 2000. The show was created by Anthony E. Zuiker and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer...

Det. Carolina Flores 1 episode
2009 The Secret Life of the American Teenager
The Secret Life of the American Teenager
The Secret Life of the American Teenager is an American teen drama television series created by Brenda Hampton. It first aired on ABC Family on July 1, 2008. The show was renewed for a second season consisting of 24 episodes on February 9, 2009, which began airing on June 22, 2009...

Virginia Molina 1 episode
2009 According to Jim
According to Jim
According to Jim is an American sitcom television series starring Jim Belushi in the title role as a suburban father of three children. It originally ran on ABC from October 3, 2001 to June 2, 2009.-Synopsis:Jim is an abrasive but lovable suburban father...

Victoria 1 episode
2011-present Switched at Birth
Switched at Birth (TV series)
Switched at Birth is an American television series that premiered on ABC Family on June 6, 2011 at 9:00 ET/PT. The one-hour scripted drama revolves around two teenagers who were switched at birth and grew up in very different environments...

Regina Vasquez Main Role

Awards and nominations

  • Soap Opera Digest Awards
    Soap Opera Digest Awards
    The Soap Opera Digest Awards were an awards show held by the daytime television magazine Soap Opera Digest. The awards were founded in 1984 to replace the less-lavish Soapy Award; those awards shows had run since 1977. The Soap Opera Digest Awards are meant to promote excellence in the soap opera...

    • 1991: Outstanding Female Newcomer (Daytime) - Santa Barbara
      Santa Barbara (TV series)
      Santa Barbara is an American television soap opera, first broadcast in the United States on NBC on July 30, 1984, and last aired on January 15, 1993. The show revolved around the eventful lives of the wealthy Capwell family of Santa Barbara, California...


  • ALMA Awards
    • 1998: Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series - Union Square
      Union Square (TV series)
      Union Square is a 1997 television sitcom that was broadcast on NBC for one season. It followed the story of a lawyer-turned-playwright in New York City, who attempted to gain inspiration from a host of characters populating the fictitious Union Square cafe in Manhattan, obviously inspired by the...

    • 2007: Outstanding Actress (Television Series, Mini-Series or Television Movie) - The George Lopez Show (Nominated)
    • 2011: Favorite TV Actress- Supporting Role - Switched at Birth
      Switched at Birth
      Switched at Birth is a 1991 television film directed by Waris Hussein. It is based on the true story of Kimberly Mays and Arlena Twigg, babies switched soon after birth in a Florida hospital in 1978.-Plot:...


  • Young Artist Awards
    • 2004: Most Popular Mom & Pop in a Television Series - The George Lopez Show (Nominated) with George Lopez
      George Lopez
      George Lopez is an American comedian, actor, and talk show host. He is mostly known for starring in his self-produced ABC sitcom George Lopez. His stand-up comedy examines race and ethnic relations, including the Mexican American culture...

  • Imagen Foundation Awards
    • 2004: Best Actress in Television Drama - American Family: Journey of Dreams
      American Family: Journey of Dreams
      American Family: Journey of Dreams is a PBS series created by Gregory Nava that follows the lives of a Latino family in Los Angeles.This was the first broadcast television drama series featuring a predominantly Latino cast...

    • 2004: Best Actress in Television Comedy - The George Lopez Show (Won)
    • 2005: Best Actress (Television) - The George Lopez Show (Nominated)
    • 2006: Best Actress (Television) - The George Lopez Show (Nominated)
    • 2007: Best Actress (Television) - The George Lopez Show (Nominated)

External links

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