C.O.D. (Law & Order)
"C.O.D." is the 325th episode of NBC
The National Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcasting television network and former radio network headquartered in the GE Building in New York City's Rockefeller Center with additional major offices near Los Angeles and in Chicago...

's legal drama
Legal drama
A legal drama is a work of dramatic fiction about crime and civil litigation. Subtypes of legal dramas include courtroom dramas and legal thrillers, and come in all forms, including novels, television shows, and films. Legal drama sometimes overlap with crime drama, most notably in the case of Law...

 Law & Order
Law & Order
Law & Order is an American police procedural and legal drama television series, created by Dick Wolf and part of the Law & Order franchise. It aired on NBC, and in syndication on various cable networks. Law & Order premiered on September 13, 1990, and completed its 20th and final season on May 24,...

and the 24th (and final) episode of the fourteenth season. The episode marks the final appearance of Jerry Orbach
Jerry Orbach
Jerome Bernard "Jerry" Orbach was an American actor and singer. He was well known for his starring role as Detective Lennie Briscoe in the Law & Order television series and as the voice of Lumière in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. As well, Orbach was a noted musical theatre star...

 as Detective Lennie Briscoe
Lennie Briscoe
Leonard W. "Lennie" Briscoe is a fictional character on NBC's long running police procedural and legal drama television series Law & Order. He was featured on the show for 12 seasons, from 1992 to 2004. He was created by Walon Green and René Balcer, and was portrayed by Jerry Orbach...



A courier
A courier is a person or a company who delivers messages, packages, and mail. Couriers are distinguished from ordinary mail services by features such as speed, security, tracking, signature, specialization and individualization of express services, and swift delivery times, which are optional for...

 named John Byrne is shot to death while on his regular delivery route. Briscoe and Green
Ed Green
Edward "Ed" Green is a fictional character on the NBC crime drama Law & Order, created by Rene Balcer and portrayed by Jesse L. Martin.-Character overview:...

 suspect the victim was set up as the package Byrne was delivering was empty. Byrne's wife, Adele, describes her husband as a loving, faithful man with no enemies she can recall, who worked hard with plenty of overtime
Overtime is the amount of time someone works beyond normal working hours. Normal hours may be determined in several ways:*by custom ,*by practices of a given trade or profession,*by legislation,...

. Mrs. Byrne works for the Parks Department
New York City Department of Parks and Recreation
The City of New York Department of Parks & Recreation is the department of government of the City of New York responsible for maintaining the city's parks system, preserving and maintaining the ecological diversity of the city's natural areas, and furnishing recreational opportunities for city's...

 and clarifies she was at work at the time of the murder. The detectives quickly learn that John Byrne carried on affairs with several women and believe Adele Byrne was involved in her husband's death, as she lied to them regarding her knowledge of her husband's affairs. The detectives learn Adele traveled to Vermont
Vermont is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. The state ranks 43rd in land area, , and 45th in total area. Its population according to the 2010 census, 630,337, is the second smallest in the country, larger only than Wyoming. It is the only New England...

 to illegally purchase a Smith & Wesson .38
Smith & Wesson
Smith & Wesson is the largest manufacturer of handguns in the United States. The corporate headquarters is in Springfield, Massachusetts. Founded in 1852, Smith & Wesson's pistols and revolvers have become standard issue to police and armed forces throughout the world...

 revolver. Though a search of her apartment proves fruitless, the detectives eventually recover the gun in the waters near Riverside Park
Riverside Park (Manhattan)
Riverside Park is a scenic waterfront public park on the Upper West Side of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, operated and maintained by the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. The park consists of a narrow four-mile strip of land between the Hudson River and the gently...

, where Adele regularly worked. The detectives find Adele at Gardner's Cafe, where she regularly visits, and arrest her.

During the investigation, Briscoe reveals that he's retiring from the police department
New York City Police Department
The New York City Police Department , established in 1845, is currently the largest municipal police force in the United States, with primary responsibilities in law enforcement and investigation within the five boroughs of New York City...

. "I'm gonna lay in the sun, play golf, maybe do the odd bit of work for the DA's office," says Briscoe, which foreshadows his role on the soon-to-be spin-off Law & Order: Trial by Jury
Law & Order: Trial by Jury
Law & Order: Trial by Jury is an American television drama about criminal trials set in New York City. It was the third spin-off from the long-running Law & Order. The show's almost exclusive focus was on the criminal trial of the accused, showing both the prosecution's and defense's preparation...

. Green is stunned, but is unable to talk about it, interrupted during the search for the revolver.

Serena Southerlyn
Serena Southerlyn is a fictional character on the long-running NBC drama series Law & Order.-Character overview:Southerlyn joined the District Attorney's office in 2001 as an ADA, replacing Abbie Carmichael...

 informs McCoy that once ballistic tests
Ballistics is the science of mechanics that deals with the flight, behavior, and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, gravity bombs, rockets, or the like; the science or art of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.A ballistic body is a body which is...

 match the recovered gun to the bullets from John Byrne's body, the case against Adele Byrne is a "slam dunk
Slam dunk
A slam dunk is a type of basketball shot that is performed when a player jumps in the air and manually powers the ball downward through the basket with one or both hands over the rim. This is considered a normal field goal attempt; if successful it is worth two points. The term "slam dunk" was...

." However, ballistic tests do not confirm the gun as the murder weapon; although a Smith & Wesson .38 was used to kill John Byrne, it was not Adele Byrne's. The ballistics expert says the gun has only been in the water for a couple of weeks so Van Buren suggests Mrs. Byrne's gun was used in another recent shooting in the same area. Green and Southerlyn soon establish Mrs. Byrne's gun was used in the unsolved murder of Frank Gardner, shot while jogging in Riverside Park and whose wife, Belinda, owns Gardner's Cafe adjacent to the park. According to Frank Gardner's sister, Belinda married her husband for his money, and resented losing access to it when he placed her in charge of the coffee shop. Southerlyn also discovers Belinda Gardner stood to gain millions of dollars through her deceased husband's will.

McCoy theorizes that Adele Byrne and Belinda Gardner arranged to murder each other's husbands, which Branch
Arthur Branch
Arthur Branch is a fictional attorney and a regular character on the TV crime dramas Law & Order and Law & Order: Trial by Jury. Branch has also appeared on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and Conviction....

 notes, "sounds like something out of Hitchcock
Strangers on a Train (film)
Strangers on a Train is an American psychological thriller film produced and directed by Alfred Hitchcock, and based on the 1950 novel of the same name by Patricia Highsmith. It was shot in the autumn of 1950 and released by Warner Bros. on June 30, 1951. The film stars Farley Granger, Ruth Roman,...

." However, each woman continues to deny knowing the other and McCoy is unable to try the two murders as a single case. The two women are prosecuted in simultaneous trials, with Southerlyn handling the Byrne case while McCoy tries Gardner. As the trials progress, the case against Byrne proceeds well enough, but McCoy struggles with Gardner. It is revealed during the Gardner trial that a gun was recovered in the lobby of the Kent building, where one of John Byrne's lovers worked, the day after he was killed. The gun is eventually proven to be the one used to kill Byrne; the serial number of the gun has been filed off, preventing its identification, and no one recalls seeing Belinda Gardner in the lobby on the dates in question or seeing anyone place the gun in the public-access area. With considerable reasonable doubt
Reasonable doubt
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard of evidence required to validate a criminal conviction in most adversarial legal systems . Generally the prosecution bears the burden of proof and is required to prove their version of events to this standard...

 on her side, Belinda Gardner is acquitted of murdering John Byrne. Meanwhile, the jury finds Adele Byrne guilty of the second-degree murder of Frank Gardner. Southerlyn commiserates with McCoy over the outcome, but McCoy responds he has "one turn at bat
At bat
In baseball, an at bat or time at bat is used to calculate certain statistics, including batting average, on base percentage, and slugging percentage. It is a more restricted definition of a plate appearance...


McCoy visits a sullen Adele Byrne and her lawyer and offers to give leniency in sentencing in exchange for evidence against Belinda Gardner, pointing out that the gun discarded at Kent was placed to aid the person charged with John Byrne's murder; Adele gives in, asking McCoy what he wants to know. McCoy then brings first-degree murder charges against Gardner for her husband's murder, since she engaged in a murder-for-hire arrangement with Adele Byrne. Realizing Mrs. Byrne's testimony virtually guarantees a guilty verdict against his client, Gardner's lawyer asks for a plea-bargain offer. "Same as Adele Byrne, 20-to-life," responds McCoy. The lawyer and Mrs. Gardner accept. "Twelve people found me not guilty," says Belinda Gardner, to which McCoy responds "Yeah, that must burn."

The final scene is set in the detectives' office at the 27th Precinct, where Lennie Briscoe is cleaning out his desk. "Nice to go out on a win," he says, before gathering his cardboard box of effects, pausing for a final look back into the office and his colleagues, sighing and leaving.
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