Chester Withey
Chester Withey was an American
United States
The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district...

 silent film
Silent film
A silent film is a film with no synchronized recorded sound, especially with no spoken dialogue. In silent films for entertainment the dialogue is transmitted through muted gestures, pantomime and title cards...

An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

, director
Film director
A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic nathan roach, while guiding the technical crew and actors.-Responsibilities:...

 and screenwriter
Screenwriters or scriptwriters or scenario writers are people who write/create the short or feature-length screenplays from which mass media such as films, television programs, Comics or video games are based.-Profession:...

. He participated in the production in total of some 100 films.

Born in Park City, Utah
Utah is a state in the Western United States. It was the 45th state to join the Union, on January 4, 1896. Approximately 80% of Utah's 2,763,885 people live along the Wasatch Front, centering on Salt Lake City. This leaves vast expanses of the state nearly uninhabited, making the population the...

,the son of Chester Henry Withey and Mary E. Kelso, Withey started his career in silent film
Silent film
A silent film is a film with no synchronized recorded sound, especially with no spoken dialogue. In silent films for entertainment the dialogue is transmitted through muted gestures, pantomime and title cards...

 as an actor
An actor is a person who acts in a dramatic production and who works in film, television, theatre, or radio in that capacity...

 in 1913. He starred in films such as the 1916 film The Wharf Rat. He married Virginia Philley, a screenwriter, who also did some acting.

However, by 1916, he had already directed several films and decided to concentrate on work behind the camera. Withey was also accredited with writing for 15 films.

He retired from film directing in 1928 and died 6 October 1939.

Partial Filmography

  • Her Honor, the Governor
    Her Honor, the Governor
    Her Honor, the Governor is a 1926 silent drama film starring Pauline Frederick, directed by Chester Withey and featuring Boris Karloff.-Cast:* Pauline Frederick - Adele Fenway* Carroll Nye - Bob Fenway* Greta von Rue - Marian Lee...

    1926 in film
    -Events:*August - Warner Brothers debuts the first Vitaphone film, Don Juan. The Vitaphone system used multiple 33⅓ rpm disc records developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories and Western Electric to play back audio synchronized with film....

     - directed)
  • Richard the Lion-Hearted
    Richard the Lion-Hearted (1923 film)
    Richard the Lion-Hearted is a 1923 sequel to Robin Hood , with Wallace Beery returning as Richard the Lion-Hearted. The movie was written by Frank E. Woods from the Sir Walter Scott novel The Talisman and directed by Chester Withey.The film is lost.-Cast:*Wallace Beery as Richard the...

    1923 in film
    -Events:*April 15 - Lee De Forest demonstrates the Phonofilm sound-on-film system at the Rivoli Theater in New York with a series of short musical films featuring vaudeville performers.-Top grossing films :-Films released in 1923:U.S.A...

     - directed)
  • On the Quiet (1918
    1918 in film
    The year 1918 in film involved some significant events.-Events:*Following litigation for anti-trust activities, the US Supreme Court orders the Motion Picture Patents Company to disband....

     - directed) starring John Barrymore
    John Barrymore
    John Sidney Blyth , better known as John Barrymore, was an acclaimed American actor. He first gained fame as a handsome stage actor in light comedy, then high drama and culminating in groundbreaking portrayals in Shakespearean plays Hamlet and Richard III...

  • The Bad Boy
    The Bad Boy (1917 film)
    The Bad Boy is an American crime drama film directed by Chester Withey and starring Robert Harron, Richard Cummings, Mildred Harris and actress Colleen Moore, who made her film debut in The Bad Boy.-Plot summary:...

    1917 in film
    The year 1917 in film involved some significant events.-Events:*Foundation of Universum Film AG , as a propaganda film company, in Berlin.*Technicolor System 1, a two-color process, is introduced...

     - directed)
  • The Higher Law
    The Higher Law (1914 film)
    The Higher Law is a 1914 silent drama film directed by Charles Giblyn and featuring Lon Chaney, Sr. The film is now considered to be lost.-Cast:* Murdock MacQuarrie - François Villon* Pauline Bush - Lady Eleyne* Doc Crane - King Louis XI...

    1914 in film
    The year 1914 in film involved some significant events, including the debut of Cecil B. DeMille as a director.-Events:*The 3,300-seat Mark Strand Theatre opens in New York City....

  • The Oubliette
    The Oubliette
    The Oubliette is a 1914 silent drama film directed by Charles Giblyn, featuring Murdock MacQuarrie and Lon Chaney, Sr. This film and By the Sun's Rays are two of Chaney's earliest surviving films.-Cast:* Murdock MacQuarrie - François Villon...

  • The Flirt and the Bandit
    The Flirt and the Bandit
    The Flirt and the Bandit is a 1913 American silent short drama film directed by Lorimer Johnston starring R.D. Armstrong, Charlotte Burton, Ed Coxen, George Field, James Harrison and Chester Withey....

    1913 in film
    The year 1913 in film involved some significant events.-Events:* The Squaw Man, the first Hollywood feature film, is made.* December 29, Charlie Chaplin signs a contract with Mack Sennett to begin making films at Keystone Studios.* D. W...


External links

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