Busou Shinki

Action figure
An action figure is a posable character figurine, made of plastic or other materials, and often based upon characters from a film, comic book, video game, or television program. These action figures are usually marketed towards boys and male collectors...
line released by Konami
is a Japanese leading developer and publisher of numerous popular and strong-selling toys, trading cards, anime, tokusatsu, slot machines, arcade cabinets and video games...
Digital Entertainment. Each figure, based on Konami's MMS design, is highly poseable and features a wide variety of interchangeable parts. Each figure is also linked with an online game element. Many of the figures have been designed by noted Japanese artists. While most figures in the line have been released only in Japan, several of them have seen a limited release in the US.
All Busou Shinki figures released so far have been female, and most feature armor in a Mecha Musume based style.

The Busou Shinki figure line uses a body style that Konami has dubbed 'MMS', or Multi Moveable System. The MMS body was designed by Masaki Asai (浅井真紀). MMS figures have multiple joints, similar to the Revoltech line, which give them a wide range of poseability. Additionally, multiple body parts are interchangeable, allowing a wide variety of customization without tools. The typical Busou Shinki figure is 15 cm tall.Busou Shinki figures are divided into full sets and EX sets. Full sets come with a complete, painted MMS body and a variety of armor, weapons, and extra body parts. EX sets are meant to be expansion sets and thus do not tend to include the MMS Body. 'Naked', unpainted MMS bodies may be purchased separately.
Busou Shinki figures are technically 1:1 scale models as they are action figure versions of Battle Rondo's AI controlled robots.
Wave 1
Japanese Release Date: 7 September 2006US Release Date: 18 April, 2007
- Arnval (アーンヴァル, Ānvaru), Angel Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ) - Strarf (ストラーフ, Sutorāfu), Devil Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ)
Wave 2
Japanese Release Date: 28 September 2006US Release Date: 22 March, 2007
- Howling (ハウリン, Haurin), Dog Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Blade - Maochao (マオチャオ, Maochao), Cat Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Blade - Waffebunny (ヴァッフェバニー, Vaffebanī), Rabbit Type, EX Set
Character Designer: Tetsurō Kasahara (カサハラテツロー)
Wave 3
Japanese Release Date: 7 December 2006US Release Date: 22 March, 2007 (Note, this release consisted of Benio only)
- Xiphos (サイフォス, Saifosu), Knight Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Rokurō Shinofusa (篠房六郎) - Benio (紅緒 (べにお), Benio), Samurai Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Rokurō Shinofusa (篠房六郎) - Tsugaru (ツガル, Tsugaru), Santa Claus Type, EX Set
Character Designer: Goli
Wave 4
Japanese Release Date: 22 February 2007- Zyrdarya (ジルダリア, Jirudaria), Flower Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Okama - Juvisy (ジュビジー, Jubijī), Seed Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Okama - Fort Bragg (フォートブラッグ, Fōto Buraggu),Battery Type, EX Set
Character Designer: Takayuki Yanase (柳瀬敬之)
Wave 5
Japanese Release Date: 31 May 2007- Eukrante (エウクランテ, Eukurante), Seiren Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Ryōta Magaki (間垣亮太) - Ianeira (イーアネイラ, ĪANEIRA), Mermaid Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Ryōta Magaki (間垣亮太) - Waffedolphin (ヴァッフェドルフィン, VAFFEDORUFIN), Dolphin Type, EX Set
Character Designer: Tetsurō Kasahara (カサハラテッロー)
Wave 6
Japanese Release Date: 30 August 2007- Tigris (ティグリース, Tigurīsu), Tiger Type, Full Set
Character Designers: Eiichi Shimizu (清水栄一), Tomohiro Shimoguchi (下口智裕) - Vitulus (ウィトゥルース, Witurūsu), Calf Type, Full Set
Character Designers: Eiichi Shimizu (清水栄一), Tomohiro Shimoguchi (下口智裕) - Grapprap (グラップラップ, Gurappurappu), Builder Type, EX Set
Character Designer: Eisaku Kitō (鬼頭栄作)
Wave 7
Japanese Release Date: 29 November 2007- ACH (アーク, Āku), High Speed Trike Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Choco - YDA (イーダ, Īda), High Maneuver Trike Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Choco - Schmetterling (シュメッターリング, Shumettāringu), Butterfly Type, EX Set
Character Designer: Chibisuke Machine (ちびすけマシーン)
Wave 8
Japanese Release Date: 5 April 2008- Murmeltier (ムルメルティア, Murumerutia), Panzer Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ) - Asuka (飛鳥, Asuka), Fighter Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ) - Zelnogrard (ゼルノグラード ,Zerunogurādo), Firearms Type, EX Set+Body
Character Designer: Takayuki Yanase (柳瀬敬之)
Wave 9
Japanese Release Date: 10 July 2008- Lançamento (ランサメント, Ransamento), Rhinoceras Beetle Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Tanimeso (たにめそ) - Espadia (エスパディア, Esupadia), Stag Beetle Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Tanimeso (たにめそ)
Wave 10
Japanese Release Date: 20 November 2008- Graffias (グラフィオス, Gurafuiosu), Scorpion Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Ryōta Magaki (間垣亮太) - Vespelio (ウェスペリオー, Wesuperiō), Bat Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Ryōta Magaki (間垣亮太)
Wave 1 Renewal Version
Japanese Release Date: 4 December 2008- Arnval Tranche2 (アーンヴァル トランシェ2, Ānvaru Toranshe 2), Angel Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ) - Strarf bis (ストラーフ bis, Sutorāfu bis), Devil Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ)
Wave 12
Japanese Release Date: 30 September 2010- Baby Razz (ベイビーラズ, Beibī Razu) Electric Guitar Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Choco - Sharatang (紗羅檀, Sharatan) Violin Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Choco
Wave 13
Japanese Release Date: 28 October 2010- Gabrine (ガブリーヌ, Gaburīnu), Hellhound Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Yoshitsune Izuna - Renge (蓮華, Renge), Ninetailed Fox Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Yoshitsune Izuna
Wave 14
Japanese release date: 16 December 2010- Artille (アーティル, Ātiru) Lynx Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Kazuhiko Kakoi - Raptias (ラプティアス, Raputiasu) Eagle Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Kazuhiko Kakoi
Wave 15
Japanese release date: 27 January 2011- Maryceles (マリーセレス, Marīseresu) Tentacles Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Niθ - Proxima (プロキシマ, Purokishima) Centaurus Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Niθ
Wave 16
Japanese release date: 24 February 2011- Oorbellen (オールベルン, Ōruberun) Fencer-Pearl Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada - Zielbellen (ジールベルン , Jīruberun) Fencer-Obsidian Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada
Wave 17
Japanese release date: 17 March 2011- Arnval Mk.2 Tempesta (アーンヴァルMk.2 テンペスタ), Angel Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ) - Strarf Mk.2 Lavina (ストラーフMk.2 ラヴィーナ), Devil Type, Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ)
Light Armor Wave 1
Japanese Release Date: 4 October 2008- Valona (ヴァローナ, Varōna), Succubus Type, Light Armour Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ) - Werkstra (ウェルクストラ, Werukusutora), Commando Angel type, Light Armour Full Set
Character Designer: Humikane Shimada (島田フミカネ)
Light Armor Wave 2
Japanese Release Date: 30 October 2008- Brightfeather (ブライトフェザー, Buraitofezā), Nurse Type, Light Armour Full Set
Character Designer: Mercy Rabbit (マーシーラビット) - Harmony Grace (ハーモニーグレイス, Hāmonī Gureisu), Sister(nun) Type, Light Armour Full Set
Character Designer: Mercy Rabbit (マーシーラビット)
Light Armor Wave 3
Japanese release date: 29 February 2009- Partio (パーティオ, Pātio), Ferret Type, Light Armor Full Set
Character Designer: Blade - Pomock (ポモック, Pomokku), Squirrel Type, Light Armor Full Set
Character Designer: Blade
Light Armor Wave 4
Japanese release date: 25 February 2010- Kohiru (こひる, Kohiru), Chopsticks Type, Light Armor Full Set
Character Designer: Dogmask - Merienda (メリエンダ, Merienda ), Spoon Type, Light Armor Full Set
Character Designer: Dogmask
Special Releases
Japanese Release Date: 26 December 2008- Fubuki (フブキ, Fubuki) Ninja Type, Full Set
Character Character Designer: Unknown
LE Konamistyle Japanese Exclusive
Japanese Release Date: 26 March 2009
- Nagi (ナギ, Nagi) Ojousama Type, Light Armor Full Set
Character Designer: Kenjiro Hata
LE Konami Style Japanese Exclusive, Special pack in with LE version release of Hayate the Combat ButlerHayate the Combat Butleris a Japanese manga series, written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, about a boy who starts a new job as a butler and the events he experiences with his employer. Shogakukan have released 29 volumes in Japan. The English edition of the series has been licensed by Viz Media for distribution in North...
PSP game Nightmare Paradise
Busou Shinki Variants
Several limited edition versions of the Busou Shinki figures have also been released. These variants sport alternate color schemes and additional parts.- Dengeki Exclusive Devil Type, Strarf
- Dengeki Exclusive Angel Type, Arnval
- Dengeki Exclusive Cat Type, Maochao
- Dengeki Exclusive Dog Type, Howling
- Wonderfest 2008 Seiren Type, Eukrante
- Wonderfest 2008 Mermaid Type, Ianeira
- Konami Style Exclusive Blue Santa Claus Type, Tsugaru
- Konami Style / Chara Hobby 2008 Prototype Squirrel Type, Pomock
- Konami Style / Chara Hobby 2008 Prototype Ferret Type, Partio
- Dengeki Hobby Magazine ed. High Speed Trike Type, ACH Stradale
- Dengeki Hobby Magazine ed. High Maneuver Trike Type, YDA Stradale
- Konami Style Exclusive Angel Type, Arnval Tranche2
- Konami Style Exclusive Devil Type, Strarf Bis
- Konami Style Exclusive Ninja Type, Mizuki
MMS Naked Body Releases
Exclusively sold on the Konami Style Japan page, these are unpainted, featureless MMS Figures meant for use with EX sets or for customization. They come in a variety of colors and shades of skintone intended to match other MMS figures.The MMS Naked bodies are available, like the Busou Shinki figures themselves, in three different body archetypes: MMS 1st, MMS 3rd (small) and MMS 3rd (tall). Although similar in form and construction, not all body parts are compatible among them.
- MMS 1st
- Naked White
- Naked Black
- Naked Flesh ver. 1
- Naked Flesh ver. 1 - Gym Uniform Wine Red
- Naked Flesh ver. 2
- Naked Flesh ver. 2 - Gym Uniform Navy Blue
- Naked Flesh ver. 2 - School Swimsuit Navy Blue Type
- Naked Flesh ver. 2 - School Swimsuit White Type
- Naked Flesh ver. 3
- MMS 3rd (small)
- Naked White(small)
- Naked Black(small)
- Naked Flesh ver. 2(small)
- Naked Flesh ver. 2(small) - School Swimsuit White Type
- Naked Flesh ver. 4(small)
- Naked Flesh ver. 4(small) - School Swimsuit Navy Blue Type
- Naked Flesh ver. 5(small)
- MMS 3rd (tall)
- Naked White(tall)
- Naked Black(tall)
- Naked Flesh ver. 2(tall)
- Naked Flesh ver. 2(tall) - School Swimsuit White Type
- Naked Flesh ver. 4(tall)
- Naked Flesh ver. 4(tall) - School Swimsuit Navy Blue Type
- Naked Flesh ver. 5(tall)
Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio
The online gaming element of the Busou Shinki series, Battle Rondo is a free massively multiplayer online gameMassively multiplayer online game
A massively multiplayer online game is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. By necessity, they are played on the Internet, and usually feature at least one persistent world. They are, however, not necessarily games played on...
set in the fictional Busou Shinki universe. By inputting a code that comes with each Busou Shinki figure, or by use of micropayments, players can unlock online versions of the figures, including their armor and weapons, as well as other gear.
Battle Rondo is set in the Busou Shinki universe. In this universe, Busou Shinki figures are AI controlled robot toys that people buy and train for arena combat. Busou Shinki robots are manufactured by a wide variety of companies and have different strengths, weaknesses, equipment, and personalities that are dependent on the model type and owner modification.
Essentially a Pet-raising simulation, players are cast as the trainers of the Busou Shinki robots. Unlike many games in this genre, the Busou Shinki characters are completely AI controlled. The actions the various characters take are based on AI set values, and modified by the AI depending on the trainers responses during and after the fight. Actual combat is turn based and geared around PvP matches, although single player based training modes also exist.
Bundled with the Battle Rondo software is the Diorama Studio software. Not a game, Diorama Studio allows its users to create and save digital dioramas of the Busou Shinki figures. A wide variety of different backgrounds and props are available, and the finished dioramas may be uploaded to Shinki Net for others to view.
Both Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio are updated regularly to incorporate new Busou Shinki figures. Both Battle Rondo and Diorama Studio are in Japanese, however numerous guides have been made by fans for English players.
Ach - Yui HorieYui Horie
is a popular Japanese singer and voice actress. She is sometimes affectionately nicknamed by her Japanese fans.She hosts a radio show called and is the founding member of the singing group, Aice5. She is also a member of the band Kurobara Hozonkai, with the name YUIEL...
Alteins - Kaori Mizuhashi
Kaori Mizuhashi
is a Japanese voice actress who is employed by Arts Vision. Her debut was in 1998 with the game First Kiss Story.-TV anime:*Ai Yori Aoshi *Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~ *Angelic Layer...
Altlene - Megumi Nakajima
Megumi Nakajima
is a seiyū and singer under the Stardust Promotion talent agency. Born of a Japanese father and a Filipina mother, she was brought up in a "house filled with music" and grew up with the desire to sing. In 2003, she participated in the "Self Stardust Promotion" contest and passed, thereby...
Artille - Mai Nakahara
Mai Nakahara
is a voice actress. She is employed by I'm Enterprise. Some of her hobbies include cooking and watching movies, and she is skilled at kendo. She worked with voice actor Ai Shimizu in eight anime where most of the characters they voiced in together had close connections: DearS, Kage Kara Mamoru!,...
Arnval - Kana Asumi
Kana Asumi
, born is a female Japanese singer and voice actress from Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. She worked for Voice & Heart until 2007 and works for 81 Produce from 2008.-Filmography:2005* Canvas 2: Niji Iro no Sketch - Choir member , Waitress...
Asuka - Saki Fujita
Saki Fujita
is a female Japanese voice actress from Tokyo, Japan, represented by Arts Vision. She sang the ending theme to the anime Tokimeki Memorial Only Love, "Kiseki no Kakera", along with Yuki Makishima and Yukako Yoshikawa as well as the opening of Working!!, Coolish Walk, with Kana Asumi and Eri Kitamura...
Baby Razz - Aya Hirano
Aya Hirano
from Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, is a Japanese voice actress and J-pop singer who has had roles in several anime, visual novels, and TV commercials in Japan. She was contracted to Space Craft Produce, a branch of the Space Craft Group, for her voice acting career, and for her singing career,...
Benio - Mai Kadowaki
Mai Kadowaki
is a Japanese voice actress. Her old name , had a different writing from the current one.She is popular as a radio actress who wears glasses. She is also known for portraying meganekko characters on a regular basis. Her nickname is 舞太. It originated from a mail address registration, where she...
Brightfeather - Yumi Hara
Espadia - Jenya
Estrille - Mariya Ise
Mariya Ise
' is a female Japanese voice actress from Kanagawa, Japan. She is affiliated with Across Entertainment.- Voice acting roles :Leading roles in bold.2004* Aishiteruze Baby 2005* Onegai My Melody...
Eukrante - Emiri Katō
Emiri Kato
is a female Japanese voice actress working for 81 Produce.-Anime:*Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka *Angel Beats! *Arc Rise Fantasia *Ad Lib Anime Kenkusho is a female Japanese voice actress working for 81 Produce.-Anime:*Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka (Karen Ayanokouji)*Angel Beats! (Sekine)*Arc Rise Fantasia...
Fort Bragg - Ryōka Yuzuki
Ryoka Yuzuki
Ryōka Yuzuki is a voice actress who was born in Anjo, Aichi, Japan. Her younger sister is an adult comic strip artist Sayumi Sakuragi ....
Fubuki - Yukari Fukui
Yukari Fukui
is a Japanese voice actress known by the nickname in Japan.- Personal :Yukari was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan on 28 October 1982.Her career includes movie and TV drama roles, radio DJ, and gravure model. Yukari is currently employed by Versatile Entertainment.Yukari's voice actor roles are...
Gabrine - Yuu Kobayashi
Graffias - Takako Honda
Takako Honda
is a Japanese voice actress. She is the dubbing voice actress for Halle Berry.-Roles:*Bleach *Cobra the Animation * Cyborg 009 - Child Joe Shimamura *D.Gray-man...
Grapprap - Hitomi Nabatame
Hitomi Nabatame
is a Japanese voice actress. She is affiliated with Ken Production. When voicing adult games, she is known as , , , or . She also sings opening themes for Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu under the name Miran Himemiya and Chocolate Rockers.-Anime:...
Harmony Grace - Rumi Ohkubo
Howling - Eri Kitamura
Eri Kitamura
is a Japanese voice actress and singer, who was born on August 16, 1987 in Tokyo, Japan. She is primarily known for her role in Blood+ as Saya Otonashi and singing the third ending for the anime series Konjiki No Gash Bell . She is also known to be an amateur manga artist in Japan in her spare time...
Ianeira - Marina Inoue
Marina Inoue
is a voice actress and singer. She is signed onto Sony Music Entertainment Japan's Aniplex division. As for voice acting career, she's employed by Sigma Seven...
Juvisy - Kaori Nazuka
Kaori Nazuka
is a freelance voice actress and singer. She is a graduate of the Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music. She also announced that she got married in February 2011.-TV anime:1999:*Ojarumaru...
Kohiru - Mai Gotou
Lancamento - Minami Tsuda
Lilleviette - Yuka Iguchi
Yuka Iguchi
is a Japanese voice actress from Tokyo, Japan. She is affiliated with Office Osawa.-Anime:*Bakemonogatari *Bokurano *Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai *C³ *Canvas 2...
Maochao - Mai Hashimoto
Maryceles - Natsuko Kuwatani
Natsuko Kuwatani
is a Japanese voice actress who currently works for I'm Enterprise as of March 1, 2008.- 2001 :* Rabbit in Kokoro Library* Karen in Sister Princess* Kirala Mitsuboshi in Najica Blitz Tactics- 2002 :* Tweedledee in Kiddy Grade...
Merienda - Nao Toyama
Nao Tōyama
in Tokyo, Japan is a Japanese seiyū and singer. She is affiliated with Arts Vision.- Anime :2010* The World God Only Knows * Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto 2011* Ao no Exorcist as...
Mizuki - Yukari Fukui
Yukari Fukui
is a Japanese voice actress known by the nickname in Japan.- Personal :Yukari was born in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan on 28 October 1982.Her career includes movie and TV drama roles, radio DJ, and gravure model. Yukari is currently employed by Versatile Entertainment.Yukari's voice actor roles are...
Murmeltier - Masumi Asano
Masumi Asano
is a Japanese voice actress from Noshiro, Akita who works for Aoni Production. She is also known by her nickname, Masumin.- Notable voice roles :Anime* Saga in A Little Snow Fairy Sugar...
Partio - Yukiko Hinata
Pomock - Mikoto Satou
Proxima - Romi Park
Raptias - Aya Endo
Aya Endo
is a Japanese voice actress from Yamagata, Japan.- Voice acting roles :-Video games:*Agarest Senki 2 *Ar tonelico III *Chaotic *Koumajou Densetsu: Stranger's Requiem *Rune Factory 3...
Renge - Tomoko Kaneda
Tomoko Kaneda
is a Japanese voice actress, J-Pop singer, and radio personality who was born in Yokohama, Japan. She had worked at Aoni Production for 11 years, and had worked at freelance since April 2011, and it was announced to belong to Across Entertainment in August 2011. She graduated from Department of...
Schmetterling - Sakura Nogawa
Sakura Nogawa
' is a voice actress born in Toyohashi, Aichi on March 1, 1978. Her height is 153 cm and her weight is 54 kg.-Notable voice roles:*Ryunmei Ranka in Arad Senki: Slap Up Party*Tsubasa in Angel Tales*Misha Arsellec Lune in Ar tonelico...
Sharatang - Ayahi Takahagi
Strarf - Minori Chihara
Minori Chihara
is a Japanese voice actress who has had roles in several anime series, and a J-pop singer. As a seiyū, she works under the agency Avex Planning & Development, while in her musical career, she has been signed under King Records and is currently with Lantis...
Tigris - Kana Ueda
Kana Ueda
is a Japanese Seiyū employed by I'm Enterprise. She is best known as the voices of Yumi Fukuzawa in Maria-sama ga Miteru, Rin Tohsaka in Fate/Stay Night and Hayate Yagami in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's and Strikers...
Tsugaru - Rie Kugimiya
Rie Kugimiya
is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with I'm Enterprise.Kugimiya's most famous roles include Alphonse Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist, Happy in Fairy Tail, Kagura in Gintama, Nagi Sanzenin in Hayate no Gotoku!, Shana in Shakugan no Shana, Louise in Zero no Tsukaima, Taiga Aisaka in Toradora!, and...
Valona - Aki Toyosaki
Aki Toyosaki
is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. She had her first major voice acting roles in 2007, voicing Amuro Ninagawa in Kenkō Zenrakei Suieibu Umishō and Su in Shugo Chara!...
Vespelio - Manami Numakura
Vitulus - Haruko Momoi
Haruko Momoi
is a Japanese voice actress and singer/songwriter. She was born in Tokyo, Japan and is affectionately referred to as 'Halko' by her fans, a nickname she gave herself which is inspired by HAL 9000, the onboard computer of the Discovery in 2001: A Space Odyssey....
Waffebunny - Ayana Sasagawa
Ayana Sasagawa
is a female Japanese voice actress.-References:...
Waffedolphin - Kaori Shimizu
Kaori Shimizu
Kaori Shimizu is the name of:*Kaori Shimizu , Japanese voice actress*Kaori Shimizu , '80s Japanese idol known for the video game Psycho Soldier...
Werkstra - Haruka Tomatsu
Haruka Tomatsu
is a Japanese voice actress and singer, employed by Music Ray'n .-Summary:Haruka debuted as voice actress in 2007, starring in Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica as Corticarte Apa Lagranges...
Xiphos - Miyuki Sawashiro
Miyuki Sawashiro
is a female Japanese voice actress and singer who works for Mausu Promotion.She voiced Puchiko in the English dubbed releases of Di Gi Charat the Movie and Leave it to Piyoko, making her one of the few Japanese voice actors to have reprised a role in English in addition to the original Japanese...
Yda - Yukari Tamura
Yukari Tamura
, is a popular Japanese singer-songwriter and voice actress, affiliated with the talent agency I'm Enterprise. Affectionately called Yukarin by her fans, she is also known for her high-pitched voice and interest in Lolita fashion...
Zelnogrard- Ryōko Shiraishi
Ryoko Shiraishi
is a voice actress from Nara, Japan who works for Aoni Production. Due to her low and gentle voice, she is often cast as either the effeminate-and-kind young man or the sexually mature but sweet-and-sensitive supporting lady...
Zyrdarya - Sanae Kobayashi
Sanae Kobayashi
is a voice actress who was born in Shizuoka Prefecture. She is affiliated with Production Baobab.-Television Animation:*.hack//Liminality as Mai Minase*.hack//Roots as Ender*.hack//Roots as Pi...
Zvelvietta - Satomi Akesaka
Satomi Akesaka
is a Japanese voice actress represented by Space Craft Produce.- Television :* Koi Kaze , Futaba Anzai* Suzuka , Miho Fujikawa* Mushi-shi , Nami...
- Konami's Busou Shinki Japanese Page
- Konami's Busou Shinki English Page
- Shinki-Net, Konami's Battle Rondo Page