Chiasmatic cistern
In front, the cisterna interpeduncularis extends forward across the optic chiasma, forming the cistern of chiasma or chiasmatic cistern, and on to the upper surface of the corpus callosum
Corpus callosum
The corpus callosum , also known as the colossal commissure, is a wide, flat bundle of neural fibers beneath the cortex in the eutherian brain at the longitudinal fissure. It connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres and facilitates interhemispheric communication...

, for the arachnoid stretches across from one cerebral hemisphere to the other immediately beneath the free border of the falx cerebri
Falx cerebri
The falx cerebri, also known as the cerebral falx, so named from its sickle-like form, is a strong, arched fold of dura mater which descends vertically in the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres....

, and thus leaves a space in which the anterior cerebral arteries are contained. The "leaf" or extension of the chiasmatic cistern above the chiasma, which is separated from the optic recess
Optic recess
At the junction of the floor and anterior wall of the third ventricle, immediately above the optic chiasma, the ventricle presents a small angular recess or diverticulum, the optic recess ....

 of the third ventricle
Third ventricle
The third ventricle is one of four connected fluid-filled cavities comprising the ventricular system within the human brain. It is a median cleft between the two thalami, and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid ....

 by the thin lamina terminalis
Lamina terminalis
The median portion of the wall of the fore-brain vesicle consists of a thin lamina, the lamina terminalis, which stretches from the interventricular foramen to the recess at the base of the optic stalk and contains the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, which regulates the osmolarity of...

, has been called the suprachiasmatic cistern. As spaces filled with freely circulating cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid
Cerebrospinal fluid , Liquor cerebrospinalis, is a clear, colorless, bodily fluid, that occupies the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system around and inside the brain and spinal cord...

, cisterns receive little direct study, but are mentioned in pathological conditions. Cysts and tumors of the lamina terminalis extend into the suprachiasmatic cistern, as can pituitary tumors, or the cistern can be partially or completely effaced by injury and hematoma
A hematoma, or haematoma, is a localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels, usually in liquid form within the tissue. This distinguishes it from an ecchymosis, which is the spread of blood under the skin in a thin layer, commonly called a bruise...

 or by blockage of the cerebral aqueduct
Cerebral aqueduct
The mesencephalic duct, also known as the aqueductus mesencephali, aqueduct of Sylvius or the cerebral aqueduct, contains cerebrospinal fluid , is within the mesencephalon and connects the third ventricle in the diencephalon to the fourth ventricle in the mesencephalon, which is between the pons...


External links

  • NIF Search - Chiasmatic Cistern via the Neuroscience Information Framework
    Neuroscience Information Framework
    The Neuroscience Information Framework is a repository of global neuroscience web resources, including experimental, clinical, and translational neuroscience databases, knowledge bases, atlases, and genetic/genomic resources.-Description:...

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