band Incubus
Boyd graduated from Calabasas High School
with Mike Einziger and Jose Pasillas in 1994 and attended Moorpark College
for two years before committing to Incubus.
Brandon grew up in Calabasas, CA with Ricky Taylor who inspired him to write music. His parents, Dolly and Charles Boyd, both of whom had experience in entertainment
, had nurtured his artistic side since he was a child
"She is a girl so I wouldn’t slap her. I would lock her in a room full of spiders and let her think about what she’s doing to the youth of America."
"The girl I find who wants to talk about quantum theory in a bar is the one I want to marry."
"Female artists are the perfect example of a creator: They know how to make life and art with their bodies. Life comes from their bodies, so on a very basic level, they have more to write about."
"Men have a lot less to write about, unless you're somebody like Tom Waits or John Lennon. And the female voice is much more suited to melody. Men have this barky thing-we're domesticated apes with a microphone."
"I learned from a very young age that if I pursued the things that truly excited me, that they would reward in more important ways, like happiness."
"We don't know much about him. We do know that he came from a sperm meeting an egg. Actually, his name is Charles Mulholland. We don't know what he does, but he sure looks like he knows something."
"She has a fascination with Mayan prophecies, and she's writing a book that's sort of her remembrance of her past incarnation. Whatever she applies herself to, she makes it this beautiful, glorious world around her. All of us kids have always been artistic because of her influence."
"When we're making music together, it's like five men making love-in a very platonic sense. It's very erotic, because your spirits are intermingling, you're becoming one. It's also why it can get so heated. You're tapping into this electricity that's very primal."
"Jose just got a tattoo of an ass tattooed on his ass the other day. It's actually quite fascinating. Confusing, but fascinating. When you come to the show, ask him about it. He'll show you."