written and directed by Kevin Smith
. The central tension revolves around sexuality, sexual history, and evolving friendships. It is the third film in Smith's View Askewniverse
The film contains explicit sexual dialogue, and was originally inspired by a brief scene from an early movie by a friend of Smith's. In Guinevere Turner
's Go Fish
, one of the lesbian characters imagines her friends passing judgment on her for "selling out" by sleeping with a man.
This is all going to end badly.
All every woman really wants, be it mother, senator, nun, is some serious deep-dickin'.
I feel a hate crime coming on.
[to Alyssa] Since you like chicks, right, do you just look at yourself naked in the mirror all the time?
Archie is not fucking Mr. Weatherbee!
[on having sex] Like CNN and the Weather Channel: constant updates.
Now THAT, my friend, is a shared moment.
What difference does it make if I refer to her as a dyke? Or if I call the Whalers a bunch of faggots in the comfort of my own office, far from the sensitive ears of the rest of the world?
I'm going to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that Archie is all about pussy.
Everyone has an agenda. Everyone.