Chandgana Tal
Changana Tal is a coal mine in the Mörön sum
Mörön, Khentii
Mörön is a sum of Khentii Province in eastern Mongolia. The Chandgana Tal coal mine is 25 km E fromMörön sum center....

 (district) of Khentii Province in eastern Mongolia
Mongolia is a landlocked country in East and Central Asia. It is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south, east and west. Although Mongolia does not share a border with Kazakhstan, its western-most point is only from Kazakhstan's eastern tip. Ulan Bator, the capital and largest...



Changana Tal mine is 25 km E from Mörön sum
Mörön, Khentii
Mörön is a sum of Khentii Province in eastern Mongolia. The Chandgana Tal coal mine is 25 km E fromMörön sum center....

 center and 53 km E from Khentii aimag capital Öndörkhaan. Changana Tal mine is in the bag #5 of Mörön sum
Mörön, Khentii
Mörön is a sum of Khentii Province in eastern Mongolia. The Chandgana Tal coal mine is 25 km E fromMörön sum center....



Chandgana Tal coal was first discovered by Russian surface reconnaissance in 1941 and subsequently explored in detail in 1962-1963. In 1967, a small mine was opened to supply heating coal for local consumption (Öndörkhaan city) and the mine has operated more-or-less continuously since, producing up to 20,000 tonnes of coal per year.

External links

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