Chair of Assembly of Kosovo
The Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo
Kosovo is a region in southeastern Europe. Part of the Ottoman Empire for more than five centuries, later the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija within Serbia...

( or , Serbian
Serbian language
Serbian is a form of Serbo-Croatian, a South Slavic language, spoken by Serbs in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and neighbouring countries....

: , transliterated
Transliteration is a subset of the science of hermeneutics. It is a form of translation, and is the practice of converting a text from one script into another...

 ) is a post within the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government
Provisional Institutions of Self-Government
The Provisional Institutions of Self-Government or 'PISG' are the local administrative bodies in Kosovo established by the United Nations administration in that province under the terms of UNSCR 1244...

 established by the United Nations administration in Kosovo
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
The United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo or UNMIK is the interim civilian administration in Kosovo, under the authority of the United Nations. The mission was established on 10 June 1999 by Security Council Resolution 1244...

 to provide 'provisional, democratic self-government' in advance of a decision on the final status of Kosovo. The Chair of the Assembly chairs the sessions of the Assembly of Kosovo
Assembly of Kosovo
The Assembly of Kosovo was originally established by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo in 2001 to provide 'provisional, democratic self-government'....

. The third post-war and the Chair of Assembly of Kosovo is Jakup Krasniqi
Jakup Krasniqi
Jakup Krasniqi is an Albanian politician and former acting President of Kosovo. He is the Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo.-Early life:...

, member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo
Democratic Party of Kosovo
The Democratic Party of Kosovo is the largest political party in Kosovo . It is a social democratic party and the main leftist party in Kosovo....


Speakers of the Assembly of Kosovo

Name Took Office Left Office Political Party
Nexhat Daci
Nexhat Daci
Nexhat Daci is a Kosovan politician. He was elected as the speaker of Assembly of Kosovo in 2001 as a member of President Ibrahim Rugova's Democratic League of Kosovo...

10 December 2001 10 March 2006 Democratic League of Kosovo
Democratic League of Kosovo
The Democratic League of Kosovo is the second largest political party in Kosovo. It is a conservative and liberal conservative party; the main right-wing party in Kosovo....

Kolë Berisha
Kolë Berisha
Kolë Berisha is a politician and was the Chair of Assembly of Kosovo from March 2006 to 2007. Berisha is also a deputy leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo...

10 March 2006 12 December 2007 Democratic League of Kosovo
Democratic League of Kosovo
The Democratic League of Kosovo is the second largest political party in Kosovo. It is a conservative and liberal conservative party; the main right-wing party in Kosovo....

Jakup Krasniqi
Jakup Krasniqi
Jakup Krasniqi is an Albanian politician and former acting President of Kosovo. He is the Chairman of the Assembly of Kosovo.-Early life:...

12 December 2007 Incumbent Democratic Party of Kosovo
Democratic Party of Kosovo
The Democratic Party of Kosovo is the largest political party in Kosovo . It is a social democratic party and the main leftist party in Kosovo....

See also

  • History of Kosovo
    History of Kosovo
    In antiquity, the Kosovo region in the Balkans was known as Dardania and from the 1st century AD it formed part of the Roman province of Moesia. From c. 700 to 1455, the Kosovo region became part of the Bulgarian Empire, the Byzantine Empire and then the Serbian medieval states, notably Raška...

  • List of Presidents of the Assembly of Kosovo
  • Politics of Kosovo
    Politics of Kosovo
    The Politics of Kosovo takes place in a framework of a multi-party parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the Prime Minister of Kosovo is the head of government, and the President of Kosovo is the head of state. Executive power is exercised by the Executive of Kosovo. Legislative...

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