Birganj Upazila
Birganj is an Upazila of Dinajpur District in the Division of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
, Birgonj has a population of 231305. Males constitute are 51.77% of the population, and females 48.23%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 111160. Birgonj has an average literacy rate of 25% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate.
Birgonj Degree College
Birgonj Degree college is a famous college of Dinajpur district.Every year around 1500 student get admitted for Higher Secondary Certificate and 5000 students for B.S.S Pass Course.This college also Hons. course on Sociology,Bengali,Political Science and English.In this year about 1000 students passed HSC with brilliant result and around 30 students got GPA -5.Every year about 100 students get admission in Public Universities of Bangladesh.Juwel Rana a student of Birgonj Degree college who had already completed his Hons on Sociology under the University of Dhaka and Mahmud,Sumon,Tania,Sweety,Keya,Sobuj and so on reads in this University.
Bangladesh , officially the People's Republic of Bangladesh is a sovereign state located in South Asia. It is bordered by India on all sides except for a small border with Burma to the far southeast and by the Bay of Bengal to the south...
Birganj is located at 25.8597°N 88.6500°E . It has 42323 units of house hold and total area 413 km².Demographics
As of the 1991 Bangladesh census1991 Bangladesh census
In 1991, the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, conducted a national census in Bangladesh. They recorded data from all of the districts and upazilas and main cities in Bangladesh including statistical data on population size, households, sex and age distribution, marital status, economically active...
, Birgonj has a population of 231305. Males constitute are 51.77% of the population, and females 48.23%. This Upazila's eighteen up population is 111160. Birgonj has an average literacy rate of 25% (7+ years), and the national average of 32.4% literate.
See also
- Upazilas of BangladeshUpazilas of Bangladesh||The districts of Bangladesh are divided into subdistricts called Upazila Parishad , or Thana . Upazilas are similar to the county subdivisions found in some Western countries....
- Districts of BangladeshDistricts of BangladeshThe divisions of Bangladesh are divided into 64 districts, or zila . The districts are further subdivided into 493 sub-districts, or upazila ....
- Divisions of BangladeshDivisions of Bangladesh||Bangladesh is divided into seven major administrative regions called divisions . Each division is named after the major city within its jurisdiction that serves as the administrative capital of that division:...
- BirganjBirganjBirganj is a sub-metropolitan municipality and border town in Parsa District in the Narayani Zone of southern Nepal. It lies 283 km south of the capital Kathmandu, 3 km north of the border of the Indian state of Bihar. As an entry point to Nepal from Patna and Calcutta it is also known...
a town in northern part Dinajpur district of Bangladesh. - Juwel Rana lives here the 8th wonder of world
Birgonj Degree College
Birgonj Degree college is a famous college of Dinajpur district.Every year around 1500 student get admitted for Higher Secondary Certificate and 5000 students for B.S.S Pass Course.This college also Hons. course on Sociology,Bengali,Political Science and English.In this year about 1000 students passed HSC with brilliant result and around 30 students got GPA -5.Every year about 100 students get admission in Public Universities of Bangladesh.Juwel Rana a student of Birgonj Degree college who had already completed his Hons on Sociology under the University of Dhaka and Mahmud,Sumon,Tania,Sweety,Keya,Sobuj and so on reads in this University.