Charles Grabau
Charles Grabau is a Middlesex, Massachusetts Superior Court
Superior court
In common law systems, a superior court is a court of general competence which typically has unlimited jurisdiction with regard to civil and criminal legal cases...

A judge is a person who presides over court proceedings, either alone or as part of a panel of judges. The powers, functions, method of appointment, discipline, and training of judges vary widely across different jurisdictions. The judge is supposed to conduct the trial impartially and in an open...


He is most noted for ruling over the case of Thomas Junta
Thomas Junta
Thomas Junta of Reading, Massachusetts was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in 2002 after he attacked Michael Costin, who later died of his injuries. Costin was the informal referee of a pick-up hockey game involving the men's sons. The fight was witnessed by about a dozen children, including...

 in 2002, as well as several high-profile priest abuse scandals including Robert Gale and Paul R. Shanley.
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