
County Meath
County Meath is a county in Ireland. It is part of the Mid-East Region and is also located in the province of Leinster. It is named after the ancient Kingdom of Mide . Meath County Council is the local authority for the county...
, Ireland, some 4 km northwest of Kells
Kells, County Meath
Kells is a town in County Meath, Ireland. The town lies off the M3 motorway, from Navan and from Dublin. In recent years Kells has grown greatly with many Dublin commuters moving to the town....
on the N3 road. OSI map ref. N 698
External links
'Cairn' & 'ros': Carnaross
Arriving at the exact derivation of a placename is often not possible. Where cairn appears in a place name the reference is to an ancient pagan burial site. It was customary to put a cairn or heap of stones over a grave. The custom was mostly abandoned with the arrival of Christianity,
Carnaross, (detail from Larkin's Grand Jury Map, 1812 but a cairn was still raised over suicides, the unbaptised and victims of war or fever who, for practical reasons, could not be brought to the churchyard. No passers-by would dare touch the cairn, and in some places a tree was planted instead of, or in addition to, the heap of stones.
In county Meath some of the places with cairn in their names are Rathcairn, Kilcairn, Cairnstown and Carnaross, to name but a few. Carnaross may have got its name from the Irish cairn. In P.W. Joyce's Irish Names of Places, (1913) vol. III, we find a reference to Carnaross which states that "the old people there say it is shortened from 'Carraig-na-ros', 'the rock of the woods'."
However, there is evidence that Carnaross, cathru na ros, is the quarter of the hills and not the quarter of the cairn. In ancient Ireland ceathru signified a quarter of a townland. The Normans introduced a similar sounding word, cartron, (in French quarteron), for the same kind of division of land which was, according to Joyce, from 60 to 160 acre (0.6474976 km²). Cartronganny, near Mullingar, is the sandy cartron or the sandy quarter.
Ros is more difficult to interpret. It would not have been applied to any kind of hill, but rather to a promontory covered with trees or brushwood. In parts of Ireland the word is synonymous with wood, and a perfect example of the meaning of ros can be seen on the Donore road from Navan to Drogheda at Rosnaree. There is evidence that the valley of the Blackwater was thickly wooded in ancient times, and to the north of Castle Kieran is a locality named Cloghanrush, the stony place of the wood.
- http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/environment-geography/place-names/placenames-of-county-meat/cairn-ros-carnaross/
The parish of Carnaross is composed of the three mediaeval parishes of Castle Kieran, Loughan and Dulane. Carnaross is not even mentioned as a townland earlier than 1837, and even then John O'Donovan in the Ordnance Survey Field Name Books, refers to it as "a group of houses (two of them public houses) called Carnaross." It was, however, the site of a thatched chapel, (on the same site as the present church), and afterwards, when stage coaches came, it grew in importance and, because it was situated on the main Dublin-Enniskillen route, it soon boasted two inns.
The townland of Loughan belonged to the Mapes of Maperath before the Cromwellian plantation; afterwards it was one of the many grants allotted to an officer named James Stopford.
Dean Cogan mentions the holy well dedicated to St. Anne.
In describing Castle Kieran he notes:
"Convenient to the termon cross, on the south side, there is a green grave marking the resting place of a priest, name now unknown, on which, at interments, the coffin is deposited, while the De Profundis is being intoned."
- http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/history-heritage/folklore-of-ireland/the-holy-wells-of-meath-f/keenahene-loughan/
- http://homepage.eircom.net/~kellsnet/ciaran.htm
- http://www.italicapress.com/index406.html
- http://www.goireland.com/meath/kieran-s-well-attraction-wells-historical-id12787.htm
- http://www.archive.org/stream/dioceseofmeathan01cogaiala#page/124/mode/2up
" In the Termann of Cenannas, in Meath, as the Oidheadh Breasail (the
Massacre of Breasal, a tale so called) states (he was killed by) Diarmait, his
father, and he was resuscitated by Becan. "
3. Carnaross.
This union comprises parishes of Loghan and Dulane,*
the former of which is situated partly in the barony of
Castlerahan, County Cavan, but chiefly in that of Upper
Kells ; the latter is situated in the barony of Upper Kells,
County Meath.
Loghan. The old church has been torn down and up-
rooted. There was a holy well here dedicated to St.
Anne. The ruins of the abbey-church of Castle-Kieran
are situated in the parish of Loghan. (See vol. i. pp. 124,
125). Convenient to the termon-cross, on the south-side,
there is a green grave, marking the resting-place of a
priest, name now unknown, on which, at interments, the
coffin is deposited, while the JDe Profundis is being en-
Dulane. This old church presents every appearance of
antiquity. The chancel has been torn down. The nave
measures thirty feet by twenty-one. There is a plain
doorway on the west end, surmounted by an immense
block of stone ; another entrance on the south side seems
to have been more modern. The baptismal font lies to
the north of the church. It is a large stone with sides
inclining, about three feet in height, and measures inter-
nally one foot ten inches by ten inches. Here stood the
ancient abbey of Tuilen, or Tulan, founded by St. Cair-
nigh in the sixth century. The grey walls of the vene-
rable sanctuary, in the last stage of desolation, encompassed
by a rich and beautiful country, cannot fail to speak to the
heart of the pilgrim, and remind him of the once happy
days of Ireland.
- The parishes of Loghan, Castle-Kieran, and Dulane were once separate
and distinct. Latterly the union has been called the parish of Carnaross.
Dulane was under the patronage of St. Cairneck, and Castle-Kiernan under
that of St. Kieran.
- http://www.ebooksread.com/authors-eng/anthony-cogan/the-diocese-of-meath--ancient-and-modern-volume-2-ala/page-25-the-diocese-of-meath--ancient-and-modern-volume-2-ala.shtml
From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland, 1837
CASTLEKEIRAN, a village, in the parish of LOGHAN, barony of UPPER KELLS, county of MEATH, and province of LEINSTER, 2 ½ miles (W. N. W.) from Kells; containing 24 houses and 162 inhabitants.
- http://www.libraryireland.com/topog/C/Castlekeiran-Upper-Kells-Meath.php
LOGHAN, or LOUGHAN, a parish, partly in the barony of CASTLERAHAN, county of CAVAN, and province of ULSTER, but chiefly in the barony of UPPER KELLS, county of MEATH, and province of LEINSTER, 4 miles (N. W.) from Kells, on the road from Dublin by Kells to Enniskillen; containing 3795 inhabitants, of which number, 339 are in the village of Loghan. This parish, which is also called Castlekeiran and Tristelkerin, contains also the villages of Rathendrick, Derver, and Castlekeiran, and is situated on the river Blackwater, near its source in Lough Ramor. It is a rectory, in the diocese of Meath, entirely impropriate in the Marquess of Headfort: the tithes amount to £250. The impropriator allows £10 per annum to the curate of Mounter-Connaught parish for performing the occasional duties of that part of Loghan which lies in the county of Cavan, and of which the Protestant inhabitants attend Virginia church: those of the Meath portion attend the church of Kells. In the R. C. divisions Loghan forms part of the union or district of Carnaross, or Dulane. At Edenburt is a national school of about 60 children, aided by the Marquess of Headfort; and at Carnaross is a private school of about the same number. On the banks of the river are the remains of a small church, dedicated to St. Kieran, with a large and richly sculptured stone cross in the cemetery; here is also a holy well, much resorted to by the peasantry on the first Sunday in August.
- http://www.libraryireland.com/topog/l2.php
DULEEN, or DULANE, a parish, in the barony of UPPER KELLS, county of MEATH, and province of LEINSTER, 2 1/4 miles (N.) from Kells, on the road to Moynalty; containing 1503 inhabitants. It comprises 4150 statute acres, as applotted under the tithe act: the land is generally of good quality; and the system of agriculture is improved. There is a sufficient quantity of bog for fuel, and there are quarries of limestone and freestone. The gentlemen's seats are Maprath, that of T. Taylor Rowley, Esq.; Williamston, of the Rev. G. Garnett; Willmount, of J. Radcliff, Esq.; and Oakley Park, of Capt. Graham. It is a chapelry, in the diocese of Meath, forming part of the union of Kells and corps of the archdeaconry of Meath : the tithes amount to £200; the glebe comprises 2a. 3r. 17p. In the R. C. divisions it is the head of a union or district called Carnaross, comprising also the parish of Loghan, in each of which is a chapel; the chapel of Duleen is a neat edifice. There is a private school, in which are about 50 children. There are some ancient crosses in Kiern churchyard, said to have been placed there by a saint of that name, which are held in great veneration by the peasantry
- http://www.libraryireland.com/topog/d5.php
1170. Dulane was plundered by Dermod Mac Murchadh,
King of Leinster, and the foreigners.
After the Anglo-Norman invasion, the abbey of Dulane
pined away, ana henceforth we find it a parish church. To
the south of the old church, in the cemetery, is a horizontal
tomb, considerably sunk in the clay, with the following
inscription :
- http://www.archive.org/stream/dioceseofmeathan01cogaiala#page/134/mode/2up
CASTLEKIERAN, called sometimes hter-Chiarain, is situated
in the parish of Loghan, barony of Upper Kells. This place
was anciently called Bealaigh-duin,
" the Road or Pass of
the Fort". A monastery was founded here on the southern
bank of the Abhainn-Sele, or Blackwater, by St. Ciaran,
which was called Diseart Chiarain-Bealaigh-duin
The Annals of the Four Masters we have the following notices
of this place :
770. Ciaran,* the Pious, of Bealach-dain, died on 14 June.
855. Siadhal, Abbot of Disert-Chiarain (Castlekieran), died.
868. Comsudh, Abbot of Disert-Chiarain, of Bealach-duin,
949. Castlekieran was plundered by the Danes.
961. Dubhthach, Abbot of Castlekieran, died.
1170. Castlekieran was burned by Dermod Mac Murcha,king
of Leinster, and the foreigners.
The old churchf is quadrangular, measuring forty-five
feet six inches by twenty feet. Most of the stones have
been carried away, and the whole presents a melancholy
picture of desolation. There are interesting remains of five
Termon crosses, J between four of which the church is
situated ; and one of those on the north side is placed in the
- http://ia340913.us.archive.org/3/items/dioceseofmeathan01cogaiala/dioceseofmeathan01cogaiala.pdf