Bregman method
Bregman's method is an iterative algorithm to solve certain convex optimization problems. The algorithm is a row-action method accessing constraint functions one by one and the method is particularly suited for large optimization problems where constraints can be efficiently enumerated.
The algorithm starts with a pair of primal and dual variables. Then, for each constraint a generalized projection
onto its feasible set is performed, updating both the constraint's dual variable and all primal variables for which there are non-zero coefficients in the constraint functions gradient. In case the objective is strictly convex and all constraint functions are convex, the limit of this iterative projection converges to the optimal primal dual pair.
The method has links to the method of multipliers and dual ascent method and multiple generalizations exist.
One drawback of the method is that it is only provably convergent if the objective function is strictly convex. In case this can not be ensured, as for linear programs or non-strictly convex quadratic programs, additional methods such as proximal methods have been developed.
The algorithm starts with a pair of primal and dual variables. Then, for each constraint a generalized projection
Bregman divergence
In mathematics, the Bregman divergence or Bregman distance is similar to a metric, but does not satisfy the triangle inequality nor symmetry. There are two ways in which Bregman divergences are important. Firstly, they generalize squared Euclidean distance to a class of distances that all share...
onto its feasible set is performed, updating both the constraint's dual variable and all primal variables for which there are non-zero coefficients in the constraint functions gradient. In case the objective is strictly convex and all constraint functions are convex, the limit of this iterative projection converges to the optimal primal dual pair.
The method has links to the method of multipliers and dual ascent method and multiple generalizations exist.
One drawback of the method is that it is only provably convergent if the objective function is strictly convex. In case this can not be ensured, as for linear programs or non-strictly convex quadratic programs, additional methods such as proximal methods have been developed.