Computer game tracking websites
Computer-game-tracking websites are website
A website, also written as Web site, web site, or simply site, is a collection of related web pages containing images, videos or other digital assets. A website is hosted on at least one web server, accessible via a network such as the Internet or a private local area network through an Internet...

s that maintain performance statistics for players of certain video games, allowing players to evaluate their competitive performance and ranking and allowing players to seek out others of comparable ability.


The GamerDNA
gamerDNA Inc. is a social media company for computer and video game players founded on 2006-09-21, acquired by Crispy Gamer in December 2009. The name is usually spelled with a lower case g: gamerDNA...

 service allows gamers to track their game history across multiple platforms by aggregating history from Xbox Live, Xfire, Steam and other networks.

Battlefield Series

All games in the Battlefield Series have no official statistics and rankings colated by EA/DICE; however, there are third-party websites which have similar functionality, such as BF Tracks and BF2S

BF Tracks provides nearly real-time and historical gameplay statistics for all public Battlefield 1942 and Battlefield Vietnam servers (including servers running modifications). All such servers are continuously monitored and statistics from games played on each server are recorded in a database. Each player seen playing online is individually recognized within the database and players are ranked according to their "skill" based on a formula
In mathematics, a formula is an entity constructed using the symbols and formation rules of a given logical language....

that incorporates various parameters of the player's performance during gameplay. The BF Tracks website provides a searchable interface to the database where players can view their statistics and see how they compare to every other player in the database. This is all performed automatically without the player needing to register themselves with the service.

Battlefield 2 has several sites that offers a similar service to BF Tracks such as BF2S, but statistics are collected from the game itself which collect data from specific servers known as ranked servers, and most sites do not independently rank players based on their portfolio. However, these sites can, and most do, display and track more variables and statistics than BF Tracks could.


Another major tracking website is GameTrack. This site differs from BF Tracks in that it collects server/player data more often, resulting in true realtime tracking. In addition, it separates players into Rookie, Seasoned, and Veteran ranking classes depending on how much time they have in-game and how many maps they have played. GameTrack's ranking formula gives each game played a ranking, heavily depending on flags taken, kill:death ratio, and kill rate. GameTrack only retains game data from the last thirty days, older games are dropped and removed from stats. Players are tracked via their CD-Hashes, as opposed to just names.
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