Blueberry Tea (cocktail)
The Blueberry Tea is a cocktail
A cocktail is an alcoholic mixed drink that contains two or more ingredients—at least one of the ingredients must be a spirit.Cocktails were originally a mixture of spirits, sugar, water, and bitters. The word has come to mean almost any mixed drink that contains alcohol...

 made from tea
Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by adding cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant to hot water. The term also refers to the plant itself. After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world...

 and liqueur
A liqueur is an alcoholic beverage that has been flavored with fruit, herbs, nuts, spices, flowers, or cream and bottled with added sugar. Liqueurs are typically quite sweet; they are usually not aged for long but may have resting periods during their production to allow flavors to marry.The...

s. It is served hot, and could be considered a variant on the hot toddy
Hot toddy
A hot toddy is a mixed drink, usually including alcohol, that is served hot. Hot toddies are traditionally drunk before going to bed, or in wet or cold weather...

. Its name derives from its fruity taste, which some compare to blueberries
Blueberries are flowering plants of the genus Vaccinium with dark-blue berries and are perennial...



Blueberry Tea is usually served in a brandy snifter, to concentrate and hold the alcohol fumes released by the tea's heat. Ingredients are typically
  • 1 oz. Grand Marnier
    Grand Marnier
    Grand Marnier is a liqueur created in 1880 by Alexandre Marnier-Lapostolle. It is made from a blend of true cognacs and distilled essence of bitter orange. Grand Marnier is 40% alcohol . It is produced in several varieties, most of which can be consumed "neat" as a digestif and can be used in...

  • 1 oz. Amaretto
    Amaretto is an Italian sweet almond-flavoured liqueur. It is made from a base of apricot or almond pits, sometimes both.-Etymology:The name is a diminutive of the Italian amaro, meaning "bitter," indicating the distinctive flavour lent by the mandorla amara--the bitter almond or the drupe kernel...

  • Hot Orange pekoe
    Orange Pekoe
    Orange pekoe , also spelled "pecco" is a term used in the Western tea trade to describe a particular genre of black teas . Despite a purported Chinese origin, these grading terms are typically used for teas from Sri Lanka, India and countries other than China; they are not generally known within...

     tea to taste.

Preparation is simple -- Add both liqueurs to the snifter and then fill with hot tea to taste. Swaddle the brandy snifter in serviettes or a cloth to protect the hands. Some suggest a sugared rim, or adding sugar to the tea, or a lemon garnish.


  • Blueberry Tea, made with Earl Grey tea
    Earl Grey tea
    Earl Grey tea is a tea blend with a distinctive flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit....

    instead of Orange pekoe.
  • Blueberry Tea, an alternate version made with actual blueberry fruit tea or other herbal tea, and less Grand Marnier
  • Full Moon #2, Blueberry Tea without the tea
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