Call-Exner bodies
Call–Exner bodies are small eosinophilic
Eosinophilic refers to the staining of certain tissues, cells, or organelles after they have been washed with eosin, a dye.Eosin is an acidic dye; thus, the structure being stained is basic....

 fluid-filled spaces between granulosal cells. The granulosa cells are usually arranged haphazardly around the space.

They are usually associated with Granulosa cell tumor.

They are composed of membrane-packaged secretion of granulosa cells and have relations to the formation of liquor folliculi which are seen among closely arranged granulosa cells.

They are named for Emma Louise Call and Sigmund Exner
Sigmund Exner
Sigmund Exner-Ewarten was an Austrian physiologist who was a native of Vienna. He was the son of philosopher Franz Serafin Exner , and had three renowned brothers; law professor Adolf Exner , physicist Karl Exner and physicist Franz Exner .He studied in Vienna under Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke ,...


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