Burt Young
Burt Young is an American actor, painter and author. He is best known for his Academy Award-nominated role as Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone
Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone , commonly known as Sylvester Stallone, and nicknamed Sly Stallone, is an American actor, filmmaker, screenwriter, film director and occasional painter. Stallone is known for his machismo and Hollywood action roles. Two of the notable characters he has portrayed...

's brother-in-law and friend Paulie in the Rocky
Rocky (film series)
Rocky is a boxing saga of popular films all written by and starring Sylvester Stallone, who plays the character Rocky Balboa. The films are, by order of release date: Rocky , Rocky II , Rocky III , Rocky IV , Rocky V and Rocky Balboa...

film series.

Personal life

Young was born in Queens
Queens is the easternmost of the five boroughs of New York City. The largest borough in area and the second-largest in population, it is coextensive with Queens County, an administrative division of New York state, in the United States....

, New York, the son of Josephine and Michael. He was trained by Lee Strasberg
Lee Strasberg
Lee Strasberg was an American actor, director and acting teacher. He cofounded, with directors Harold Clurman and Cheryl Crawford, the Group Theatre in 1931, which was hailed as "America's first true theatrical collective"...

 at the Actor's Studio. Young is widowed and has one daughter, Anne Morea.


Young made his name playing rough-edged working class Italian-American
Italian American
An Italian American , is an American of Italian ancestry. The designation may also refer to someone possessing Italian and American dual citizenship...

 characters, the best-known example being his signature role as Sylvester Stallone
Sylvester Stallone
Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone , commonly known as Sylvester Stallone, and nicknamed Sly Stallone, is an American actor, filmmaker, screenwriter, film director and occasional painter. Stallone is known for his machismo and Hollywood action roles. Two of the notable characters he has portrayed...

's brother-in-law Paulie in Rocky
Rocky is a 1976 American sports drama film directed by John G. Avildsen and both written by and starring Sylvester Stallone. It tells the rags to riches American Dream story of Rocky Balboa, an uneducated but kind-hearted debt collector for a loan shark in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...

(1976), for which he received an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor
Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor
Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role is one of the Academy Awards of Merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the film industry. Since its inception, however, the...

. He is one of three actors (the other two being Stallone and Tony Burton
Tony Burton
Anthony "Tony" Burton is an American actor. He is best known for his role as Tony "Duke" Evers in the Rocky series, and is one of three actors who have appeared in all six Rocky films....

) who have appeared in every Rocky
Rocky is a 1976 American sports drama film directed by John G. Avildsen and both written by and starring Sylvester Stallone. It tells the rags to riches American Dream story of Rocky Balboa, an uneducated but kind-hearted debt collector for a loan shark in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...


He has played similar roles in Chinatown, Convoy, Back to School, The Pope of Greenwich Village
The Pope of Greenwich Village
The Pope of Greenwich Village is a 1984 American film starring Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, Daryl Hannah, Geraldine Page, Kenneth McMillan and Burt Young. Page earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her two-scene role. The film was adapted by screenwriter Vincent Patrick...

, Once Upon a Time in America
Once Upon a Time in America
Once Upon a Time in America is a 1984 Italian epic crime film co-written and directed by Sergio Leone and starring Robert De Niro and James Woods. The story chronicles the lives of Jewish ghetto youths who rise to prominence in New York City's world of organized crime...

, Last Exit to Brooklyn
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Last Exit to Brooklyn is a 1964 novel by American author Hubert Selby, Jr. The novel has become a cult classic because of its harsh, uncompromising look at lower class Brooklyn in the 1950s and for its brusque, everyman style of prose....

, Downtown: A Street Tale
Downtown: A Street Tale
Downtown: A Street Tale is a 2004 American drama film.Its focus is on a group of teenagers and twentysomethings living in the basement of an abandoned factory on 10th Avenue in Manhattan...

, and even a brutal and darker role in Amityville II: The Possession
Amityville II: The Possession
Amityville II: The Possession is a 1982 horror film directed by Damiano Damiani. The screenplay by Tommy Lee Wallace is based on the novel Murder in Amityville by the parapsychologist Hans Holzer. It is a prequel to The Amityville Horror, set at 112 Ocean Avenue and featuring the fictional Montelli...

. Young has also appeared in many television programs, including The Rockford Files
The Rockford Files
The Rockford Files is an American television drama series which aired on the NBC network between September 13, 1974 and January 10, 1980. It has remained in regular syndication to the present day. The show stars James Garner as Los Angeles-based private investigator Jim Rockford and features Noah...

, Baretta
Baretta is an American detective television series which ran on ABC from 1975 to 1978. The show was a milder version of a successful 1973–74 ABC series, Toma, starring Tony Musante as chameleon-like, real-life New Jersey police officer David Toma...

, Law & Order
Law & Order
Law & Order is an American police procedural and legal drama television series, created by Dick Wolf and part of the Law & Order franchise. It aired on NBC, and in syndication on various cable networks. Law & Order premiered on September 13, 1990, and completed its 20th and final season on May 24,...

, Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger is an American television action crime drama series created by Leslie Greif and Paul Haggis, and starring Chuck Norris as a member of the Texas Ranger Division. The show aired on CBS in the spring of 1993, with the first season consisting of three pilot episodes. Eight full...

, M*A*S*H, guest-starred in a Miami Vice
Miami Vice
Miami Vice is an American television series produced by Michael Mann for NBC. The series starred Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas as two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami. It ran for five seasons on NBC from 1984–1989...

episode, and made an appearance on The Sopranos
The Sopranos
The Sopranos is an American television drama series created by David Chase that revolves around the New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the often conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads...

("Another Toothpick") as Bobby Baccalieri's father, who is dying of cancer and comes out of retirement to execute a hit on his godson.

Young is a painter whose art has been displayed in galleries throughout the world. He is also a published author whose works include two filmed screenplays and 400-page historically based novel called Endings.

He has also written two stage plays: SOS and A Letter to Alicia and the New York City Government From a Man With a Bullet in His Head.


Year Title Role Notes
1970 Carnival of Blood Gimpy as John Harris
1971 Born to Win
Born to Win
-Plot:The film follows Jay Jay , a former hair dresser who has become a drug addict. He lives his new life by doing deals for Vivian from time to time. One day he meets Parm , a free spirited girl. The two fall in love. Jay Jay's drug habit grows, and he soon resorts to robbery...

First Hood
1971 The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight is a 1969 novel written by Jimmy Breslin and a film of the same name based on the book and released in 1971 starring Robert De Niro. The novel is a roman à clef of the life of Joey Gallo whose fictional counterpart, Kid Sally Palumbo, is played by Jerry Orbach...

Willie Quarequlo
1972 Across 110th Street
Across 110th Street
Across 110th Street is a 1972 American crime-drama film starring Anthony Quinn, Yaphet Kotto, and Anthony Franciosa, and directed by Barry Shear...

1973 Cinderella Liberty
Cinderella Liberty
Cinderella Liberty is a 1973 film which tells the story of a sailor who falls in love with a prostitute and becomes a surrogate father for her 11-year-old mixed race son. It stars James Caan, Marsha Mason, Kirk Calloway, Eli Wallach, Burt Young, Allyn Ann McLerie, Dabney Coleman, Jon Korkes, and...

Master at Arms
1974 Chinatown Curly
1974 The Gambler
The Gambler (1974 film)
The Gambler is a 1974 feature film starring James Caan, Lauren Hutton, and Paul Sorvino.The film is loosely based on the short novel The Gambler by Fyodor Dostoyevsky and was filmed at a time when leading actor James Caan was battling his own addiction to cocaine...

1975 Live a Little, Steal a Lot Sgt. Bernasconi
1975 The Killer Elite
The Killer Elite
The Killer Elite is a 1975 American action thriller film starring James Caan and Robert Duvall and directed by Sam Peckinpah.The screenplay was written by Marc Norman and Stirling Silliphant adapted from the Robert Syd Hopkins novel, Monkey in the Middle. The novel was written under Hopkins'...

1976 Harry and Walter Go to New York
Harry and Walter Go to New York
Harry and Walter Go to New York is a 1976 American period comedy film written by John Byrum, directed by Mark Rydell, and starring James Caan, Elliot Gould, Michael Caine, Diane Keaton, Charles Durning and Lesley Ann Warren. In the film, two down-on-their-luck con men try to pull off the biggest...

Warden Durgom
1976 Rocky Paulie Pennino Nominated – Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor
Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor
Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role is one of the Academy Awards of Merit presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the film industry. Since its inception, however, the...

1977 Twilight's Last Gleaming
Twilight's Last Gleaming
Twilight's Last Gleaming is a 1977 film directed by Robert Aldrich, starring Burt Lancaster and Richard Widmark.Loosely based on a 1971 novel, Viper Three by Walter Wager, it tells the story of Lawrence Dell, a renegade USAF general, who escapes from a military prison and takes over an ICBM silo...

Augie Garvas
1977 The Choirboys
The Choirboys (film)
The Choirboys is a 1977 American comedy-drama film directed by Robert Aldrich, written by Christopher Knopf and Joseph Wambaugh based on Wambaugh's novel. It features an ensemble cast including Randy Quaid and James Woods...

1978 Convoy Bobby "Love Machine" Pig Pen
1978 Uncle Joe Shannon
Uncle Joe Shannon
Uncle Joe Shannon is a 1978 American drama film directed by Joseph Hanwright and written by Burt Young, who also stars in the film. The film was produced by Robert Chartoff and Irwin Winkler and distributed by United Artists.-Cast:...

Joe Shannon Also writer
1979 Rocky II
Rocky II
Rocky II is a 1979 American film that is the sequel to Rocky, a motion picture in which an unknown boxer had been given a chance to go the distance with the World Heavyweight Champion. Sylvester Stallone, Carl Weathers, Tony Burton, Burgess Meredith, Burt Young and Talia Shire reprised their...

Paulie Pennino
1981 Blood Beach
Blood Beach
Blood Beach is a 1981 horror B movie written and directed by Jeffrey Bloom. It stars John Saxon and Burt Young. The premise involves a creature lurking beneath the sand of Venice Beach that attacks locals and vacationers. The film's tagline is: "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the...

Sgt. Royko
1981 ...All the Marbles Eddie Cisco
1982 Rocky III
Rocky III
Rocky III is a 1982 American film that is the third installment in the Rocky film series. It is written and directed by and stars Sylvester Stallone as the title character, with Carl Weathers as former boxing rival Apollo Creed, Burgess Meredith as Rocky's trainer Mickey, and Talia Shire as Rocky's...

Paulie Pennino
1982 Amityville II: The Possession
Amityville II: The Possession
Amityville II: The Possession is a 1982 horror film directed by Damiano Damiani. The screenplay by Tommy Lee Wallace is based on the novel Murder in Amityville by the parapsychologist Hans Holzer. It is a prequel to The Amityville Horror, set at 112 Ocean Avenue and featuring the fictional Montelli...

Anthony Montelli
1982 Lookin' to Get Out
Lookin' to Get Out
Lookin’ to Get Out is a 1982 film directed by Hal Ashby and written by Al Schwartz and Jon Voight, who also stars. Voight's daughter, Angelina Jolie, then six years old, briefly appears as the Voight character's daughter near the end of the movie. The film also stars Ann-Margret and Burt...

Jerry Feldman
1984 Over the Brooklyn Bridge
Over the Brooklyn Bridge
Over the Brooklyn Bridge is a comedy film directed by Menahem Golan.-Plot summary:Alby Sherman is a Jewish man whose father dies when he was young. He and his mother run a delicatessen in Brooklyn, but Alby dreams of opening his own restaurant in Manhattan, a project which is very expensive...

1984 Once Upon a Time in America
Once Upon a Time in America
Once Upon a Time in America is a 1984 Italian epic crime film co-written and directed by Sergio Leone and starring Robert De Niro and James Woods. The story chronicles the lives of Jewish ghetto youths who rise to prominence in New York City's world of organized crime...

1984 The Pope of Greenwich Village
The Pope of Greenwich Village
The Pope of Greenwich Village is a 1984 American film starring Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, Daryl Hannah, Geraldine Page, Kenneth McMillan and Burt Young. Page earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her two-scene role. The film was adapted by screenwriter Vincent Patrick...

Bed Bug Eddie
1985 Rocky IV
Rocky IV
Rocky IV is a 1985 American film written by, directed by, and starring Sylvester Stallone. It is the fourth and most financially successful entry in the Rocky franchise...

Paulie Pennino Nominated – Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor
Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor
The Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor is an award presented at the annual Golden Raspberry Awards to the worst supporting actor of the previous year. The following is a list of nominees and recipients of that award, along with the film for which they were nominated. Brooke Shields is the...

1986 Back to School Lou
1989 Going Overboard
Going Overboard
Going Overboard is a 1989 American comedy film released on May 11, 1989. It was Adam Sandler's first starring role, It features Burt Young, Allen Covert, Billy Zane, Terry Moore, Milton Berle, and a small role by Billy Bob Thornton. The movie frequently ranks very "high" on the top 100 worst...

General Noriega
1989 Blood Red
Blood Red
Blood Red is a 1989 American Western drama film directed by Peter Masterson and starring Eric Roberts, Giancarlo Giannini, and Dennis Hopper. It was filmed in 1986, but released only three years later....

1989 Beverly Hills Brats
Beverly Hills Brats
Beverly Hills Brats is a 1989 American comedy film. Directed by Jim Sotos, the film starred Peter Billingsley, Martin Sheen, Burt Young, Terry Moore, George Kirby, Ruby Keeler and Whoopi Goldberg in a cameo role.-Plot:...

1990 Last Exit to Brooklyn
Last Exit to Brooklyn
Last Exit to Brooklyn is a 1964 novel by American author Hubert Selby, Jr. The novel has become a cult classic because of its harsh, uncompromising look at lower class Brooklyn in the 1950s and for its brusque, everyman style of prose....

Big Joe
1990 Betsy's Wedding Georgie
1990 Wait Until Spring, Bandini
Wait Until Spring, Bandini
Wait Until Spring, Bandini is a 1989 film written and directed by Dominique Deruddere, based upon the novel by John Fante. The film won three Joseph Plateau Awards.-Plot:...

1990 Club Fed
Club Fed (film)
Club Fed is a 1990 comedy film that satirizes the "Club Fed"-type of minimum security prisons that wealthy white-collar criminals are sent to.-Plot summary:...

Warden Boyle
1990 Diving In
Diving In
Diving In is a 1990 American film directed by Strathford Hamilton and starring Matt Adler.-Plot summary:Wayne Hopkins, a High School diver afraid of heights, enlists a previous women's Olympic coach.-Cast:*Matt Adler as Wayne Hopkins...

Coach Mack
1990 Backstreet Dreams
Backstreet Dreams (1990 film)
Backstreet Dreams is a 1990 drama movie starring Brooke Shields, Jason O'Malley, Sherilyn Fenn and Anthony Franciosa. It was directed by Rupert Hitzig and Jason O'Malley.-Plot:...

1990 Rocky V
Rocky V
Rocky V is an American film released as the fifth film in the Rocky series in 1990. It stars Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Stallone's real life son Sage, and real life boxer Tommy Morrison as boxer Tommy Gunn, a talented yet raw boxer...

Paulie Pennino Nominated – Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor
1991 Bright Angel
Bright Angel
Bright Angel is a 1990 film directed by Michael Fields. Although it received some critical acclaim, the film earned only $158,243 at the domestic box office.-Plot:...

1991 Americano rosso
1992 Circle of Fear Mancini
1993 Excessive Force
Excessive Force (film)
Excessive Force is a 1993 action film, written by Thomas Ian Griffith and Burt Young, directed by Jon Hess.-Plot:Terry and his two partners from the Chicago special investigation police squad are engaged in war against Chicago's mafia boss, DiMarco . Despite many attempts to jail him, he always...

Sal DiMarco
1995 Opposite Corners Direct-to-video
1997 She's So Lovely
She's So Lovely
She's So Lovely is a 1997 film directed by Nick Cassavetes, written by the late John Cassavetes. At the time of its release, it received special attention because, eight years after his death, it was the first film to posthumously feature new material from John Cassavetes.The film stars Sean Penn...

1997 Kicked in the Head
Kicked in the Head
Kicked in the Head were a ska punk band founded in Boston, Massachusetts in the mid-1990s. They appeared on the Warped Tour in 1998 and opening for the band The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Kicked in the Head disbanded in 2005. Known for Halloween shows with Big D and The Kids Table....

1997 The Deli JC
1997 Heaven Before I Die Pollof Direct-to-video
1997 The Undertaker's Wedding Alberto Direct-to-video
1999 Mickey Blue Eyes
Mickey Blue Eyes
Mickey Blue Eyes is a 1999 film directed by Kelly Makin. Hugh Grant stars as Michael Felgate, an English auctioneer living in New York City who becomes entangled in his soon-to-be father in-law's mafia connections...

Vito Graziosi
1999 Loser Love Sydney Delacroix
2000 The Florentine Joe McCollough
2000 Very Mean Men Dominic Piazza
2000 Blue Moon Bobby
2000 Table One Frankie Chips Direct-to-video
2002 The Adventures of Pluto Nash
The Adventures of Pluto Nash
The Adventures of Pluto Nash is a 2002 science fiction comedy film directed by Ron Underwood and starring Eddie Murphy as the owner of a lunar nightclub investigating who was behind the arson that destroyed his club...

2002 Checkout Uncle Louie
2002 Kiss the Bride
Kiss the Bride (2002 film)
Kiss the Bride is a 2002 film about an Italian family, directed by Vanessa Parise.-Plot:The story centers around a traditional Italian-American family with four daughters with completely different personalities. Danni, one of the sisters, is about to be the first of the sisters to walk down the...

Santo Sposato
2003 Crooked Line Mike Ameche
2004 The Wager Jack Stockman
2005 Land of Plenty
Land of Plenty (2004 film)
Land of Plenty is a 2004 drama film directed by Wim Wenders starring Michelle Williams and John Diehl. The title of the film comes from the song "The Land of Plenty", written by Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson, which was used in the movie.-Plot:...

2005 Carlito's Way: Rise to Power
Carlito's Way: Rise to Power
Carlito's Way: Rise to Power is a 2005 direct-to-video prequel to Brian De Palma's 1993 film Carlito's Way, based on the novel Carlito's Way by Judge Edwin Torres...

Artie Bottolota, Sr. Direct-to-video
2005 Shut Up and Kiss Me
Shut Up and Kiss Me (film)
Shut Up and Kiss Me is a 2004 romantic comedy film starring Christopher Daniel Barnes, Kristin Richardson, Krista Allen and Brad Rowe. It was written by Steven Chase and Howard Flamm and directed by Gary Brockette.-Plot:...

Vincent Bublioni
2005 Transamerica
Transamerica (film)
Transamerica is a 2005 independent comedy-drama film produced by IFC Films and The Weinstein Company. The film tells the story of Bree, a transsexual woman , who goes on a road trip with her long-lost son Toby ....

2006 RevoLOUtion: The Transformation of Lou Benedetti
RevoLOUtion: The Transformation of Lou Benedetti
RevoLOUtion: The Transformation of Lou Benedetti is a fictional dramedy co-written by Deer Hunter writer Quinn Redeker, with a theme by Rocky composer Bill Conti....

2006 Nicky's Game
Nicky's Game
Nicky’s Game is an American short film, originally developed and produced as an independent television pilot, based on Peter Alson’s New York Times Best Seller "Confessions of an Ivy League Bookie". The film was shot in 16mm on location in New York City and premiered in 2005 at the inaugural New...

Leo Singer Short film
2006 Rocky Balboa
Rocky Balboa (film)
Rocky Balboa is the sixth and final film in the Rocky franchise, directed by and starring Sylvester Stallone. The film, which was also written by Stallone who plays underdog boxer Rocky Balboa, is the sixth film in the Rocky series that began with the Academy Award-winning Rocky thirty years...

Paulie Pennino
2007 Blue Lake Massacre Pops
2007 Downtown: A Street Tale
Downtown: A Street Tale
Downtown: A Street Tale is a 2004 American drama film.Its focus is on a group of teenagers and twentysomethings living in the basement of an abandoned factory on 10th Avenue in Manhattan...

2007 Go Go Tales
Go Go Tales
Go Go Tales is an independent 2007 film by Abel Ferrara. It was screened out of competition at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.It stars Willem Dafoe as a strip club owner and co-stars Bob Hoskins...

2007 Oliviero Rising
Oliviero Rising
-Plot:A man in a mining town in the United States has a problem with priapism and goes to Italy to deal with it and his sick uncle.-Principal cast:...

2007 The Hideout Mueller
2007 Hack!
Hack! (film)
Hack! is a 2007 American horror film directed and written by Matt Flynn. In this movie, a bunch of kids go on a school field trip, and end up walking onto the set of a snuff film.The film was released in the UK on 20 July 2007.- Cast and characters :...

J. T. Bates Direct-to-video
2008 Carnera: The Walking Mountain Lou Serosi
2009 New York, I Love You
New York, I Love You
New York, I Love You is a 2009 romance film released in the United States on October 16, 2009. From the producer of Paris, je t'aime, it stars an ensemble cast, among them Bradley Cooper, Shia LaBeouf, Natalie Portman, Anton Yelchin, Hayden Christensen, Orlando Bloom, Irrfan Khan, Rachel Bilson,...

2010 Kingshighway Mario Capriolini
2011 Win Win
Win Win (film)
Win Win is a 2011 American sports comedy-drama film directed by Thomas McCarthy. Based on the story written by Joe Tiboni and Thomas McCarthy, it stars Paul Giamatti, Alex Shaffer and Amy Ryan.-Plot:...

Leo Poplar
2012 Asleep at the Wheel Judge Pre-production


Year Title Role Notes
1973 The Connection Ernie TV movie
1973 M*A*S*H (1973) Lieutenant Willis Episode: "L.I.P. (Local Indigenous Personnel)"
1974 The Great Niagara Ace Tully TV movie
1975 Hustling Gustavino TV movie
1976 The Rockford Files
The Rockford Files
The Rockford Files is an American television drama series which aired on the NBC network between September 13, 1974 and January 10, 1980. It has remained in regular syndication to the present day. The show stars James Garner as Los Angeles-based private investigator Jim Rockford and features Noah...

Stuart Gaily Episode: "The Family Hour"
1975-1976 Baretta
Baretta is an American detective television series which ran on ABC from 1975 to 1978. The show was a milder version of a successful 1973–74 ABC series, Toma, starring Tony Musante as chameleon-like, real-life New Jersey police officer David Toma...

Johnny Checco 3 episodes
1976 Serpico
Serpico (TV series)
Serpico is a short-lived American crime drama series that aired on NBC between September 1976 and February 1977. The series was based on the novel by Peter Maas and the 1973 film of the same name that starred Al Pacino in the title role...

Alec Rosen Episode: "The Deadly Game"
1976 Woman of the Year Ralph Rodino TV movie
1978 Daddy, I Don't Like It Like This Rocco Agnelli TV movie
1980 Murder Can Hurt You
Murder Can Hurt You
Murder Can Hurt You is a 1980 ABC television movie that parodies detective and police TV shows of the 1960s and '70s, much like the way Murder by Death made fun of literary detectives...

Lt. Palumbo TV movie
1983 You and Me Kid
You and Me Kid
You and Me Kid is an American children's television series which premiered on The Disney Channel on April 18, 1983. The series was hosted by Sonny Melendrez who was joined by the You and Me Players...

TV series
1984 Miami Vice
Miami Vice
Miami Vice is an American television series produced by Michael Mann for NBC. The series starred Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas as two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami. It ran for five seasons on NBC from 1984–1989...

Lupo Ramirez Episode: "Give a Little, Take a Little"
1985 A Summer to Remember Fidel Fargo TV movie
1985 The Equalizer
The Equalizer
The Equalizer is an American television series that ran for four seasons, initially on CBS, between 1985 and 1989. It starred Edward Woodward as an aging New York vigilante with a mysterious past...

Louie Ganucci Episode: "The Confirmation Day"
1987 Roomies Nick Chase 8 episodes
1992 The Final Contract TV movie
1992 Tales from the Crypt
Tales from the Crypt (TV series)
Tales from the Crypt, sometimes titled HBO's Tales from the Crypt, is an American horror anthology television series that ran from 1989 to 1996 on the premium cable channel HBO...

Gambler Episode: "Split Personality"
1993 Double Deception Zimmer TV movie
1994 Columbo Mo Weinberg Episode: "Undercover"
1994 Crocodile Shoes Lou Benedetti TV miniseries
1995 Bless This House
Bless This House (US TV series)
Bless This House was an American CBS sitcom which starred Andrew Dice Clay and Cathy Moriarty.-Cast:* Andrew Dice Clay as Burt Clayton* Cathy Moriarty as Alice Clayton* Raegan Kotz as Danny Clayton* Sam Gifaldi as Sean Clayton* Molly Price as Phyllis...

Mr. Riveto Episode: "The Postman Always Moves Twice"
1996-1997 Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger is an American television action crime drama series created by Leslie Greif and Paul Haggis, and starring Chuck Norris as a member of the Texas Ranger Division. The show aired on CBS in the spring of 1993, with the first season consisting of three pilot episodes. Eight full...

Jack "Soldier" Belmond 2 episodes
1997 The Last Don
The Last Don
The Last Don is a novel by Mario Puzo, best known as the author of The Godfather.The story alternates between the movie industry and the Las Vegas casinos, showing how the Mafia is linked to them both.-Plot:...

Virginio Ballazzo TV miniseries
1997 Law & Order
Law & Order
Law & Order is an American police procedural and legal drama television series, created by Dick Wolf and part of the Law & Order franchise. It aired on NBC, and in syndication on various cable networks. Law & Order premiered on September 13, 1990, and completed its 20th and final season on May 24,...

Lewis Darnell Episode: "Mad Dog"
1997 Before Women Had Wings
Before Women Had Wings
Before Women Had Wings is a 1997 television film, based on the story by Connie May Fowler about a mother whose abusive husband commits suicide, and she starts to violently abuse her two daughters...

Louis Ippolito TV movie
1998 Greener Fields Gallagher TV movie
2001 The Sopranos
The Sopranos
The Sopranos is an American television drama series created by David Chase that revolves around the New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the often conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads...

Bobby "Bacala" Baccalieri, Sr. Episode: "Another Toothpick"
2002 Alternate Realities Frank TV series
2003 The Handler
The Handler (TV series)
The Handler is a crime series created by Canadian writer-producer Chris Haddock, airing in the United States on CBS in the 2003-04 season. The show starred Joe Pantoliano as Joe Renato, an FBI agent assigned to train and handle young undercover officers in the FBI. Other cast members included...

Dino Mantoni Episode: "Bruno Comes Back"
2009 Law & Order: SVU Eddy Mack Episode: "Snatched
Snatched is a 1973 American TV crime film directed by Sutton Roley. It stars Howard Duff, John Saxon, Barbara Parkins, Robert Reed and Leslie Nielsen.-Plot:...


External links

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