Celeste Cid
María Celeste Cid is an Argentine
Argentina , officially the Argentine Republic , is the second largest country in South America by land area, after Brazil. It is constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires...

 actress. She is perhaps best known for her roles in television series Chiquititas
Chiquititas was a successful children's musical telenovela from Argentina. Created and produced by Cris Morena and her daughter Romina Yan, it aired on Telefé from 1995 until 2001 .There were two spin-offs: Rincón de Luz, aired in 2003 on Canal 9 and a 2006 season which aired in...

, Verano del '98
Verano del '98
Verano del '98 is an Argentine telenovela, produced by Cris Morena. It was broadcast on Telefe television in the period January 12, 1998-November 17, 2000. The telenovela had three seasons, and changed its cast many times...

and Resistiré
Resistiré is a 2003 Argentine telenovela. This serial features a gorgeous woman torn between her terrorist fiancee and a handsome tailor. It starred Pablo Echarri, Celeste Cid, Carolina Fal and Fabián Vena....



Year Title Role Notes
1997 Chiquititas
Chiquititas was a successful children's musical telenovela from Argentina. Created and produced by Cris Morena and her daughter Romina Yan, it aired on Telefé from 1995 until 2001 .There were two spin-offs: Rincón de Luz, aired in 2003 on Canal 9 and a 2006 season which aired in...

Barbarita (TV Series) (1997–98)
(Stage) (1997–98)
1999 Verano del '98
Verano del '98
Verano del '98 is an Argentine telenovela, produced by Cris Morena. It was broadcast on Telefe television in the period January 12, 1998-November 17, 2000. The telenovela had three seasons, and changed its cast many times...

Yoko Vázquez (TV Series) (1999–00)
2001 Enamorarte Celeste "Cele" Serrano (TV Series)
2002 Franco Buenaventura, el profe Carolina Peña (TV Series)
2003 Resistiré
Resistiré is a 2003 Argentine telenovela. This serial features a gorgeous woman torn between her terrorist fiancee and a handsome tailor. It starred Pablo Echarri, Celeste Cid, Carolina Fal and Fabián Vena....

Julia Malaguer Podestá (TV Series)
2004 El Deseo
El Deseo
El Deseo is film production company owned by Spanish film producers the Almodóvar brothers . Films produced by the company include All About My Mother, Talk to Her, My Life Without Me, Bad Education, Volver, Broken Embraces and The Skin I Live In.- External links :* Film production company owned...

Cartonera (TV Series)
Locas de amor
Locas de amor
Locas de Amor was an Argentine series, produced by Pol-ka Producciones and transmitted originally from April to December 2004. It was written and adapted for television by Suzana Cardozo. It was directed by Luis Barone and Daniel Barone. It starred Leticia Brédice, Julieta Díaz and Soledad Villamil...

Zara (TV Series)
2005 Hipólito y Fedra Fedra (Stage)
Conflictos en red Clara (TV Series)
Mujeres asesinas (Laura, abandonada) Cecilia (TV Series)(1 episode)
Botines Jazmín (Mini Series)
2006 Mujeres asesinas (Lucia, memoriosa) Lucía (TV Series) (1 episode)
2007 Mujeres elefante Cele (TV Film)
Televisión por la identidad Julia (TV Series)
2008 Motivos para no enamorarse de Mariano Mucci Clara
Mujeres asesinas (Dolores, poseida) (TV Series)(1 episode)
In the theology of the Catholic Church, Limbo is a speculative idea about the afterlife condition of those who die in original sin without being assigned to the Hell of the damned. Limbo is not an official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church or any other...

(Director and Writer)
2010 Eva y Lola Eva


  • 1997 — Chiquititas Vol. 3
  • 1998 — Chiquititas Vol. 4

Awards and nominations

Year Award Category Project Result
2002 INTE Award Best Young Actor Enamorarte
2003 Best Actress Resistiré
Resistiré is a 2003 Argentine telenovela. This serial features a gorgeous woman torn between her terrorist fiancee and a handsome tailor. It starred Pablo Echarri, Celeste Cid, Carolina Fal and Fabián Vena....

2009 Málaga International Film Festival Audience Award Motivos para no enamorarse de Mariano Mucci
Jury Award

External links

  • Celeste Cid at the Internet Movie Database
    Internet Movie Database
    Internet Movie Database is an online database of information related to movies, television shows, actors, production crew personnel, video games and fictional characters featured in visual entertainment media. It is one of the most popular online entertainment destinations, with over 100 million...

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